
时间:2022-09-14 03:46:30




















Calligrapher on Writing Art in Modern Society

Qian Rouyi, our staff reporter

Zhu Guantian, vice chairman of Chinese Calligraphers Association and chairman of Zhejiang Calligraphers Association, has talked with this writer about a series of issues concerning modern Chinese calligraphy on several occasions since 2006. The following is a summery of his main viewpoints.

In discussing the ties between culture and economy, Zhu observes that culture must synchronize its development with economy. A part of superstructure, culture depends on economy for prosperity. The problem is how to help culture progress in a right direction. The experienced calligrapher believes that it is imperative to carry forward the finest in the ancient Chinese tradition. It will be great if modern calligraphers can do so. We can absorb the best things of the western culture to help promote our culture.

In discussing the disparity between the flourishing economy and somewhat dragging cultural development, Zhu remarks that the situation is, on one hand, China”s economy is not yet well developed and the western culture has exerted an overwhelming influence on some aspects of our culture; on the other hand, the feudal ideology of the past is deeply rooted in our culture and its extensive influence persists doggedly. Consequently, we need to learn from the west to modify our cultural heritage, thus opening the door for the western culture to influence ours, which gives rise to the conflict between the two. This conflict may be part of our liberating experience, but the whole learning process has progressed only slowly and not yet touched the deepest core of our culture. In other words, our modern culture is one or two steps behind our modernizing progress.

Zhu does not go to great lengths to define modern calligraphy. In his eye, the status quo of Chinese calligraphy embodies a transition from the traditional to the modern, an art between the old and the new. Calligraphy in the past was not all for everyday use. It was an art that had various practical applications.

Talking about the future of Chinese calligraphy as an art, Zhu points out that the tradition needs reforming and there are many ways to accomplish the task. Doing the job from within the tradition is one way and learning from without is another way.

Turning to the topic of calligraphers, Zhu believes, for a calligrapher to write well in his own style, considerations should be given to both technique and art. Technically, a calligrapher should keep practicing until he masters all the skills. For example, a calligrapher should pay attention to tone and structure, and absorb other arts. Artistically, a calligrapher needs to externalize his inner world, personal experience and aesthetics. According to Zhu, one”s individual life defines one”s calligraphy.

Commenting on some calligraphers who go all out after fame and wealth as well as some calligraphers who are actually accomplished but little known, Zhu observes that a calligrapher should stick to his own path and never subjects to trends. On the other hand, the public should tolerate more liberally. Time is the final test of all arts. You can”t expect all the artists to be gold. Time sifts away large quantities of sands and only a few grains of gold remain. One needs to believe in history, people and society. Zhu takes Master Shen Ding’an for example. Also a native of Zhuji like Zhu himself, Mr. Shen is an accomplished yet little known master of official script, a calligraphic style first developed more than 2,000 years ago. Shen keeps a low profile as an artist. He has adhered to his own artistic belief despite all the odds. His calligraphy characterizes his distinct personality and style. He has held a solo exhibition in Beijing and it was a sensational success. Zhu emphasizes that Shen”s career should be a good example to all calligraphers: never put the pursuit of fame before the pursuit of art.

Any advice to young and middle-aged calligraphers? Zhu notes that all he can do is to call for hard work in a down-to-earth spirit. He does recommend that each artist explore his own way as each deals with his particular situation. The public has eyes for true art and market can well evaluate and compare. This kind of market scrutiny and public evaluation enable calligraphers to create and the choices of the public and market will serve as a signpost to calligraphers. This is an issue of multiple choices and the public tolerance is a key.

In talking about his home town Zhuji, a city rich with cultural heritage in Shaoxing, Zhu Guantian speaks highly of the calligraphic achievements accomplished by local artists but regrets that good calligraphers there are not well known to the outside world. Zhu thinks it is a good move that the local government promotes calligraphic achievements in Zhuji to help enhance the publicity of the city.

(Translated by David)

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