
时间:2022-08-02 06:34:17

【前言】圣帕特里克节由文秘帮小编整理而成,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。Patrick was already familiar with Irish culture and this aided him greatly in his mission. Instead of trying to eradicate the native customs of pre-Christian Ireland, Patrick adapted Christianity to the pagan beliefs of the Irish. A lasting innovat...

St. Patrick: The Man and the Myth

St. Patrick is one of the better known Christian saints and the patron saint of Ireland. But who was he really? A lot of stories about St. Patrick and his life are the stuff of myth and legend. It is commonly told that St. Patrick banished all snakes from Ireland and that he introduced Christianity to the Irish, thereby civilizing them and changing their lawless ways.

In fact, there was never any species of snake in Ireland. If St. Patrick ever actually claimed to have expelled all the snakes from Ireland, he must have been the only one who saw them! The claim that he introduced Christianity to Ireland is also false. Although, at the time St. Patrick ①set foot on Irish shores, most Irish were pagans, there was a small minority of Christians on the island.

The facts are a little less colourful but interesting, nonetheless. Patrick was born to wealthy parents in Britain sometime towards the end of the 4th Century and died on March 17th, 460 A.D. At the age of 16, he was taken captive by Irish bandits who were raiding his family's estate. They transported him to Ireland where he was sold into slavery and spent six years as a shepherd on a lonely mountain.

It was during this time that he started to have visions. At the age of 22 God spoke to him in a dream and told him to leave Ireland. He escaped from his captors, walked over 300km to the eastern coast of Ireland and made it back to Britain. He continued to be guided by divine visions, which led him to pursue 15 years of religious training and return to Ireland to convert Irish pagans to Christianity.

Patrick was already familiar with Irish culture and this aided him greatly in his mission. Instead of trying to eradicate the native customs of pre-Christian Ireland, Patrick adapted Christianity to the pagan beliefs of the Irish. A lasting innovation of his, and a powerful symbol of Christian Ireland, is the Celtic cross. He combined the traditional Christian cross with a circle to represent the sun, amalgamating Christian and pagan symbols.

Irish culture centres on a rich tradition of oral legend and myth. When this is considered, it is no surprise that the story of Patrick's life became exaggerated over centuries of storytelling-spinning exciting tales to remember history has always been a part of the Irish way of life.

The Holiday

In Ireland, St. Patrick's Day is a national holiday and has been celebrated for over a thousand years. Traditionally, Irish people would attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon and evening. On this day, it is custom to wear something green (the national colour) and pin a bunch of shamrocks (the national flower even if it is actually a plant) to one's coat. Some people will also wear a badge in the shape of a golden harp (Ireland's national emblem). After attending a colourful parade the rest of the day is spent drinking and dancing!

In past years, the religious element of St. Patrick's Day was heavily emphasized in Ireland. However, in the last twenty years religious devotion has decreased dramatically in Ireland and this has changed the nature of the festival. Accordingly, from the 1990's the Irish government began a campaign to use St. Patrick's Day to boost tourism and showcase Ireland to the rest of the world. Last year, close to one million people took part in Ireland's St. Patrick's Festival in Dublin; a multi-day celebration featuring parades, concerts, outdoor theater productions, and fireworks shows.

The craic on St. Patrick's Day is not confined to Ireland alone. Ireland experienced large-scale emigration in the last two centuries and Irish communities abroad continued to observe the traditions of the festival. This is especially so in America. The first ever St. Patrick's Day parade took place in New York in 1762. In the 19th Century, there were many organizations in the U.S.A. that ②raised money for the Irish independence movement. These various groups joined St. Patrick's Day parades and the festival grew. Today, in American cities such as Boston, New York, and Chicago, St. Patrick's Day is a major festival, attended by politicians and celebrities.

This festival is now celebrated by people of all backgrounds in the United States, Canada, and Australia. Although North America is home to the largest productions, St. Patrick's Day has been celebrated in other locations far from Ireland, including Japan, Singapore, and Russia.

