Part 2 Puppy Love

时间:2022-09-06 10:34:20


Tina: Now that was an awesome party!

Ike: It was beyond awesome! It was 1)epic! Whoever had the idea to throw a rock-star themed 2)rager is a party genius!

Tina: Maybe we could host a party of our own.

Ike: Yeah we could! This place could handle 30-40 people easy.

Tina: ①And I could think of a dozen or so themes right off the top of my head.

Ike: Who should we invite?

Tina: Obviously my 3)BFF Gina. OMG, I gotta text her with some of my theme ideas, like 4)Avant Garde or 70s.

Ike: Maybe we could invite a few professors, and make it more a 5)upscale kind of 6)soiree.

Tina: I like where you’re going with this.

Ike: ②I’m digging where this is going too.

Tina: Are you talking about the party? Or...

Ike: ③I’m talking about all sorts of things I’m loving right now. And you are the crème de la crème .

Tina: Tell me how much you love me.

Ike: Hmmm...Let me 7)contemplate on that for a second. I uh...

Tina: C’mon! Is it so hard?

Ike: I just wanna say this without you taking it the wrong way.

Tina: What am I gonna take the wrong way?

Ike: Nothing. I just, you know, like what we’ve got going on right now between us, and I don’t want things to change.

Tina: Me too. I just love you too much I guess, is that it? Or maybe you don’t love me at all?

Ike: I love being with you, baby. I just don’t know anything about love at all. I think I might love you. Is that close enough?

Tina: ④When you’re in love, you know it straight away. Like love at first sight.

Ike: Tina, we are not caught up in some 8)rom-com here.

Tina: ⑤But we’ve reached that point in the relationship when it’s time to 9)sift through all our 10)baggage and figure out, when push comes to shove, what we both want.

Ike: ⑥Why do we need to put a label or a definition on everything?

Tina: ⑦I’m not asking for the moon here.

Ike: I don’t know what you want me to tell you.

Tina: Grrrr...Getting you to discuss our relationship is always like pulling teeth.

Ike: I just don’t like publicizing my feelings for the world to see!

Tina: I couldn’t care less about what most people think, but my family and friends are always asking about my plans for the future, and if I see you as a part of those plans. They wanna know if you’re in it for the long haul. And, quite honestly, I never know what to tell them.

Ike: Do I make you happy?

Tina: You know you do. Most of the time...

Ike: Well, you make me happier than I ever thought possible. You know I had a rough childhood, and you’re one of the few people I ever told about how bad it got back in the 11)ghetto.

Tina: Well, I never expected to find a fellow 12)juvie kid at such a 13)prestigious university.

Ike: I...Maybe us meeting was fate after all. Cuz I, sure as hell, never expected to fall in love with some girl I found cheating off me in history class. Tina: I told you I wasn’t chea...You fell in love with me?

Ike: I did. I mean, I do. Love you. I―love you.

Tina: Aw, Okay. I love you too. But the question remains: How much do you love me?

Ike: I―Grrrrrrrr...

Smart Sentences① And I could think of a dozen or so themes right off the top of my head.我能够马上想到一大堆的派对主题。

off the top of one’s head: say sth. without thinking about it for very long or thinking thoroughly(不假思索地,信口)。例如:

I could only tell you the name of the professor, but not the course, off the top of my head.


② I’m digging where this is going too.我也喜欢现在的进展情况。

dig: like, enjoy, slang(喜爱,欣赏;俚语)。例如:

Everyone in our dorm was really digging the music last night.


③ I’m talking about all sorts of things I’m loving right now. And you are the crème de la crème. 我在说我现在喜欢的所有事情。你是我的最爱。

crème de la crème: the very best of their kind(精华,最好的部分)。例如:

Students who graduate from top universities are not necessarily the crème de la crème.


④ When you’re in love, you know it straight away. 当你恋爱时,你会马上知道。

straight away: immediately and without delay(马上,立刻)。例如:

When I saw that so-called imperial table from the Qing Dynasty, I knew it was a fake straight away.


⑤ But we’ve reached that point in the relationship when it’s time to sift through all our baggage and figure out, when push comes to shove, what we both want. 但是我们的关系已经到了丢下一切包袱,找出彼此共同点的紧要关头。

when push comes to shove: when the situation gets difficult or critical(在紧要关头,在紧急时刻)。例如:

Bill always fails to deliver when push comes to shove.每到紧要关头,比尔总是不能有好的表现。

⑥ Why do we need to put a label or a definition on everything? 为什么我们要给每一样东西定性呢?

put a label or definition on sth.: identify or classify sth. with a label(给某事贴上标签或分类)。例如:

Ellie is a very sentimental girl and would not put a label on things.


⑦ I’m not asking for the moon here. 我的要求不过分。

ask for the moon: make an unreasonable demand, request the unattainable(要求得到得不到的东西,过分的要求)。例如:

$5,000 a month for your qualifications and as a receptionist? You are asking for the moon.


上一篇:校本教研引领教师有效成长 下一篇:优秀教师评选需要教师平时做好“三项修炼”