
时间:2022-06-25 08:22:58

【摘要】2.关注人文性的渗透,价值观的引领。 在教学互动中,笔者通过相机提炼并板书have a dream/follow the dream/build your dream,展示莫言、乔布斯、奥巴马等人物的案例,朗诵dream的...



译林新版《英语》六下Unit 8 Our Dreams(story time)是一堂以梦想为主题的课,Miss Li和她的学生们以对话的方式讲述了各自的梦想职业和缘由。故事中透露出师生们的美好愿景和仁爱之心。

从提升学生综合语用能力的角度看,本节课的目标语为What do you want to be...? I want to be...以及有关职业的词语:astronaut,dancer,pianist, football player等。通过指导学生朗读、理解故事以及引导学生谈论自身的梦想,便可轻松实现这一目标。然而,在促进学生习得和使用目标语的同时,如何进行高级思维的训练、人文性的渗透、价值观的引领以及学习策略的指导呢?带着这些问题,笔者进行了以下思考与设计。


在本节课中,Get to know环节,要求学生猜测教师的描述中哪一条不是真的;Let’s discuss环节,讨论为实现梦想,应该做些什么?这两个环节都旨在训练学生的分析力(即:思维金字塔第四层analyzing); Read and say环节,让学生说说为什么Miss Li的梦想是希望学生的梦想成真,旨在促进学生语言运用能力的提升(即:思维金字塔第三层applying); Let’s retell环节,复述人物的梦想并谈谈自己的看法,不仅仅涉及学生的记忆和理解(即:思维金字塔第一层remembering和第二层understanding),而且指向学生的评价能力(即:思维金字塔第五层evaluating)。


在教学互动中,笔者通过相机提炼并板书have a dream/follow the dream/build your dream,展示莫言、乔布斯、奥巴马等人物的案例,朗诵dream的小诗以及推荐追逐梦想的绘本和电影,旨在促进学生对拥有梦想、追逐梦想和实现梦想的理解和感悟。












Step 1 Get to know

T: Here’s something about me. One, I’m a writer. Two, I was a football player. Three, I want to be a boss in the future. Four, I want to have a second child. But there’s one which is not true. Guess!


Step 2 Act, guess and learn

T: Actually, I want to be an actor, because I like acting. Now, I act, you guess.(借助动作表演,教师相机教授和板书单词astronaut,pianist)

T: Can I be an actor?Ok!I know I don’t have the gift. But this is my dream. I have a dream. (教师相机板书:Have a dream)

【借助动作表演,教师能够激发学生的旧知并呈现新知,营造极好的以梦想职业为话题的语境。同时,示弱(I don’t have the gift.)和板书(Have a dream),能够对学生的价值取向和人生观产生积极的影响。】

Step 3 Let’s talk

T: I want to be an actor. What do you want to be? (教师先和一个学生进行对话示范,然后组织小组讨论,并请一位学生汇报一组人的梦想职业。)

Step 4 Let’s guess!

T: Look at the picture.(呈现文本中的师生图)What are their dreams? Can you guess? (猜测过程中,教师相机板书有关职业的单词)



Step 5 Listen and circle.

T: You guess a lot. Let’s listen and check.(先播放全文录音,然后请学生汇报答案)

Step 6 Read and match.

T: What nice dreams! And, who wants to be a football player, who wants to be a dentist? Let’s read and choose the pictures, you can write here.学生快速浏览经过处理的文本(教材中的梦想职业图和部分文字被挖空),并为故事人物配上合适的职业图,填序号。

Step 7 Read and choose.

T: Now we know their dreams. But why do they have the dreams?Let’s read the pieces and stick them on the right place.学生仔细阅读经过处理的文本和九张被挖空文字的碎纸条(其中有一张是多余的,是教师精心安排的干扰项),并将相应的碎纸条贴到文本的挖空处,补全对话。

T: Now work in pairs for three minutes, and then we’ll check.(在核对答案的过程中,相机板书表达梦想职业缘由的关键词组)



T:Miss Li is asking the students about their dreams. What’s the question?

S1: What do you want to be in the future, boys?

T: How do you know?Why don’t you choose this one “Where do you want to go in the future, boys?”

S1: Because it says “I want to be a dentist”.

T: Great!So we can guess the question according to the answer.


T: What’s the next?

S2: Many children don’t care about their teeth. I want to help them.

T: Why do you choose this one?

S2: Because it says “I want to be a dentist”.

T: Yes! We can also guess the following sentence from the last one.


T:What does “spaceship” mean? Here are two choices: A. ship on water; B. ship in space.

S3: I think It’s B.

T: Why?

S3: Because it says “fly...moon”.

T: Good point. You can guess the meaning of the new word from the context. Is there another way?

S4: Because it says “spaceship”, not “watership”.

T: Very smart. We can also guess the meaning of new word from word form.


T: What does “world cup” mean?

S5: 世界杯

T: Can you explain it in English?Is it a cup?

S6: No. It’s a match.

T: A basketball match?

S6: No. It’s a football match.

T: Big one or small one?

S6: Very big one.

T: Now tell me what “world cup” means in English.

S6: It’s a very big football match.

T: Good!We should try to explain the new word in English. It’s good for our English thinking.

Step 8 Read and say

T: Now we know children’s dreams. What’s Miss Li’s dream?

S7: She wants to see children’s dreams come true.

上一篇:普及航空航天知识的必要性 下一篇:谈中学美术教学中的灵感