
时间:2022-05-27 06:46:57

[摘要] 针对目前市场上出现的多种防己的不同伪品,通过性状特征鉴别与显微特征鉴别加以区分,认为防己强粉性,木质部放射状纹理不连续,草酸钙方晶或砂晶。

[关键词] 防己; 性状特征; 显微特征

[中图分类号] R286.0 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1005-0515(2011)-05-053-01

The comparing Identification Between Stephania terandra and Its shans

Zhang Xuefeng

(Xichuan Institute for Food and Drug control,Xichuan , Henan,474450,China)

[Abstract] In connection with the more various shams of Stephania terandra rushing into the market,this article means to give a method to differentiate them through their proper characters and microscopic charalters. It was regarded that radix stephanliae tretrandrae showed strong mealiness, that the radioactive texture of the xylem was incontinuous and that the calcium oxalate was in the form of prismatic crystal or sand crystal.

[Keywords] Stephania terandra; proper characters; microscopic characters

中药防己为防己科植物粉防己Stephania terandra S. Moor的干燥根。主产于安徽,江苏,浙江,福建和湖北等省。主要功效为利水消肿,祛风止痛。用于水肿脚气, 小便不利,湿疹创毒,风湿痹痛;高血压等症。由于其用途广,用量大,市场上经常出现以其它植物的根或根茎冒充防己使用。如广防己:为马兜铃科广防己Aris to lochina fang.chi Y.C wu ex L.D.chou的干燥根;汉中防己:为异叶马兜铃A.hetro-phylla Hemsl的干燥根或根茎;木防己:为木香马兜铃A.moupinensis Franch.和防己科植木防己Cucculus orbiculatus (L).DC.的干燥根或根茎;川南马兜铃A.austros zechuanica O.P. chien的干燥根或块根及耳叶马兜铃A.tagalle的根;薇花藤为茶茱萸科植物小果薇花藤Iodes VitigineaHemmsl.和瘤枝薇花藤I. sequinii Rehd 的根等。

1 防己及其伪品的性状及显微特征的鉴别要点如下:(见附表

表1 防己及其伪品的性状及显微特征的比较

2 小结



[1] 中国药典[S].一部,2010:139.

[2] 卢赣鹏.500味常用中药的经验鉴别[M]. 中国中医药出版社.


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