St. Patrick's Day and the Whitehouse

Due to the large amount of Americans with Irish ancestry, politicians in the U.S. are always sure to show the public that they respect Irish culture. In 1948, President Truman attended the St. Patrick's Day parade in New York and since then major St. Patrick's Day parades will be attended by high ranking American politicians. There is also a tradition that representatives of the Irish government will be received at the Whitehouse by the president on March 17th, every year. The American president will be presented with fresh shamrocks from Ireland.

The Harp

The harp has long been a symbol of Ireland. Perhaps the legends of its magical powers comes from the time when the bards would sing and tell stories of famous events to the Irish kings and chiefs. For five centuries it has been depicted on Irish coins and today it is used for the Irish state seal, official documents and uniforms.

The Shamrock

In ancient Ireland the Shamrock was thought to have magical powers and the number 3 was considered a powerful number. Legends say the leaves will stand upright when a storm approaches. St. Patrick used the Shamrock to symbolize the meaning of the church's teaching on the Trinity. It is considered very lucky to find one with four leaves.


Green is the colour most associated with Ireland. It probably has something to do with the rich greenery of the Irish scenery. Later green became associated with pro-independence and anti-colonial groups in Ireland and wearing the colour green was actually banned by the British government for a short period. In the U.S, if you to forget to wear something green on St. Patrick's Day other people can pinch you!

Irish Toasts

Irish people are famous for being articulate and for drinking. No wonder then that there are numerous toasts originating from Ireland. Here are two well known ones:

May the road rise to meet you may the wind be always at your back the sun shine warm upon your face the rain fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of his hand!

May you live a hundred years, and then one more to repent and may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead!

St. Pat's Day in China

The best way to experience St. Patrick's Day in China would be to go to an Irish bar on March 17th. In some of China's bigger cities you will be able to find a few Irish bars and on this night they will be sure to have traditional music and green beer.

Every year the Irish Network China will hold a ball in Beijing to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. With hundreds of expatriate and local guests and live music acts flown in from Ireland it has become one of the hottest social events in Beijing.

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lawless /`l5lis/ adj.无法无天的

expel /iks`pel/ v.驱逐

shore /H5/ n.(常用pl)国家

pagan /`peiG9n/ n.没有的人

captive /`k2ptiv/ n.俘虏

bandit /`b2ndit/ n.强盗;土匪

raid /reid/ v.抢劫

convert /k9n`v8:t/ vt.使……改变信仰

eradicate /i`r2dikeit/ v.根除

pre-Christian /`pr1`kristj9n/ adj.基督教以前的

innovation /,in9u`veiH9n/ n.创新

amalgamate /9`m2lG9meit/ v.合并

shamrock / `H2mr4k/ n.(植)三叶草

badge /b2_/ n.徽章

national emblem /`n2H9n9l `embl9m/ 国徽

feature /`f1tH9/ v.包括

confine /`k4nfain/ vt.限制

ancestry /`2nsistri/ n.血统

greenery /gr1n9ri/ n.草木

articulate /3`tikjulit/ adj.表达力强的

expatriate /eks`p2trieit/ n.移居国外的人

① set foot on 踏上

②raise money筹集资金


1. craic 这个词是爱尔兰英语。它的意思是“fun”。爱尔兰人经常用到“craic”这个词,大多数英国人也明白这个词的意思。

例如:The party was great craic. 这个聚会非常好玩儿。

I had great craic at the party. 我在聚会上玩儿得很高兴。

2. The Trinity 是一个复杂的神学概念。它描述的是,上帝是一个一分为三的实体:圣父、圣子和圣灵。然而这三个实体其实就是一个!三叶草拥有三片叶子,而这三片叶子正是连接在一个叶柄上,象征着三位一体。

上一篇:Southern Slang 下一篇:《超人特攻队》