
时间:2022-06-16 07:26:37










Village Woman Promotes Ethnic Culture

By Yan Lingzhu

Ten years ago, few heard of Lan Yanlan, an ordinary woman in the village of Dongnong, Hexi Town in Jingning, an autonomous She Ethnic County in southern Zhejiang. Nowadays the village woman has become widely known as an enthusiastic champion of the ethnic She culture. She is not only a master of homemade colored woven ribbons but also a singer of rural folksongs.

Lan Yanlan developed a passion for making woven belts at 7. She acquired two valuable things for her life from her grandmother. She learned how to weave belts and learned the folksongs her grandmother hummed while weaving. Today, her notebooks are a treasure of 5,000 ethic She folk songs. The She minority people are fond of singing on various important occasions: they sing at weddings and funerals, they sing to court, they sing to celebrate friendship. Singing, characterized by original falsetto, is an important part of the life of the She people.

In November, 1999, her performance of weaving and singing at a provincial folk arts exposition held in Wenzhou won her a gold medal. Her instant fame served as a revelation to the charms of the ethnic She culture. Her fellow weavers began to value the art of woven ribbons. Experts regard her art of weaving and singing as a sample of the ethnic culture.

Lan’s colored ribbons are made on an improved pattern. The traditional ribbons usually measures 8 centimeters in width whereas her ribbons are 10.6 to 12 centimeters wide. The broader ribbons make room for weaving good-luck phrases, an attractive feature never seen before in She ribbons. Lan’s unique ribbons bring her a fortune. All the year around, her performances of weaving and singing in the mountainous She villages are a great tourist attraction. Many tourists buy a ribbon from Lan to make their sightseeing tour in Jingning County memorable.

Nowadays, Lan Yanlan leads a life as colorful as her ribbons. She is frequently invited to display her art at important events such as tourism promotions at the county capital and the 2006 West Lake Exposition in Hangzhou.

(Translated by David)

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