The Study on Hong Kong Civil Servants Salary Incentive System

时间:2022-05-06 09:24:44

Abstract.Modern civil service system development has been-years of history. In the world today about more than 60 countries (regions) is of the civil service system, and their own systems. But the Hong Kong civil service system has the distinct characteristics. Ever since Hong Kong's return to, the SAR government according to the basic law into out-of-the-way effective management, the key is to have a dedicated, professional, clean, efficient and vitality of the civil service, mainly lies in the legal system, the management of the fair, flexible mechanism of employing, strict supervision mechanism, and with highly developed material base pay to adapt the safeguard mechanism.

Key words:Hong Kong; Civil Servants; Salary Incentive System


The return of Hong Kong to China before, Hong Kong’s civil service system most comes from Britain. After the opium war, Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories have a British colony, the British government with Hong Kong as a fine favorable geographical position, and a lot of cheap Chinese labor, implement the policy of free port, attract a large number of investors, after new China was founded, and rely on the support of the mainland and as the continental foreign trade Contact intermediary, and rapid economic development. Become a financial, trade as the leading multifunctional international market. Hong Kong economic development is straight to those of developed countries. Before the handover of Hong Kong, the British government from Hong Kong to grab the huge economic interest regards it as the queen in the crown of a pearl. In order to efficient management the colony, promote a set and major state-owned with has the different system of public servants. At that time, Hong Kong's political system with a strong color of colonies, because, the Hong Kong government power legitimacy from the mother country authorized, not the local the will of the people. The judiciary of the Hong Kong though independent exercise of powers is including that of final adjudication, but its still in London. Before the handover, Hong Kong's administrative agencies from horizontal can be divided into government affairs management system, financial management system, municipal administration system, from longitudinal can be divided into "super departmental level sc" (that is, the financial secretary to the attorney general and the garden and assisted the institutions), "garden belongs to all branches of the department (bureau)" "the various government departments". At that time, the Hong Kong authorities of administrative agencies of vertical, horizontal dynamic integration basically realize the comprehensive governance of the Hong Kong government function. At that time, Hong Kong's civil service including central government system the elected and the political appointed the affairs, not including the election or political appointment of generation The cabinet members and government ministries, political secretary sat. Basically, as long as it is the direct pay salary employees, most of them are civil servants (individual contract provisions, consultant, contract except), a standing system. Governor for effective management and more economic benefit, with strict the exam selection and management, set up a high quality team of government. However, admit by examination object is western (foreigner) basic, exam course major is English; the test method is a set of Britain. Here to point out that special, Britain is the establishment of a civil service though (civil servants) system countries, currently the world about country (area) the civil service examinations system that western countries civil servants employed the exam, basic is to learn English, but England in the middle of the 19th century (about 185 o) is China (the imperial) test. Dr. Sun once said: "now the European and American countries examination system, almost all of the study English. British exam system is original or from the Chinese past. So China's examination system in the countries all over the world real talent disconnects the oldest is the best system."

