Unit 13 “What colour is it?”课堂实录与反思

时间:2022-06-27 09:52:15

Unit 13 “What colour is it?”课堂实录与反思



这是一节以颜色为主题,实用性、生活性非常强的课。本单元的教学目的是能够“描述物品”。单元中的单词涉及颜色及一些生活中常见的物品。本课出现的生词主要是颜色colour,除这个单词外,还介绍了10种颜色。本课出现的其他单词都已学过(如:car,kite,flower,cat,bird,apple 等)。把已学过的单词与本课中新学的单词进行有机结合与练习,达到了利用单词重现的机会来巩固知识和加深记忆的作用。这是本课教学的又一个特点。本课的内容在教材中既能突出重点又起到了承上启下的作用,是英语教学中比较典型的一课。










1. Warming-up

(Give students a nice English song. Let students listen to it, then sing the English song“Fly A Kite”following the tape. Help students go into English circumstances quickly.)

2. Leading-in

T: OK, Now look at me. Do you like this song? Good, I also like it. From the beautiful song we know that there are a lot of kites in the sky. Now think about it, maybe there are so many colours in the sky(colour 颜色). Now read after me “colour”. Listen to me carefully. What colours are they? Do you understand? If you don’t understand, it doesn’t matter. Today we will learn new words and new sentences about colour. Let learn the new lesson.

3. New knowledge

(Give students the beautiful pictures on slide, and then give the meanings.)

T: Now look at these pictures. Look at the first picture .What is this? Who knows? You,please.

S1: It is a car.

T: Yes, you are right. We can use “what colour is it?” to ask the colour. 它是什么颜色的? white 白色,now read after me “white”. It’s white. It is a white car. The car is white.

T: Good. Look at the second picture. Next boy, what is this?

S2: It’s a flower.

T: Yes,and what colour is it?

S2: It is red.

T: Great, now read after me “red”,It is red. It’s a red flower.

(Then go on to learn the new words “黑lack,黄色yellow,棕rown,绿色green,蓝lue,紫色purple,橙色orange,灰色grey”.)

T: Is it black?

T: You can say yes, it is or no, it isn’t.

T: Look at the picture. Is it a green tree? Who knows how to answer this?

S3: Yes, it is.

(Show another picture.)

T: Look at the picture, there are five books in the picture. Are they blue? Now think about how to answer this sentence. If you know, you can put up your hands. Han Xue, please.

S4: No, they aren’t, they are yellow.

T: What are they? Next girl, please.

S5: They are yellow books.

T: Good. Now I will ask two students to make up dialogue use the pictures. OK?

(Show students the pictures.)

T: Who wants to do this? Volunteer. You two, please.

S6: What are they?

S7: They are oranges.

S6: What colours are they?

S7: They are orange. They are orange oranges.

S6: Look, what colours are the pens?

S7: They are green.

4. Strengthen


T:用最短的时间给黑板上的图片配上颜色,看哪一组最快。Match the words to the pictures.

bag ___ pinkflower ___ purple

cat___whitebanana ___ yellow

tree ___green chair ___ grey

orange ___orange apple ___red

shoes ___brown sock___black

② 猜一猜

T:I will ask one student comes to the blackboard, and he can ask questions,and another student stands in his seat. He can only answer yes or no, but he can’t answer others. Understand?

T:Who wants to come to the blackboard? Zhang Xu, please.

S8: Is it a book?

S9: No, it isn’t.

S8: Is it a cat?

S9: Yes, it is.

S8: Is it yellow?

S9: No, it isn’t

S8: Is it black?

S9: Yes, it is.

T: Good. You go back to your seat, thank you. Another group.

③ 比一比

T:Use the words and sentences we learned today to make up the dialogue in your group, and then come to the blackboard act the dialogue with your partner.

T:I will give you five minutes .You can make up dialogue in your group. Then I will ask some groups come to the blackboard and act the dialogues. (奖励表现好的小组。)

5. activity

T: Take out of your pictures. You prepared before class. Colour them. Then use your words to describe them.

6. Development

T: Let me sum up the proverb.

1.blackcoffee 浓咖啡 2.black tea红茶

3.black sheep 害群之马4.black dog 沮丧

5.white room无菌室 6.white lie善意的谎言

7.green hand 新手8.blue blood贵族血统

9.He is a white man. 他是一个诚实可靠的人。

10.It is a green day.是个好天。

11.It is a green house.这是温室。

12.He is a yellow dog.他是个懦夫。

13.Lucy looks blue. 露西看起来不开心。

7. Sum up

T:Today we learned some new words about colour, and how to ask and answer questions about colour. Practicing colour is today’s homework. Understand? Class is over.省略

上一篇:多彩四季 多彩语文 下一篇:“二次函数”教学设计