
时间:2022-04-19 12:17:45




【Abstract】Objectives: To compare the intraoperative results and postoperative complications between microsurgical and laparoscopic varicocelectomy. Methods: 32 patients with left varicoceles received microsurgical varicocelectomy in Andrology Center, Peking University First Hospital, and 28 patients received laparoscopic varicocelectomy in department of urology, the Fourth Hospital of Handan, from March to June in 2014, were selected. The number of venous ligated, artery and lymphatics reserved were compared between the two groups. All patients were followed up for at least 6 months. The recurrence rates and incidence of hydrocele and testis atrophy were compared. Results: The mean ages of microsurgery group and laparoscopic operation group were 27.9 and 25.4 years, respectively. The age and grades of varicocele were not significantly different between the two groups. The mean number of venous ligated (venous diameter>1mm), artery and lymphatics reserved in microsurgery group were 10.8, 1.8 and 4.2, respectively. The mean number of venous ligated and artery reserved in laparoscopic operation group were 3.4 and 0.7, respectively. After 6 months’ follow-up, no complication was found in microsurgery group. The incidence of recurrence and hydrocele were 7.1% and 14.3% in laparoscopic operation group. Testis atrophy was not found in this study. Conclusion: Because of the complete ligation of venous, reservation of artery and lymphatics, the complications of microsurgical varicocelectomy are fewer than that of laparoscopic varicocelectomy.

【Key words】Varicocele; Laparoscopy; Microsurgery; Recurrence; Hydrocele


精索静脉曲张是导致男性不育的常见疾病,在普通人群中发病率约为15%,而在原发性不育中发生率可高达35%,继发性不育中达75%[1]。精索静脉曲张被认为是男性不育中可手术治疗的最常见原因[2],但精索静脉曲张引起生精功能受损的确切机制仍不清楚。许多研究已经证实,精索静脉结扎可以明显改善患者的质量,提高配偶的怀孕率[3, 4]。精索静脉结扎的术式较多,有腹膜外的高位结扎、经腹股沟结扎、腹腔镜下结扎和显微镜下结扎。目前认为显微镜下精索静脉结扎术的术后并发症最少,术后配偶怀孕率最高,可作为精索静脉曲张治疗的“金标准”[5]。但在国内,泌尿外科医生还是最常采用腹腔镜下精索静脉结扎术治疗精索静脉曲张,而对显微镜下精索静脉结扎术的报道较少。本研究比较了显微镜下和腹腔镜下精索静脉结扎的术中情况和术后并发症。














精索静脉结扎术的种类较多,大体可分为3类:开放式、腹腔镜下和显微镜下。由于显微结扎术彻底结扎精索外静脉、引带静脉和精索内静脉,并且保留动脉和淋巴管,因此其术后并发症明显少于另外2种术式。Al-Kandari 等[9]通过随机试验比较了3种术式的并发症情况,平均随访18个月,显微镜组仅有1例复发(2%),而开放组和腹腔镜组的复发率分别为13%和18%;显微镜组的鞘膜积液发生率为0,而开放组和腹腔镜组分别为13%和20%。另外一个随机对照研究也得到类似的结果[10]。显微镜组的鞘膜积液发生率为0,开放组和腹腔镜组分别为28%和54%;显微镜组的复发率为26%,其余两组分别为11%和17%。近年来发表的荟萃分析也证实显微手术的鞘膜积液和复发的发生率最低。Cayan等[11]荟萃分析了36项研究、总共4473例精索静脉曲张曲张患者,发现显微组、开放组和腹腔镜组的总体的鞘膜积液发生率分别为044%、824%和284%(P=0001),而复发率分别为105%、1497%和43%(P=0001)。我们的研究证实显微镜下精索静脉结扎术的配偶怀孕率高于腹腔镜手术[12],而且显微镜手术后配偶怀孕率与术前密度有关[13]。Ding等[14]荟萃分析了4项随机对照研究、总共1015例患者,三组的鞘膜积液和复发率分别为00%、008%、01%和25%、172%、14%。尽管显微手术的并发症最少,但手术时间最长。目前,在国内由于显微外科技术尚未被广泛接受[15],绝大多数泌尿外科医生都是采用腹腔镜精索静脉结扎术治疗精索静脉曲张。




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