
时间:2022-09-04 11:03:18


摘 要 为适应构建现代职教体系的要求,提升职业院校评估指标体系的科学性和系统性,在学校教育评估“六维基本元”理论的指导

>> 地方高等职业院校促进社区教育发展的指标体系构建研究 会计类教育网站质量评估指标体系基本框架 构建金融支持农业发展绩效四维评价指标体系 排水管网规划评价指标体系构建及分形维数应用 企业社会责任指标体系构建的五维模型 职业院校岗位绩效考核指标体系的设计研究 职业院校培训工作评价指标体系的思考和探索 江苏基本实现现代化指标体系的构建思路 基本建设项目风险评价指标体系的构建 如何在城镇职工基本医疗保险中构建统计指标体系 我国城乡基本公共服务均等化水平评价指标体系的构建 基于平衡计分卡的六西格玛项目选择指标体系构建 中部六省自主创新能力评价指标体系的构建 职业院校实训教学备课应把握六个基本环节 维稳视角下新疆兵团绩效评价指标体系研究 保基本原则下的总额控制指标体系 高等院校科研平台综合能力评估指标体系构建 科学构建高职院校二级学院学生工作绩效评估指标体系 职业学校应重视绩效评估指标体系的构建 我国职业足球俱乐部商誉价值评估指标体系构建研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.




Research on the Construction of Education Evaluation Index System for Vocational Schools

from the Perspective of “Six-dimension Basic Units” Theory

Li Yu

Abstract In order to adapt to the requirements for constructing modern vocational education system and improve the scientificity and systematization of evaluation index system for vocational schools, we construct a new evaluation system from the perspective of the “six-dimension basic units” theory. Constructing evaluation system is followed the principles of focusing on the characteristics of vocational education, relying on multiple subjects and highlighting the characteristics of vocational education and the convenience to use. The evaluation system includes six basic units, namely education orientation, education management, education insurance, education environment, education process and education effectiveness and analyzes the connotation of secondary indexes corresponded by six aspects.

Key words six-dimension basic units; vocational schools; evaluation index system

Author Li Yu, research associate of Shanghai City Education Evaluation Institute(Shanghai 200031)

上一篇:农药市场短期筑底 新驱动力量正在形成 下一篇:对涉农专项资金管理存在问题及解决办法的思考