
时间:2022-06-24 09:39:34


[摘要] 目的 评价“All-on-4”即刻种植修复技术对牙列缺失患者的临床效果及探讨其技术要点。 方法 选择2010年2月~2010年11月在杭州口腔医院收治的行“All-on-4”即刻修复治疗的患者25例,种植体植入当天行即刻固定义齿修复,观察种植边缘骨吸收情况,患者满意度,追综种植体的存留率。 结果 ①120枚种植体中,至最后一次复查共8枚种植体脱落,其余112种植体行使功能良好,复查临床稳定,种植体存留率为93.3%。②倾斜种植体54例,边缘骨吸收量0.32~1.65 mm,平均(0.98±0.25)mm;轴向种植体58例,边缘骨吸收量0.21~1.49 mm,平均(0.94±0.19)mm,两者边缘骨吸收量差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。上颌种植体56例,边缘骨吸收量0.71~1.69 mm,平均(0.98±0.24)mm;下颌种植体56例,边缘骨吸收量0.19~1.53 mm,平均(0.94±0.27)mm,两者边缘骨吸收量差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。③非常满意者占96%(24/25),一般占4%(1/25),无不满意者。 结论 “All-on-4”即刻种植修复技术对牙列缺失患者的临床效果好,满意度高,远期效果需要进一步观察。

[关键词] 即刻修复;种植;All-on-4

[中图分类号] R783 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2013)11(a)-0073-03

Analysis of clinical effect on “All-on-4” implant immediate recovery technology in patients with teeth missing


Department of Implant Center, Hangzhou Stomatology Hospital, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310009, China

[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the clinical effect on “All-on-4” implant immediate recovery technology in patients with teeth missing. Methods 25 patients treated with “All-on-4” implant immediate recovery technology in Hangzhou Stomatology Hospital from February 2010 to November 2010 were selected. The implant-supported fixed complete-arch all-acrylic prostheses were delivery on the operation day. Items included marginal bone resorption, the satisfaction of patients, survival of the implants were observed. Results ①8 implants were lost in the 120 cases, the giving survival rate of 93.8%. ②The tilt implants were 54 cases, marginal bone resorption was 0.32-1.65 mm,the average was (0.98±0.25) mm; the axial implants were 58 cases, marginal bone resorption was 0.21-1.49 mm, the average was (0.94±0.19) mm; the difference of marginal bone resorption was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Maxillary implants were 56 cases, marginal bone resorption was 0.71-1.69 mm, the average was (0.98±0.24) mm. Mandibular implant were 56 cases, marginal bone resorption was 0.19-1.53 mm, the average was (0.94±0.27) mm, the difference of marginal bone resorption was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). ③The percent of great satisfaction was 96% (24/25), the percent of common situation was 4% (1/25); no dissatisfaction was found. Conclusion The clinical effect of All-on-4 immediate function for edentulous patients is satisfactory, satisfaction of the patient is high. It is right to give further study to determine the long-term result of the technology.

[Key words] Immediate recovery; Implant; All-on-4


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 方法

①术前准备:患者行全口曲面体层X线片及CT照相,了解牙列缺失情况及颌位关系。②根据患者牙列缺失情况及颌位关系制定种植体植入方案。③制取全口印模,确定颌位关系,对全口印模进行分析,制作开窗式个别托盘备用。④患者术前1 h预防性应用抗生素,采用级差备洞技术在颌骨前部轴向植入两枚种植体,保证患者两侧后牙区与(■)平面呈30°~45°角向远中倾斜,然后分别植入一枚种植体,种植体直径为3.3或4.1 mm。种植体植入后安放基台,倾斜植入的种植体使用角度基台使其与轴向植入的种植体取得共同就位道。基全就位后均以15 N·cm锁紧。术后立即拍摄全口曲面体层X线片,确认基台是否完全就位,将转移杆钢性相连后制取基台水平硅橡胶印模。灌制模型、确定颌位关系、试排牙,采用注塑技术制作完成即刻义齿。患者术后1~7 d常规口服抗生素,嘱术后2个月内进软食,夜间戴用牙垫,每餐后清洁义齿,保持口腔卫生。

1.3 观察项目


1.4 统计学方法

采用统计软件SPSS 13.0对数据进行分析,正态分布计量资料以均数±标准差(x±s)表示,两独立样本的计量资料采用t检验。以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果



2.2 骨吸收情况

本研究中倾斜种植体54例,边缘骨吸收量0.32~1.65 mm,平均(0.98±0.25)mm;轴向种植体58例,边缘骨吸收量0.21~1.49 mm,平均(0.94±0.19)mm,两者边缘骨吸收量差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。上颌种植体56例,边缘骨吸收量0.71~1.69 mm,平均(0.98±0.24)mm;下颌种植体56例,边缘骨吸收量0.19~1.53 mm,平均(0.94±0.27)mm,两者边缘骨吸收量差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。见表1。

表1 1年后种植体周围骨吸收情况分析(mm,x±s)

注:与轴向种植体比较,t = 0.452,P < 0.05;与下颌种植体比较,t = 0.452,P < 0.05

2.3 患者满意度


3 讨论


根据我国牙列缺失患者牙槽骨骨质情况和经济条件,本研究均采用“All-on-4”外科手术翻瓣,级差备洞技术,直视下植入种植体。本研究中8枚失败脱落的种植体均发生在种植体植入后6~8周。根据研究表明,随着机械稳定向生物学稳定的转变,种植体植入后6~8周时的稳定性最低。存留率一般指满足以下条件:种植体无动度: X线显示种植体周围无透射区;无进展性骨吸收;无疼痛或麻木等症。Maio等[6]及Reddi等[7]报道“All-on-4”无牙颌即刻修复的1年存留率为96.2%~99.7%,这一结果与采用较多种植体进行无牙颌即刻修复的存留率相似。本研究显示,120枚种植体中,至最后一次复查共8枚种植体脱落,其余112种植体行使功能良好,复查临床稳定,种植体存留率为93.3%。研究认为种植失败多发生在修复后1年内,有理由相信“All-on-4”可以取得和其修复方法相似的中远期临床表现。

种植体周围骨质稳定是种植修复成功的基础。通常情况下,通过观察种植体边缘骨水平和骨吸收情况来衡量种植体植入是否成功。Jemt等[8]报道无牙颌患者延期修复五年后平均边缘骨吸收量为0.5 mm。而对于多枚种植体(大于4枚)支持的无牙颌即刻修复,边缘骨吸收范围大致在0.7~0.95 mm[9-11]。目前,大量文献表明倾斜种植体与轴向种植体用于无牙颌即刻修复其边缘骨吸收量差异较小[10-13]。本研究中4枚种植体支持的上、下颌即刻功能性修复一年后轴向与倾斜种植体边缘骨吸收量分别为0.95、0.98 mm,结果并无统计学差异。与上述报道基本相似。由此可以推断,无牙颌即刻修复早期边缘骨吸收较延期修复明显。而“All-on-4”即刻修复边缘骨吸收与较多数量种植体支持的无牙颌即刻修复边缘骨吸收相似。证实“All-on-4”即刻修复短期效果是稳定可靠的。但由于本研究只观察了一年的边缘骨组织表现,观察时间仍相对较短,远期效果仍需进一步观察。



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(收稿日期:2013-07-10 本文编辑:李继翔)

上一篇:严重多发性创伤患者162例临床特点及转归分析 下一篇:医护联合培训模式在县级医院ICU培训中的优势