2. Hong Kong Civil Service System Characteristics

On July 1, 1997, the return of Hong Kong to the motherland, for carrying out the "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong", "autonomy" the policy. The Hong Kong special administrative region of the People's Republic of government was established in July 1, 1997. According to People's Republic of the basic law of the Hong Kong special administrative region, the organization structure: administrative institutions (I Chu administration chief executive, administrative meetings, bureau and the executive department); Legislature (legislative council, be responsible for making the law, public spending, monitoring control administrative organ behavior); The judicial authority (the courts at all levels, exercise judicial power independently, including that of final adjudication, the Supreme Court has). It’s unique for leading as administrative and legislative and administrative mutual checks and independent judicial framework. This is "big government" concept, namely People often say that political system structure. Civil servants be management Hong Kong's main power. To work on more creative, must according to international and Hong Kong of the changing situations, according to the need for timely strain scheme and mechanism, do it quick, implement effective. And these new requirements need to reform the civil service system through the ways and approaches to realization. Hong Kong is one of the main reform of the civil service system, will all priests and chief rank from civil service jobs to be appointed by the chief executive, as the term of office of the chief executive, retreat. On contract and employment way, must be the fault negative political responsibility. Make you lead director in charge accountability. Reform another, larger system reform. In March 1999, the Hong Kong government has released the civil service reform a consultation paper, according to the economic and social change, the government management structure is big reform, the adjustment, the streamline. Through the establishment of the civil service reform from 2000 in l9.8 reduce to 2005 in September of 164000, and in March 2007 and the establishment of the civil service will be further reduced to 161000. The number of actual civil servants from 2000 in 18.57 Y reduced to September 2005 15.87 L disproportion in about 15%. The Hong Kong government cut civil servants is mainly thanks to flexible people in and out mechanism and voluntary retirement the implementation of the plan, let has or prospective emergence of excess personnel staff voluntary retirement, and obtain the retirement benefits and compensation, in July 2000 and March 2003 voluntary retirement plan two rounds of the communist party of China's 15100 people were allowed to voluntary retirement. On the other hand, deepen the employment system and welfare reform. The Hong Kong government is in starting in June 2000 as new civil service system implementation. Most civil servants have to press or contract of employment, after a long time of strict inspection, identified as suitable for personnel to be long-term employment terms by party b. Since the Hong Kong government long-term practice system, the government expenses is larger, 2004-2005 annual Hong Kong civil servants' pay and related expenses for hk $66.9 billion, accounting for 34% of the government management expenses. For saving the government financial resources, the Hong Kong government position with the implementation of the new system of civil servant salary system reform, and is suitable for the new job personnel and internal the on-the-job personnel. At the same time implement civil servants accumulation fund plan to replace the old retired civil servants system. By 2006 l2 31, Hong Kong civil service jobs is for 162375, the actual personnel 155251. The government has hired about 153800 people (not including about 1400 judges and the judicial personnel and the ice personnel), accounting for about 2.3% of Hong Kong's population, the working population of about 4.8%, about 1200 of them are directorate personnel. More than 99% of local civil servants, the men and women ratio is about two for one. Third reform, civil servants from the return of Hong Kong to recruitment object before the basic foreign (foreigner), to this (special administrative region permanent born residents). At present, the Hong Kong government basis the official (management) command, civil servants (discipline) rules and (the civil service affairs regulations implementing the management of civil servants. The Hong Kong government has I1 a bureau and 67 executive departments, agencies, has 405 a grade or type of work, down again divided 1136 different rank or job level. Reform, Hong Kong after civil servants management institution is the civil service bureau, is responsible for the formulation and implementation of the civil service management policies, including the employment of civil servants, salaries and conditions of service, personnel management, human planning, training and discipline.

Hong Kong civil servants is the world recognized the asia-pacific region, the most honest, most efficient most stable, most alive civil service, one of the formation of such a team on is a countries all over the world

The comparison of the servants of the advanced recognized mode of system, its main features are: legal system management. Hong Kong civil servants about the management system of the regulations quite perfect, from the civil service recruitment, discipline, evaluation, compensation to retirement, etc are formulated relevant laws and regulations. This is advantageous to civil servants to standardize the management, and promote the formation of a fair, just and open good environment. Strict supervision mechanism is effective supervision, make civil servants chill. All civil servants are should abide by the following basic belief: the strict adherence to the rule; Keep is forget private; in the performance of the office of the decision and action is responsible for; Political neutrality; in the execution of his official duties impartial; Just because someone doesn't, try our best to professional service citizens. ICAC is a result of the government of the Hong Kong special institutions and directly by the chief executive leadership, ICAC equipped with more than 1300 workers. ICAC basis ((ICAC regulations ", the prevention of bribery ordinance, (elections (corrupt and illegal conduct) ordinance, the relevant provisions of the law enforcement, education, prevention in all three against corruption crime, committed to maintaining Hong Kong equity and justice, stability and prosperity in internal supervision., mainly through the civil service system to realize the internal self-discipline of the civil service rules prescribed by the law. The basic obligation: civil servants to discipline, clean and honest. Civil servants affairs branch of the provisions of the civil servants good behavior guide "requirement civil servants to work on time, courteous, obey orders, and shall not harm the public

The reputation of the service member, (civil servants must proceed with caution, according to Hong Kong's "civil servants conduct general rules", civil servants may not have any doubt that F1: civil service or fair, or that the government activity or reputation damaged, or behavior will be subject to disciplinary action. It is the moral standards, decided to the Hong Kong civil servants must proceed with caution. This means that the legal category, people can say they may not say, people can do it, they may not do.) Breach of the above standard, will be punished and punishment. This reward is clear to mobilize the public service system and improve the efficiency of the work of the government play a good role. In the external supervision, mainly rely on the finance committee and the legislative institutions such as auditing department, icac responsible for supervision of civil servants of corruption.

