On the challenge and countermeasures facing the university ideological and polit

时间:2022-05-09 06:48:34

Abstract. At present, the cultural diversity has become the unavoidable fact in our society, which has significant influence on China's political, economic and social life, and has brought a serious challenge to the ideological and political education in colleges and universities, so that great changes have taken place in the ideological concepts of this special group of university students. Facing the challenges, the functions and the authorities of the traditional ideological and political education in colleges had been gradually weakened, which has been unable to meet the needs of the construction of the harmonious socialist society. Therefore, we should adhere to the correct direction, improve the teaching methods, seize the initiative, and open up the new way to improve the abilities of the ideological and political work.

Keywords: Multi-culture; university; ideological and political education

1. The meanings and characteristics of the multi-culture

Multi-culture refers to the floorboard of a variety of cultures in a society, state or a nation, and is the difference between the value norms, ideas and concepts and even the ways of behaviors of human groups. "Multi-culture" is a term that was produced in the 1920s in the western countries. Before and after the 1950s, the modernization theory emerged in the western countries, and in the promotion of the theory, the concept of "multiculturalism" began to expand. In simple terms, the multi-culture has set up a variety of standards of value in every field of the social life.

In recent years, with the accelerating pace of the network informatization and the rapid development of the mass media, the multiculturalism has become the basic characteristic of the social culture, and has had a profound impact on world political, economic and social life. Cultural diversity is a basic feature of the present social culture. On the one hand, it promotes the blending of different cultures, promotes the development of the human cultures and civilization, increases the chances of individual choices, and enriches people's spiritual world, which is a symbol of the human progress. But on the other hand, in the process of the cultural diversity, the interaction and conflict between different cultures, the extreme expansion of the strong culture, especially the "cultural colonialism" that the western developed countries vigorously carried out using the dominance of their own in the process of informatization, have a great impact on the ideology security in the developing countries, and even pose a threat to the stability of the regime in these countries. In our country, with the deepening of the open policy, the trend of the cultural diversity is also increasingly obvious. The highly concentrated and unified and the relatively closed cultural environments are to be replaced by the cultural environment of the co-existence of the heterogeneous cultures, appearing the multi element pattern of the co-existence of the traditional culture and the modern culture, the oriental culture and the western culture, the mainstream culture and the non mainstream culture, the mass culture and the elite culture.

2. Multi-cultures and the ideologies in colleges

The relationship between the multi-cultures and the ideological and political education is the unity of opposites. The ideological and political education can promote the development of various cultures, which can not only promote the cultural development toward the diversified directions, but also can promote the culture development towards a unified direction. It not only can promote the spread of the cultural aggression, but also can promote the development of the cultural conservatism. The development of multi cultures makes the environment of the ideological and political education transfer from closed to open, from single to multiple, from simple to complex, and from stable to changeable.

Multi cultures can easily lead to the political and ideological differences, and can bring about the chaos of the ideological and moral standards, which have the impact on the mainstream cultural values and moral standards. Colleges and universities have always been distributed areas of various cultures, and are the windows of the foreign cultural exchanges, where the multi cultures have a confrontation and collision here, and have an effect on the thoughts, emotions, value orientations and behaviors of teachers and students. Under the background of multi cultures, the cultures coming from different ethnics, and the ideas, values, ways of thinking and behaviors gather at the university campus, having the intense colliding, exchange and fusion with each other, which have a deep influence on the educational environment of the colleges. The college students lack the necessary discrimination abilities of the values containing in different cultures, so some people begin to criticize and deconstruct the Marx's world outlook, outlook on life, and the values, leaving a vacuum of the values which is replaced by the individualism, egoism and individualism disguised as the advanced cultures instead.

At the same time, with the continuous development and changes in the international economy and the political environment, various thoughts, theories and doctrines in the world are raging like a storm, and the cultures and the values of different countries and different nations interrelate and conflict with each other. New changes have taken place in the international cultural environment, and there emerges new circumstances and produce new problems. The western hostile forces also accelerate the pace of the implementation of "westernization" and "differentiation" on the socialist countries, and the cultural penetration and the cultural invasion are unceasingly strengthened, with various ways and hidden methods. The ideological and political education work in colleges and universities is under great impact, facing a severe test.

