Narrative Pedagogy and College English Classroom Teaching

时间:2022-07-27 05:14:48

Abstract:With the internationalization of narrative research and its interdisciplinary development, narrative research is no longer confined to literary narrative. Narrative research has been used in college English teaching, injecting new vitality for English teaching which focuses on construction and cognition, and it not only provides new ideas and methods that can be used for highlighting the research of qualitative description and changing the interpretation as well as narration of the study of discourse, but also provides effective supplements for the traditional research method that is established on the basis of empirical research.

Key words:narrative pedagogy; college English; classroom teaching

中图分类号:H319 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1672-1578(2013)11-0002-02

1 Introduction

Since 1990s, the thought pattern of "narrative" has been widely introduced into the education science and other disciplines. "Narrative teaching", as a methodological guidance, provides the new teaching practice for foreign language teaching. Narrative teaching in foreign language classroom teaching context is not only reflected in teaching content and teaching behavior, but also reflected in teaching process of narrative. Learners need to fully mobilize their cognitive and affective factors to participate actively in narrative activities, achieving the construction and internalization of knowledge and promoting language cognitive level.

2 Educational narrative and foreign language teaching

Educational narrative study needs to be used in teaching process specifically and vividly. The narrative language teaching in the process of foreign language teaching makes full use of narrative and reasoning, through narrator’s and listener’s dialogue, listening, excitation and sharing, to raise the students’ language cognitive level. As the main teaching form, classroom teaching is an important place for teachers and students to engage in the narrative activities. Which are not only carried out in the teaching content, teaching process, but also in the teaching form and teaching methods. At the same time, students as the main body of teaching activities, should play the initiative and creative roles in fully mobilizing the cognitive and affective factors to participate actively in the narrative activities to construct knowledge.

3 Characteristics of foreign language classroom teaching of narrative

3.1 Intellectual property of narrative teaching

The teacher narrates teaching idea, teaching strategies and teaching target, to guide students in the learning process of narrative to tell about life story, to analyze or interpret text or story, constructing an understanding of self and the world in the exchange interaction and the acquisition of knowledge and cultural significance.

3.2 Text attribute of narrative teaching

Narrative teaching cannot be completely separated from the text to base itself on teacher’s own experience of life or on the understanding of the world. Text and reader's intelligence, memory, emotions and beliefs interact and create more wealth than the meaning of the text content. The cognitive framework and story structure from reference to the text, students can find the narrative theme and content related to their life, to enrich their cognition and emotion and strengthen the understanding of the text.

3.3 Inter-subjectivity of teaching narrative

Any narrative should be between the narrator and the audience’s interaction and understanding, and the narrator will get his narrative intention, affective goal, self-demand, ethics transferred to the listener, together with the listener in narrative activities and communication construct meaning; students as the main body of the class room activities can also construct up the steps and ways of behavior, perception and evaluation. with English as the medium, classroom narrative teaching is curriculum-oriented, text-based between teachers and students who construct knowledge by their previous experiences and knowledge.

4 Realization of foreign language narrative teaching in classroom

4.1 Foreign language teacher’s behavior of narrative

Teaching behavior narrative is first reflected in the expression of narrative teaching thought. Teachers can utter their unique understanding and feeling of the course teaching, spell out their education attitude and education ideal as a narrative presentation to the students, guide students’ understanding of the course, deliver their teaching philosophy, and in addition, such concrete and vivid narrative content and form are easy to attract students. The narrative of teaching behavior is also reflected in the classroom teaching activities, the vivid teaching environment and teaching context.

4.2 Foreign language teaching content of narrative

The teaching content of narrative means the narrative presentation of teaching materials and the text. Teachers can find the topic-related multimedia, network, film, animation, pictures etc. to create narrative language environment for students; on the other hand, teachers can also by using narrative language describe and analyze the cultural background and language knowledge in the unit to enhance students’ cognition and understanding. The teaching content of the narrative also includes learners’ narrative statements of the text and their life experience.

4.3 Foreign language classroom teaching process of narrative

The teaching process of narrative refers to teachers and students who are in real or virtual narrative teaching context,



through specific and vivid narrative language, construct knowledge, realizing the communication with the other participants in the implementation of cooperative learning types. The teaching process of narrative is a dynamic communicative process based on the narrative basis, and it can be divided into four stages: a. recognition and activation; b. display and association; c. communication and interaction; d. summary and evaluation

5 Conclusion

Narrative teaching of college English in classroom can make full use of the narrative language to change text, theory and abstract concept into vivid, interesting stories, mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of students learning, culture students’ thinking, intercultural awareness and intercultural communicative competence. The teacher through the narrative puts his teaching idea and strategy into teaching to help students improve their cognitive level and language level, actively build the understanding and transformation of knowledge.


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