
时间:2022-09-06 12:23:15


根据欧睿信息咨询有限公司(Euromonitor International)的最新调研,消费者健康意识的增强正在推动全球化妆品行业的创新。

在过去的5年中,全世界消费者的健康意识大大地增强了,这主要是由于媒体对健康问题的不断聚焦以及政府方面对健康专案的投资增加。很清楚,消费者对健康状况的日益关心明显影响了诸如包装食品和非处方药(OTC)保健市场,然而,Euromonitor International发现这也成为了一个对化妆品市场发展越来越有影响力的因素。



事态在去年有了进一步发展。受消费者日益热衷于协调食疗与美容趋势的鼓舞,欧莱雅(L'Oréal)和宝洁(Procter & Gamble)公司分别与雀巢(Nestlé)和Pharmavite公司建立联盟以扩大OTC健康食品生产。宝洁和Pharmavite联手推出了玉兰油(Olay)维生素补充剂,雀巢、欧莱雅也宣布即将联手推出活肤锭(Innéov Fermeté,一种抗衰老药方)。更近的消息,本月的角色有些颠倒,位于海峡群岛根西岛的针对英国市场的维他命邮购供应商――Healthspan,推出了面向45至60岁女性的一组专用的化妆品和护肤品。



Euromonitor International预计这种发展情况会越来越普遍。化妆品分析师卡林・皮耶(Karine Peyre)评论说:“在Euromonitor我们看到交叉市场发展的潜力开始增长。一部分是因为许多保健品领域的撤销管制使消费者越来越熟悉更多种类的OTC产品。另外媒体对健康问题的深度聚焦也非常重要,因为这不断地改进消费者的健康意识并激发他们更强的兴趣。”

Euromonitor International提出,化妆品特别是护肤品领域技术的日益尖端以及更明确的面向消费群体,都会增强这种交叉发展的可能性。Karine Peyre解释说:“当生产商推出针对特定群体的产品,他们就越来越集中精力于特殊问题,比如衰老或者敏感肌肤的结果。因此,药用和化妆用的界线就随着更先进产品的开发而变得模糊。” (欧睿信息咨询有限公司Euromonitor供稿)


Euromonitor International的研究表明,美国消费者越来越相信美从“健康”开始,所以这一趋势在美国市场很普遍。零售商越来越多地把他们的美容产品和非美容品联系起来,把健康产品比如维他命定位于接近化妆品。制造商则推出系列化妆品并声称具有某些OTC产品的功效,就像萨利・汉森(Sally Hansen)的“迅速完美地恢复美丽”(Healing Beauty Fast and Flawless)美容品,其中一些产品以含有抗皱和治痤疮成分为特色。很明显,对于这些与健康有关的化妆品,现在一般都含有维他命,并且越来越多含有天然草本精华的化妆品,市场需求强劲。


欲了解更多信息,请联系欧睿信息咨询(上海)有限公司info@euromonitor.省略, 021-63352808

Increasing interest in health and wellness drives innovation in cosmetics and toiletries - 11 Jan 2005

The rise in consumer health awareness is driving innovation in the global cosmetics and toiletries industry, according to the latest research from Euromonitor International.

Over the last five years, consumer health awareness has increased significantly around the world, thanks largely to a growing focus on health issues in the media and an increasing investment in health initiatives on the part of governments. While it is clear that increasing consumer concerns for health and wellness have obvious repercussions for markets such as packaged food and over-the-counter (OTC) healthcare, Euromonitor International has also found that it has become an increasingly influential factor in the cosmetics and toiletries market.

Over the course of the last decade, cosmetics and toiletries manufacturers have taken advantage of the burgeoning global health and wellness trend by launching a plethora of hair care and skin care products containing a variety of vitamins, to the extent that vitamin-enriched products are now mainstream.

Health and beauty - one and the same?

Things went a step further last year when L'Oréal and Procter & Gamble forged joint ventures with Nestlé and Pharmavite respectively to expand into OTC dietary supplements, encouraged by trends indicating that consumers are increasingly keen to co-ordinate health regimens with beauty practices. The Nestlé/L'Oréal joint venture heralded the launch of Innéov Fermeté (an anti-ageing formula), while Procter & Gamble and Pharmavite jointly launched Olay Vitamins. More recently, this month roles were reversed somewhat as Healthspan, a Guernsey-based mail order vitamin supplier for the UK market, launched a dedicated range of make-up and skin care products which target women aged between 45 and 60.

Blurring the line between cosmetics and medicine

Euromonitor International expects that these developments will become increasingly common. Karine Peyre, cosmetics and toiletries analyst at Euromonitor International, comments, "At Euromonitor we see that the potential for cross-market development is set to increase. This is due in part to the deregulation of many healthcare sectors, which has made consumers increasingly familiar with a wider range of OTC products. Intense media focus on health issues is also crucial, as this is continually refining consumer health awareness and stimulating increased interest."

Euromonitor International suggests that the likelihood of such developments will be bolstered by the increasing technological sophistication of cosmetics and toiletries products, particularly in sectors such as skin care, and by the more explicit targeting of consumer groups. Karine Peyre explains, "As manufacturers introduce products aimed at specific groups, they are increasingly focusing on addressing specific matters such as the effects of ageing or sensitive skin. Consequently as more advanced products are developed the line between medical and cosmetic application becomes blurred."

USA cosmetics and toiletries market key

Euromonitor International's research shows that this trend is widespread in the US market, as US consumers are becoming increasingly convinced that beauty starts with "wellness". Retailers are increasingly linking their beauty lines to non-beauty products, positioning health products, like vitamins, in close proximity to cosmetics. Manufacturers for their part are introducing cosmetic lines that tout claims often found in OTC products, like Sally Hansen's Healing Beauty Fast and Flawless make-up line, with products featuring anti-wrinkling and acne-fighting ingredients. The market is clearly strong for cosmetics and toiletries products that associate themselves with wellness, with many lines now routinely infused with vitamins and increasingly with natural and herbal extracts.

上一篇:对症美容新理念 下一篇:名牌化妆品看在杭市场州