
时间:2022-08-08 07:35:35












(本文摄影杨迪儿 吴钢明)

Competition of Yue Opera Fans

Wang Chen, Our Special Reporter

Zhuji, a city in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, is historically known for two things: it was the capital of the Yue Kingdom of the Warring States (475-221 B.C.) and it was the hometown of Xishi, a legendary beauty who helped the Yue State to rise again and revenge its archrival the Wu State 20 years after it was defeated by the Wu State.

Recently, Zhuji Tourism Administration, Zhejiang TV and Cultural Dialogue jointly hosted a Yuejue Opera singing competition among Yuejue Opera aficionados in Zhuji.

The cultural event attracted more than 100 fans. After preliminary contests in singing sessions, 12 finalists were chosen.

The finals were held in three parts and four contestants attended each. The jury consisted of famed Yueju Opera artists who are winners of national Plum Flowers award, the country’s top honor for opera artists. The finals were all documented by Zhejiang Satellite TV.

Zhu Zhide was the only male of the 12 finalists. He drew much attention for his performance and singing. The juror Qian Huili spoke highly of Zhu’s accomplishment and commented on the fact that men were quite rare in both professional andYueju Opera practices. Zhang Huanqing was the winner of the finals. The jury agreed that her performance and singing were almost professional.

During the two-day finals, finalists enjoyed their Yueju Opera performances on the stage and the audiences also had a great time. The celebrated jurors also attracted fans. Some of the audiences came simply to see the jurors.

A manager with the Zhejiang Satellite TV noted that this Yueju Opera contest in Zhuji was by far the best and most successful compared with similar shows held in other parts of the province. Zhang Huanqing was proud of the winning. She said in an interview with a journalist of Zhuji Daily that she believed she gave more of herself to the Yueju Opera than the rest of the finalists and that she thought her dedication worthwhile because she really loved Yueju Opera.

(Translated by David)

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