At the same time, the government also strengthens staff discipline and the credit management. All disciplinary action shall be to the principle of natural justice, quickly according to established procedures. Disciplinary action for civil servants of misconduct to punishment can make discipline civil servants turn over a new leaf. The Hong Kong government is committed to maintaining the integrity of the civil service and personal integrity, through the prevention and education and other measures, and the civil service code of conduct and guide, prevent misconduct, advocate clean atmosphere. There is an important constraint mechanism is the news media. Some people think that Hong Kong media fame is not good. Reporters are called "paparazzi", some press conference Ethan Listen to other people's privacy, gossip for a living. But, when celebrities and civil servants words have a problem, they can send up use, the deluge of public opinion pressure "problem officials" a breath, finally only resignation a road. And so, in Hong Kong, the system of power restriction mechanism and system of the public opinion supervision mechanism, to establish a "custom matrix", over the officer words and deeds, guard a society-not legal defense of and moral bottom line. In Hong Kong, civil servants working time was invited to lecture classes, cannot collect fee. All are equal before the law", who make mistakes can not say who are feeling. According to the survey data shows that Hong Kong has more than 99% of the people think that the work is worth support, 94% of the citizens to ICAC have confidence. Due to the Hong Kong government anti-corruption determined, administrative system is perfect, check the power effectively, citizens support strong, add Hong Kong civil servants perks that increase the cost of crime, brought together a clean Hong Kong civil service. Hong Kong's civil service level and get internationally recognized. The SAR government reform of compensation and benefits, think, the civil service pay for the purpose of the policy, is the reasonable remuneration, attract and retain and incentive with appropriate personnel of ability, efficiency and effectiveness for citizen with both of quality services. To provide services for citizens of civil servants, and pay the civil service pay public all think of the civil service pay fair and reasonable, the government to take the principle, in a more complete civil servants' pay adjustment mechanism, the government is mainly through regular pay level survey, to determine whether the civil service pay in accordance with established the civil service pay policy, that is, the civil service pay level should be in the private sector and the level of salary are roughly equal. Hong Kong's civil service salary in the world is the top high. According to statistics, 2001 Hong Kong local economic GDP per capita for us $23597, ranking sixth in the world, but its public institutions and civil service salary welfare is higher than in the top five countries. Civil service salaries accounted for about seventy percent of the fiscal expenditure, namely the financial expenses to reward is given priority to. Have information: Hong Kong civil servants always table level of wages and 47 British prime minister's wage 'that is equal, like British prime minister this month income, in Hong Kong civil servants not less. Hong Kong civil servants and generous allowance, allowance can be as high as 80% of salary. Hong Kong's civil service than private institutions in general welfare. In internal civil servants, according to rank different enjoy different benefits, the higher the rank, welfare the better, more favorable employees overseas. In addition to the salary, civil servants may also enjoy various incidentals, demonstrate variously, years of service and other qualifications and decide. Hong Kong's civil service emeritus pay also envied by, but has not cleaning civil servants of the fault, is the cancellation of the treatment. That may not be able to high salary, but high salary can promote inexpensive. High pay policy, the Hong Kong society outstanding talents concentrated in government departments and everyone appreciate this identity, and also a certain degree to guarantee the honesty of civil service. But the Hong Kong government has stopped to June 1, 2000 or the 13 after the entry of personnel to extend belongs to the welfare of the many incidental allowance, or tightening the rules on the issue, to suit current situation (in cash instead of tedious extend benefits). Hong Kong civil servants' pay generally adjusts every year, in order to add endowment is given priority to, also have a cut in pay. In April, 2002, the financial secretary to the year in 2002.2003 in the budget proposed "the civil servants from this October l 13 up 4.75% pay cut. After Salaries survey committee salary survey trend, that will cut their salaries for top standard directorate 4.42% and the middle, 1.64%, low 1.58%, actual declined less than 4.75% of the budget proposed. The Hong Kong government were in January 2004 and January 2005 conducted two pay cuts, disproportion about 6%, and in 2009 the SAR government continue to pay cuts, and official takes the lead, the high proportion of reduced rank, the bigger the civil servants have resulted in a larger in response. Faithful bred, avoid double post. For more than 150 years, the Hong Kong government civil servants imitate the western management pattern, the requirements of politics and policy issues