
时间:2022-08-29 08:48:48


Extra Movie Glamour

By Darren Snow

I was sleeping. Someone was shouting.

"Darren - You awake?!"

"Now, yeah."

"Can we use your computer?"

A new Chinese movie needed extras. I dragged myself out of bed and next door to Richard and Alan's house, so they could e-mail photos and CVs.

"You might as well throw in a CV while we're at it, eh?"

Thus a very ragged photo of myself, bestubbled and far too recently out of bed - backed up by a glittering CV of imagined movie experience - was sent off with those of my two actor friends for approval. That evening Richard got a call. We were in. 8 am at the Hyatt.

I went to bed late that night. How hard could standing around in the background really be? At 7.30 am we trundled, hungover, into a Xaili and headed to the hotel. A girl met us at the lobby and directed us to a room on the eleventh floor. Inside was a makeshift office. There was an enormous map of Beijing with locations marked, a flurry of Chinese people shifting between Mandarin, Cantonese and English and a small table with two bewildered looking foreigners eating breakfast. It was explained that four of us were a band. The other foreigner was to be a sleazy producer who seduces the heroine of the film with promises of stardom. Always fun reaffirming clichés of the foreign devil.

We had been told to dress in 80s' style, but it quickly emerged that Chinese ideas of western dress at that time were rather different to ours. The Costume coordinator arrived with a nervous young assistant, who appeared to have absolutely no function whatsoever. We were hurried in and out of the bathroom trying on ①a succession of huge woolly jumpers and absurdly tight polo necked sweaters. Alan was given a massive leather jacket straight out of Shaft. We looked wonderful, we looked absolutely ridiculous. We couldn't look at each other without laughing. Costumes were complete.

We were ushered back down to the lobby, then out to a bus where we joined the Chinese extras.The bus crossed the city to another hotel. The camera was being set up outside. A crew of thirty was watching this happen, apparently with no discernable tasks of their own. A succession of people - the girl organising us, the assistant director, the art director, unidentified hangers on -explained to us in slightly different ways that we had to walk out the door of the hotel. A man with a rake of wavy black hair emerged from behind the camera. It was 9 am. He took a sip from his Carlsberg.

"Hi, I'm Steve. I'll be your cameraman today. Just relax and walk out of the hotel."

"What shall we say?"

"Whatever you like. Talk about football."


"Great. But talk about proper football not that American nonsense."

As we laughed together I noticed that this was one of the most famous cinematographers in Asia. He took another sip from his Carlsberg.

We entered and exited the building in a variety of ways, chatting away about proper football and the long term problems of rock megastardom. We did it again with feeling. And again. And again. The star of the film arrived and we exited while ignoring her, like the scurrilous laowai does. We were hurried to the next location.

We arrived at a park on the outskirts of town where our band were supposed to be playing a huge concert. Some food was brought out and we ate with the large crew (still with no discernable tasks) in the freezing cold. As we ate two large black cars arrived. The real producers emerged. White, middle aged and dressed entirely in black, production stayed down while they wandered around enjoying their little movie. We did some more waiting in the freezing cold.

"Are we needed yet?"

"We're not sure. Could you just ②stay close by until we know?"

The glamour of movie stardom was becoming clear. Everyone waited as the producers admired their set over lunch. Still, at least our silly costumes were warm. Finally after hours of waiting somebody worked out what was to happen. We were on. Our producer met the girl by the stage and made her promises of love and stardom. With all the acting savvy we could we walked around in the background pretending to discuss our set list. Really we were discussing Alan's need to go to the toilet, but this is the magic of film.

extra /`ekstr9/ n.(电影)临时演员

ragged /`r2Gid/ adj.粗糙的

bestubbled /b1`st7bld/ adj.脸部留有胡子茬的

glitter /`Glit9/ vi.闪闪发光

hungover /`h7G`.v9(r)/ adj.因余醉未醒感到难受的

lobby /`l4bi/ n.大厅

flurry /`fl7ri/ n.慌张;激动

mandarin /`m2nd9rin/ n.普通话

bewilder /bi`wild9/ vt.使迷惑

sleazy /`sl1zi/ adj.肮脏的;污秽的

seduce /si`d(s/ v.勾引;

heroine /`her9uin/ n.女英雄;女主人公

stardom /`st3d9m/ n.明星的地位

clich?/`kl1Hei/ n.陈词滥调

jumper /`_7mp9/ n.套头衫

usher /`7H9/ vt.引导;领引

discernable /di`s/n9bl/ adj.可辨别的;可认识的

sip /sip/ n.呷一口

cinematographer /,sinim9`t4Gr9f9/ n.电影摄影技师

scurrilous /`sk7ril9s/ adj.下流的

savvy /`s2vi/ n.实用技能;见识

① a succession of 一连串

② stay close by 呆在附近
























stand around 作者在文中前半部分中提到了一句话“How hard could standing around in the background really be?”,而其中用到了一个词组“stand around”。猛一看,可能不解其意――既然是站着了(stand),怎么还能搭配“around”呢?其实,这时的意思就发生了一点变化,它们合起来是指“光站着,无事可做”。类似的词组还有后文提到的“walk around”(溜溜达达,无事可做)。

rake 作者在形容那个电影摄影师时,用到了一个词组“a rake of hair”。其实,它是俚语用法,“a rake of hair”就是“a head of hair”。而且,这个俚语还有一层含义,即被形容的那个人的头发很多,稍微有点乱。

上一篇:饮料演绎缤纷生活 下一篇:维也纳 第3期