English Riddles

时间:2022-06-08 08:09:19

1. What word is pronounced wrong,even by the best of scholar(学者)?

2. Why do you buy books?

3. Why doesn’t your husband fix the leaky(漏雨的)roof?

4. Why are grandpa’s false(假的)teeth like stars?

5. Why do dogs bark?

6. Two mothers and daughters were planning to travel by train,but they only bought three tickets. Why?

7. A horse was tied to a rope five feet long,but it could manage to eat the hay(干草)ten feet away. Why?

8. Why don’t you advertise(登广告)for your lost dog?

9. Why do fish live in water?

10. Which American has had the largest family?

11. What kind of party do prisoners(囚犯)like?

12. What can run and whistle(吹哨)but can’t walk or talk?

13. Where’s the biggest city in the world?

14. Do planes of this make crash(坠毁)very often?

15. What is higher without a head than with a head?

16. What belongs only to you but others use far more often than you yourself?

17. What is just right for two of us?

18. If two is company(伴)and three is a crowd(伙),what’s four and five?

19. What time is it when the clock strikes thirteen?

20. Tommy Tucker took two strings(绳子)and tied(拴)two turtles(乌龟)to two trees. How many “T”s are there in that?


1. The word “wrong”.2. I can’t get them for free(免费).

3. Because he can’t fix it in the rain and needn’t if it doesn’t rain.

4. They don’t know how to talk.5. They come out at night.

6. There were only three of them:daughter,mother and grandmother.

7. Because the rope wasn’t tied to anything.

8. The dog can’t read.9. Because cats can’t swim.

10. George Washington. He was called“Father of the Nation”.

11. The going-away party.(送别晚会).

12. A locomotive.(火车头).

13. On the map.14. No,only once.

15. A pillow(枕头).16. Your name.

17. A secret.(英语中“Just between you and me.”意为“Keep it a secret.”即仅限于你我之间,请保守秘密。)

18. Nine.(英语中“Four and five is nine.”是数学的加法。)

19. It’s time to have it repaired.

20. There are two“T”s in “that”.

上一篇:先有阳光的内心,才有阳光的世界 下一篇:白露:露从今夜白