civil servants are neutral. "According to general rules, all countries in the world behind the strength of the government have a powerful political party as support. In the Hong Kong special administrative region is dominated the administrative system of politics, history is no party political tradition, also do not have the ruling party, opposition parties, the points, civil servants in political neutrality also relatively easy to do." Since the return of Hong Kong, the SAR government-straight requirements civil servants strictly abide by the basic law, patriotic love Hong Kong people, faithful, the effective implementation of the policy of the government and instructions. Civil servants to participate, you have to resign, to prevent in representative institutions and enforcement agencies as a double post in conflict. This kind of request civil servants "a not two as", faithful bred, avoid abuse of dominant model is administrative rights guarantee the Hong Kong government agencies one of the important reasons for the efficient operation. High efficiency is a Hong Kong government civil servants ". The Hong Kong government to handle affairs the efficiency is extremely high, is the world recognized. Have the Asian information report, according to a survey in the United States, Japan, Australia, Singapore and other 14 be representative of the country or region, Hong Kong civil servants is the "most don't bureaucracy"-units. Hong Kong's civil servants, not only clean, on efficiency and also have the high evaluation. "In Hong Kong, everything must work here. With the nap should accord with articles, things will be able to be done." "Hong Kong's civil service efficiency is very high, do a driver's license, the United States will have to wait 45 minutes, Hong Kong as long as 20 minutes." In order to ensure that the efficiency of the civil service system to all of the civil servants fair administration that let everyone know their civil servants fully the rights, obligations and its realization ways, according to published without about civil servants to select, employment, training, promotion, salary, discipline and so on the regulation on management. Hong Kong to the civil servants of employment and selection of fair competition, according to the principle of employment, during the screening staff promotion is the character of the personnel when ', talents, experience, and promotion of the required qualifications for the position criterion, for all eligible personnel, all can be fair consideration, promotion for the most outstanding personnel must be, have the capability and can always bear higher rank. Through the strict test, select the quality of talents into high civil service, including a number of civil servants who have high level of education, is the government policies of the main makers and performer. High quality team of government is to guarantee the high efficiency running of government agencies and _ important reasons. The Hong Kong government love to, get together to lift up to and use have a professional, understand management, will manage the civil service. Recruit people publicly employing strictly. Every time for civil servants, the government department will position, conditions, treatment, discipline and examination, etc, detailed information advertising, almost all newspaper ads will post, service commitment, and set up the examinee consultation calls for the examinee to provide "preparation guidelines", "common problems" and "application form". Set up network and written registration way, convenient examinee. Recruiting grades, sector received the examinee to deliver "application form", to the applicant in a letter of application. The exam is divided into comprehensive recruitment exam and position for the exam. Exam content to more specialized, not only pay attention to a liberal, more importantly professionals, bureau and implement department will also hold for position requires skills or the ability to match test, and the results as the examinee enter interview qualifying priorities. The exam results two years effective, English and Chinese by using the test results and secondary and primary aptitude test pass scores, and the basic law tries to pass the permanent and effective results. Disabled people in the same no demand. Though some do not conform to the record of formal schooling also can test, such as admitted to just pay the salary according to meet not in point.

3.Hong Kong Civil Service System to the Beneficial Inspiration

Good civil servant system must keep pace with The Times, many with ((civil servant law of supporting the regulations yet incomplete, the need for long-term effective reform, to constantly perfect. : yet fast development, must have efficient government. "history shows that good repeatedly the government is not a luxury, but very necessary. No effective government, the sustainable economic and social development of all is impossible." to build a high efficiency clean civil service, must strive to build a better than even the powerful promotion incentives. Trying to motivate most, to eradicate "ranking, can the country be long-term stability and better and faster development more effectively. Otherwise, the existing system is in the lead you to rank, long-term development, likely the state will go down without hope or development limited. Of course, if no one want to rank the government officials also lost credibility.

4. Reference

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