3. The functions and significance of the innovation of university ideological and political education under the cultural conflict

Colleges are not only the denominator of the cultures, but also the workplace of cultural production, processing and improvement. In the face of the interaction of the multicultural conflicts in the new century, the ideological and political education must quickly follow up, and should rationally innovate the contents, methods, mechanisms and other aspects, which has the significant practical importance of cultivating the compound talents across the century and the constructors and the successors of the causes of the socialism with the Chinese characteristics. Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out in an important speech at a national conference of the ideological and political work held in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China that "facing the new situations and conditions, on the basis of inheriting and carrying forward the fine traditions, the ideological and political work must strive for the innovation and improvement in the contents, forms, methods, means, mechanisms and other aspects. Especially we should concentrate our efforts in the enhancement of the sense of the times, strengthening the pertinence, the effectiveness, and the initiative." Facing the new situations in the new forms, our innovation of the ideological and political education should not only meet the real needs, but also is the essential work to cultivate the modern personalities of the university students. The innovation of the ideological and political education must adapt to the need of the reality.

In the new century, in the face of the all-round competition in the international politics, economy, cultures, military and other aspects, whether the goal can be realized that the Chinese nation builds a well-off society in an all-round way and whether the Chinese nation can revitalize, the high-quality talents especially cultivating high-quality young talents across the century have far-reaching strategic significance. The western bourgeois politicians predicted in the early thirties with a "foresight" that they can "conquer without a single fight" in 1999, and they pin the "peaceful evolution" on the Chinese in the third generation, and even the fourth generation of the youth. In the face of the western world's ambition and attempt, we must sound the alarm bells to cultivate outstanding young talents of high quality to ensure that we have qualified successors of the socialist causes. The ideological and political education is very important in the cultivation of the high-quality talents, and the innovation of the ideological and political education is the soul that the ideological and political education adapts to the new era, to meet the new challenges. Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out that "the processes of China's modernization depend largely on the development of the national qualities and the talent resources."

Cultivating the high-quality workers and talents adapting to the modern requirements, and playing the advantages of our vast human resources is vital for the overall situation of the socialist family in the twenty-first century. The personal qualities of the socialist builders and successors that the institutions of higher education cultivate are directly related to the success of the construction cases of China in the twenty-first century. Therefore, we must have a correct understanding of the strategic position of the ideological and political education of the college students under the socialist market economy system. We should further emancipate their minds, update ideas, and improve, enhance and innovate the ideological and political education, to foster and train a large number of personnel, to ensure the smooth construction of the China's socialism, and ensure the party's basic line unshakable for one hundred years.

3-1. Innovate the ideological and political education in universities -- requirements of the basic line of the Party in the primary stage of socialism

Since the reform and opening up, our Party has gradually established the strategic approach to taking the economic construction as the central task, vigorously promoting the socialist market economic system, and developing the productive forces, to enhance the material and cultural life level and the comprehensive national strength of the country as soon as possible. However, taking the economic construction as the center should be unified in the great practice of the socialism of the Chinese characteristics with the two basic points of the four cardinal principles, and the reform and opening up in China, and should promote the construction of the material civilization. At the same time, we must also pay attention to the construction of the spiritual civilization, especially the ideological and political education. In a period of time, some people think that "if we take the economic construction as the center, the ideological and political work should be placed aside", and some others think that "the spring of the ideological and political work has gone" and so on, and some people even think that "now we have implemented in the market economy, and as long as we have the money, why should we need the ideological and political work?" It is because these incorrect ideas play mind in these comrades that the comrades give up the requirements on their ideas, and overlook the importance of the ideological and political work, not to mention the understandings of the innovation of the ideological and political education. These ideas are actually a misunderstanding of the socialist market economic system, and the lack of adequate understanding of the status and the function of the present ideological and political work in the universities, which is not only wrong, but also very harmful.

