
时间:2022-08-22 02:16:03

问:在两者之间用between,三者以上用among。那么The old man divided his property between his three sons. 这句话中的between为什么不用among呢?


1. between一般指两个人或物的“之间”,可接复数名词或代词,也可用between... and...连接两个单数名词或代词。如:

A fight broke out between the two boys. 这两个男孩打了起来。

A fight broke out between Tom and Jack. 汤姆和杰克打了起来。

2. between也可以用于两者以上的“之间”。这时,明显存在着个与个之间的相互关系。如:

I eat nothing between meals. 我不吃零食。(即每日三餐的间隔中不吃东西)

3. between可表示“合作、协同或一起”的意义。如:

Between us we killed the wolf. 我们一起打死了那只狼。

4. 在difference之后要用between。如:

Can you tell me the difference between the words injure, harm and wound? 你能告诉我injure, harm和wound这几个词的区别吗?

5. among一般用于三者或三者以上的“在……中间”,后面接表示笼统数量或集合意义的名词或代词。例如:

There is a small hut among the trees. 在树林中有一个小茅草屋。

6. among还可以表示最高级的比较范围。例如:

Shanghai is among the biggest cities in the world. 上海是世界上最大的城市之一。(句中的among相当于one of)

7. 如果谓语动词是divide, share之类表示分、分担之类的动词时,有两种情况:

①并列的几个单数名词或代词要用between... and。如:

Share the sweets between you, Alice and Susan. 你、爱丽丝和苏珊把这些糖果分着吃吧。


The expenses on advertising and sales promotion will be shared between/among our three departments. 广告和促销的费用将由我们三个部门均摊。


问:“We haven’t enough time to do the work.”中的enough是否可以放在time之后?


He is not careful enough to do the work. 他不够细心,不能做这项工作。

He swam quickly enough to pass the test. 他游得真够快的,可以通过测试。

To be in good health, you have to sleep enough. 要保持身体健康,你就一定要睡眠充足。

注意 当enough修饰形容词而形容词又修饰名词时,要注意以下几点:

1. 被修饰的名词是单数的可数名词时,不定冠词放在名词前或形容词前均可,但放在名词前较常见。如:

She is careful enough a nurse./She is a careful enough nurse. 她是一个很细心的护士。

2. 若被修饰的名词当形容词用了,enough后置修饰该形容词性的名词,且名词前不用冠词。如:

I am not scholar enough to name this plant. 我学识不够,讲不出这个植物的名字。(scholar前不用冠词a,见《现代英语惯用法词典》P.301)

3. 若被修饰的是不可数名词,enough可置于形容词前或后,但意义不同。比较:

I need enough cold water. 我需要足够的冷水。(enough是形容词,修饰cold water)

I need cold enough water. 我需要足够冷的水。(enough是副词,修饰cold)

4. 同样,在修饰复数的可数名词时,位置不同,意义也不同。比较:

I’ve bought fresh enough grapes. 我买了足够新鲜的葡萄。

I’ve bought enough fresh grapes. 我买了足够的新鲜葡萄。



后接不定式或动名词且含义相同的常见动词有:like喜欢, love爱, hate憎恨, prefer宁可, begin开始, start开始, continue继续, can’t bear不能忍受, bother 麻烦, intend想要, attempt试图, cease停止等。例如:

When can I begin to work/working? 我什么时候能开始工作?

I like to swim/swimming, especially in the sea. 我喜欢游泳,尤其喜欢在大海中游泳。

When do you intend to leave/leaving Beijing? 你打算什么时候离开北京?


1. 当 like, love, hate, prefer与would或should连用时,其后只能接不定式。例如:

I’d like to say a few more words. 我还有几句话要说。

Would you prefer to talk here or in my office? 你愿意在这儿谈还是到我的办公室谈?

2. 当 begin, start本身是进行时态或v-ing形式的非谓语动词时,其后只能接不定式。

He is beginning to recover his strength. 他开始恢复体力了。

Starting to think, he often lights a cigarette. 在开始思考问题时,他常要点一支烟。

3. 当begin, start后接know, realize, understand, see等感觉或状态类动词时,其后只能接不定式。

He started to realize his shortcomings. 他开始认识到自己的不足。

4. 动词forget, remember, regret, mean, try, stop, can’t help, go on等后接不定式或动名词含义不同。比较:

I forgot to lock/locking the door. 我忘记要锁门。/我忘记锁了门。

I remember to call/calling you. 我记住要给你打电话。/我记得给你打过电话。

I regret to tell/telling him the bad news. 我很遗憾地告诉他这个坏消息。/我后悔告诉他这个坏消息。

I mean to get there before six. 我打算六点前到达那里。

Saying that means refusing him. 那样说就意味着拒绝他。

He tried to start/starting the car. 他试图启动汽车。/他尝试启动汽车。

He stopped to smoke/smoking. 他停下来吸烟。(不定式为目的状语)/他停止吸烟。

I can’t help (to) do/doing the housework. 我不能帮忙做家务。/我忍不住做家务。

The students went on to write/writing. 同学们接下来要写作。/同学们继续写作。

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