
时间:2022-05-08 04:36:02


对于很多中学英语学习者来说,背单词、记语法或读文章都不是难题,但是会感觉在跟来自说英语的国家的人交流时困难重重,原因之一就在于对方的话语中应用了大量的习语或者俚语。比如 “under the weather” 和 “long shot”, 学生认识每个单词,但是合在一起的意思就未必知道了。美国习语为美式英语增添了独有的色彩和幽默感。来自美国不同社会阶层、经济背景下的人们在口头交际中都会大量使用习语。在中学阶段,要让学生掌握地道美语,了解美国文化,就必须将美国习语教学作为英语课堂教学的一部分。

从Ruth Gairns 和 Stuart Redman(1986) 对英语习语的定义:“An idiom is a sequence of words which operates as a single semantic unit, and like many multiword verbs the meaning of the whole cannot be deduced from an understanding of the parts.” 我们可以看出,习语是由一系列的词构成的,它的意思并不由哪个单词决定,学习者需要把习语当成一个整体来看。在中学英语课堂上,我们可以利用热身阶段专门来学习美国习语,帮助学生掌握原汁原味的地道美语。丰富多彩的学习形式和内容还能增强学生对英语学科的兴趣。接下来笔者将举例论述如何在中学英语课堂上开展美国习语教学。

一、Learning idioms in context



Idioms: foot the bill, put one’s foot down, stand on one’s own feet


1. Listen to the following conversation. Can you guess the meaning of the underlined idioms from the context?

Reporter: You are still just a teenager and haven’t graduated from high school yet. What made you decide to get a job?

Teenager: I want to buy lots of things: a new cell phone, a bicycle, electronic games, and cool clothes. I have to make money by myself because my parents refuse to foot the bill. They used to get me good stuff but I wanted more. So they finally put their foot down and told me to stand on my own feet. They asked me to learn to be independent, earn my own money and buy what I want.

2. Check the students’ understanding of the idioms.

(1) “foot the bill”

A. to do sth. for the first time

B. to hesitate to act

C. to pay for all the expenses

(2)“put one’s foot down”

A. to make a firm decision and insist sb

. obey

B. not to be brave enough to do sth.

C. to make a bad mistake

(3) “stand on one’s own feet”

A. to make a good impression

B. to depend on oneself

C. to be alert

(Answers: CAB)


二、Learning idioms in games

“兴趣是最好的老师。学生如果缺乏兴趣,教学则成为死亡之吻;学生如果缺乏动机,教学不过是一种惩罚性的厌恶疗法。”(鲁子问,王笃勤,2006) 学习美国习语本身就是一件快乐而又有趣的事,如果能够把习语学习和游戏相结合,相信学生的学习热情会大大提高。高中英语人教版必修5第4单元Making the news 阅读文章中出现了 get the facts straight, have a good nose for sth., get the wrong end of the stick 等习语,我们可以利用图片,设计Brain Teaser 小游戏,让学生很快掌握它们的含义。


Idioms: get the facts straight, have a good nose for sth., get the wrong end of the stick


Look at the pictures below. Can you think of an idiomatic expression to describe each picture? ZHONGXUEJIAOXUECANKAO

8. This is the countryside where I visited 3 years ago. 8.

9. Try to write as careful as you can.


10. We asked him to help us and he refused. 10.

1. language 应加s2. hurry应改为 hurried3. has应改为have 4. falling应改为 fallen5.hear 应改为hearing6. their应改为her/his7. those应改为 that8. where应改为 that/which9. careful 应改为carefully 10. and应改为 but



命题角度1考点1 解题思路名词1冠词1 名词前是否漏冠词不及物动词1介词1 不及物动词后是否漏介词不定式1小品词to1 不定式中是否漏了不该省的“to”被动语态1助动词1 被动语态中是否漏了助动词母语迁移1词类用法1将形容词、副词或介词视作动词使句子缺少谓语部分动词固定搭配1习惯用法1习惯用法中是否漏了不可缺少的词1. She is such good teacher that we all like her. 1.

2. She asked me to watch for the traffic on the roads. 2.

3. I like swimming, but I won’t be able tomorrow. 3.

4. At age of 12, he started writing his own book. 4.

5. He interested in playing computer games. 5.

6. His father not here and he had been to Shanghai. 6.

7. I against the plan that he put forward just now. 7.

8. —I like playing football. —What you? 8.

9. —Have you invited John to our party? —Yes, he has invited. 9.

10. The baby is taken good care by his grandma. 10.

1.good前加 a2.watch后加 out3. able 后加to

4. age前加the5. interested前加 is6.not 前加was

7. against前加am8. What后加about9. has后加been10. care后加of



命题角度1考点1 解题思路名词1冠词1 抽象名词、物质名词泛指时是否多了冠词动词1介词1 及物动词后受母语影响是否多了介词不定式1小品词to1 不定式前是否多了应该省的“to”代词1代词 1 定语从句中是否多了代词形容词、副词1比较结构1 形容词、副词比较结构中是否多了相似词固定搭配1习惯用法1 固定搭配是否“画蛇添足”1. What a fine weather it is! 1.

2. I don’t know when the plane will arrive at. 2.

3. He prefers to see films rather than to go to the park. 3.

4. The path which he took it would lead to his village. 4.

5. She is even more cleverer than her sister. 5.

6. I’ll tell him as soon as I will see him. 6.

7. You had better tell me as soon as she comes to home. 7.

8. If you don’t hurry up, and you will be late. 8.

9. The Smiths did their best to make me to feel at home. 9.

10. His father has to return back to America tomorrow. 10.

1. 除去a2. 除去at3. 除去第二个to4. 除去it5. 除去more6. 除去will7. 除去to8. 除去and9. 除去第二个to10. 除去back

总之,短文改错能检测考生对书面语篇的校验能力。一篇约 100 个单词的英语短文,要求考生对标有题号的每一行作出判断,若有错误就将其改正。短文中的错误往往要在不同程度上借助语境来进行判断。短文改错的考查注意了语言知识的覆盖面,主要有:名词、形容词、冠词、连词、动词、介词等。我们应该全面了解其错误类型,同时多加练习,方可掌握最佳的解题策略。


[1]教育部.普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲: 英语[Z].北京:人民教育出版社,2011.

[2]王 峰.高考短文改错题的命题规律及应试策略[J]. 英语考试研究,2010(10).

[3]甘曜玮.高中英语短文改错100篇 [Z]. 南宁:广西人民出版社, 2011.

上一篇:强调句的几个主要考点 下一篇:《论语》“先进”章诸家注译考辨