In the new form of the depth of promotion of the reform and opening up and the socialist market economic system, as the college students who are more active in thoughts, more sensitive to the social changes, and the ability to accept is strong, their awareness of democracy and self consciousness are enhanced, and at the same time, the liberalism and individualism also quietly sprout. The reform of the university systems under the market economic system makes them gain the direct or indirect benefits, and at the same time they also have some negative impacts. On the one hand, most of them support the reform, but on the other hand, they are dissatisfied with the corruption and other adverse social problems in the process of reform. This requests that we should not only strengthen the ideological and political education, but also should pay more attention to the innovation of the ideological and political education. Comrade Deng Xiaoping said that "in the present period of the changes, in the construction of the socialist spiritual civilization and the socialist causes as a whole, their responsibilities in the ideological education are particularly important."

We should further improve the ideological and political education of college students, and should clearly tell them the actual conditions of the country and the route we must take to achieve a better future, to make them bravely and happily meet their combat missions. We should let the students understand that we are now in the primary stage of the socialism, and in the system of socialist market economy we are establishing, there are many legal systems need further exploration to complete. Some bad phenomena appearing in the process of the market development are not the nature of the socialism, and are not brought about by the socialist market economic system itself, which are the temporary phenomena. So, after the implementation of the socialist market economic system, it cannot "do with the money", but the problem is just the opposite. We should strengthen the innovation of the ideological and political work, or it will make our young generation fall into a wrong path.

3-2. Innovate the ideological and political education in colleges -- requirements of implementing the Party's educational policies

Our Party relied on the strong ideological and political work to unite with all the forces that can be united, to overthrow the three big mountains that have the pressure on people's heads, and achieved the victory of the revolution, thus establishing a new China. At present, the colleges and universities are shouldering the important tasks of cultivating the builders and the successors the socialism and a well-off society who has the all-round development in the virtue, wisdom, and the bodies, and they also need the ideological and political work, and should constantly innovate the ideological and political education.

The development of the society, the progress of the science and technology, the international fierce competitions in the economy and the sciences and the technologies, in the final analysis, are the competition of the education, and the competition of the qualities of the workers and the talents. We are building the socialist modernization and the socialist construction, and are striving for a well-off society, and we must have a number of excellent talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, and physics. At present, the socialist market economy system in our country is a fair competition incentive mechanism, and is the economic system under the regulation of the scientific, rigorous, and complete laws. Therefore, it has more requirements to comprehensively improve the quality of the whole nation, especially the qualities of the young students as the socialist builders and successors. The students we train should have firm political directions, love the socialist system, and sincerely support the leadership of the Party. They should conscientiously study the Marxism and the Leninism, as well as the thoughts of Mao Zedong, and must have the good moral qualities and rigorous styles of work. They should abide by the laws, be hard in their learning, and strive to master the modern scientific and cultural knowledge. They should work hard perseveringly and strive to serve the people, and struggle for the construction of the socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics. All these cannot do without the powerful ideological and political work and the innovation of the ideological and political education. We should carry out the ideal education, patriotic education and work hard perseveringly and other excellent traditional education, and let the young know that there would be no new China without the Communist Party, and that only the socialism can save the Chinese, and that only the socialism can develop in China. We should encourage the young students’ patriotic enthusiasm with these, and transform this enthusiasm into the power to work hard for the construction of the motherland.

4. Conclusion

The history is developing, and the times are progressing, and the cultures are innovating. We think that in the new era and the new world patterns, the cultural conflict will show in front of us in some new look. Facing the new styles and the new situations of the cultural conflicts, the ideological and political education of colleges and universities must take greater responsibilities, "keep pace with the times", have bold innovations, and constantly improve the ideas, methods, contents and mechanisms of the ideological and political education, and constantly innovate the cultures in universities, to make the historical contributions to the cultivation of the high-quality personnel to meet the needs of the era and the builders and the successors of the socialism with Chinese characteristics, as well as the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new century.

5. Acknowledgement

Fund: Yang Guang”project,suported by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and Shanghai Education Development Foundation and 2014 Shanghai Higher Education Committee’s program.


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