
时间:2022-08-14 01:59:51

2006年上映的电影《时尚女魔头》展现的是一场Logo的欢宴,时尚的视觉大餐:嘴涂Chanel唇膏,手挽Hermès包包,脚踩Manolo Blahnik高跟鞋的女郎流连于纽约街头,形成一道道夺目的风景线。但是,这部电影另外一个心照不宣的“贡献”是把一位重量级的时尚幕后推手――安娜・温图尔,美国版《Vogue》的主编,推到了幕前。看客第一次见识到时尚界的“权力”与 “权威”所在:她的一笑一颦几乎可左右一个设计师的未来;她朱唇轻启,一个“不”字就让下属战战兢兢,不知所措。





Tohe September Issue, a documentary about the creation of a single, very 1)fat issue of American Vogue in a 2)far-off 3)gilded age (i.e. 2007), has little to say about fashion, the real 4)ins and outs of publishing or the inner workings and demons of the magazine’s notoriously demanding 5)meanie-in-chief, Anna Wintour. Rather, this entertaining movie is about the maintenance of a brand that Ms. Wintour has brilliantly cultivated since she assumed her place at the top of the editorial 6)masthead in 1988 and which the documentary’s director, R. J. Cutler, has helped polish with a take so flattering he might as well work there.

To judge from the 7)flurries of behind-the-scenes evidence, however, if Mr. Cutler did work for the 8)exacting Ms. Wintour he would still be doing reshoots. Shot on digital with an eye for 9)sumptuous color by Bob Richman and briskly edited by Azin Samari, the 88-minute movie opens with Ms. Wintour explaining that “there is something about fashion that can make people very nervous.” Certainly she unnerves her staff, as you soon see from all the 10)huddled bodies and 11)popping eyes. Even the more 12)self-possessed, like Candy Pratts Price, seem 13)in the grip of awe. Is Ms. Wintour the “high priestess” of the magazine, an off-camera voice asks. “I would say pope,” Ms. Price says with a 14)queasy smile.

Many will grasp this distinction, having already watched 15)supplicants 16)kiss the ring in the 2006 film The Devil Wears Prada, with Meryl Streep as a fictionalized and Americanized version of Ms. Wintour. Etched in 17)acid and often 18)hilarious, the performance, while not wholly modeled on Ms. Wintour, helped humanize her public profile, lessening the 19)sting of the original book, written by Lauren Weisberger. The documentary continues this humanization largely by showing Ms. Wintour very hard at work, rather lonely and sensitive about her British family’s low opinion of fashion. She’s a poor little rich girl 20)swaddled in fur and iced to the bone.

She’s also pretty funny, perhaps at times accidentally so. Much of the movie’s pleasure comes from the utter ease with which Ms. Wintour plays the 21)Red Queen of fashion and orders off with their heads. In the case of the British actress 22)Sienna Miller, the cover girl for the September 2007 issue, which gives the movie its structure and hook, the head 23)in question receives the 21st-century version of a severing: it’s Photoshopped to unreal perfection. However lovely, Ms. Miller proves a problematic Vogue ideal for the editors, many of whose own faces are somewhat surprisingly 24)scored with wrinkles. It’s a mark of how pitiless Ms. Wintour can 25)come across that you end up feeling a bit sorry for Ms. Miller.

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In truth Ms. Wintour was just doing her job. Yes, there’s cruelty here, but of the most 26)attenuated kind: she says no, employees tremble. The strongest, like the flame-haired Grace Coddington, the magazine’s longtime creative director and the documentary’s hugely 27)diverting 28)stealth star, seem to have figured out how to survive with their dignity intact. Most of the truly ugly stuff in fashion―the models starving themselves and the animals inhumanely slaughtered for their fur―remains unnoted in The September Issue, much as it often does in Vogue. And while the movie 29)shuns any 30)overt discussion of money, it includes an instructive scene of Ms. Wintour playing the 31)coquette with one of the magazine’s important advertisers.

Of course it really is all about money. Despite 32)being crammed with glossy images of beautiful, weird, unattractive, ridiculous and33)prohibitively expensive clothes and accessories, Vogue isn’t about fashion: it’s about 34)stoking the desire for those clothes and accessories. It’s about the creation of lust and the transformation of wants into needs. Almost everything in this temple of consumption, including its lavish layouts and the celebrities who now most often adorn its covers, 35)hinges on stuff for sale. Some of that stuff comes with a price tag, but some of it is more 36)ephemeral because Vogue is also in the aspiration business. Mr. Cutler doesn’t notice or doesn’t care about any of that, which makes his movie as 37)facile as it is fun.

Given this, it’s no surprise that Ms. Wintour is doing her part to 38)flog the documentary: she gave a party in its honor and recently appeared on 39)David Letterman’s show, with and without her signature sunglasses, her 40)glazed stare and tight smile firmly in place. The movie affords you many opportunities to marvel at the 41)parsimony of that smile and wonder if she’s as bored as she looks, even while waiting for an 42)agitated Stefano Pilati, the creative director at 43)Yves Saint Laurent, to show his newest collection.

“That’s pretty,” she says, in a voice so 44)drained of affect it’s a wonder he doesn’t commit 45)seppuku with his scissors. You feel bad for Mr. Pilati, but it’s Ms. Wintour’s 46)hauteur that makes you laugh and keeps you willingly at her side.



很多人在2006年上演的电影《时尚女魔头》中看到那些“信徒”如何匍匐在主编脚下,那么他们会领略到这一区别――该片中梅丽尔・斯特里普饰演的角色就是虚构的美国版温图尔女士。片中对其尖锐的刻画,往往带着搞笑的效果,电影尽管不全以温图尔女士为原型,但却极大地人性化了她的公众形象,并淡化了作者劳 伦・魏丝伯格在原著中所表现出的尖锐。纪录片《九月刊》继续展现温图尔女士人性化的一面,主要表现她工作上的拼搏,同时又表现她因为英国的家人对时尚嗤之以鼻的态度而感到分外孤独和敏感忧伤。她只是一个富有却可怜的小女孩,身裹皮草却仍感到凄寒入骨。

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