
时间:2022-04-10 04:52:41


一、 含义


二、 分类

英语中的冠词包括不定冠词(the Definite Article)a和an与定冠词(the Indefinite Article)the。

1. 不定冠词

不定冠词a和an与数词one 同源,用与可数名词的单数形式前,表示“一(个,只,本等)”,表示数量“一”的概念,不强调“一”这个数量。如,A boy is over there. I have a bike and a computer. He is a student.

2. 定冠词

定冠词the则表示名词为特定者,“这”,“那”,“这些”,“那些”的意思,在可数的单复数名词或不可数名词前面都可以用,用来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。如,The book on the desk is mine. All the students like playing games.

三、 区别


1. 不定冠词a和an

(1) 泛指个体,表示某类动物或者事物中的一个,a用在以辅音音素开头的单数可数名词之前,而an 则用在以元音音素开头的单数可数名词之前,如,a book一本书 ,an apple一个苹果。

如果名词前有其他词修饰时,则根据其他词的读音选用a或者an.如,a Chinese car一辆中国小汽车,an English car一辆英国小汽车.例如:

Cindy is_____amazing singer. She has lots of fans. (2010•河北省)

A. a B. an

C. the D. 不填


(2)一些习惯用语中:after a while; in a hurry, have a good time等。

―Mike,could you come and give me_____hand

―OK,Mum. I’m coming now.(2010•浙江省卷)

A. a B. an

C. the D. 不填

句子中give me ahand是习惯用语,意思是“帮我一个忙”,所以选择A。

2. 定冠词the

(1) 特指某人或某物,双方都明白的,或上文提到过。

―May I have a look at the MP4,sir?

―Which one?_____black one?(2010•浙江省湖州市)

A. A B. An

C. The D. 不填


(2) 世上独一无二的事物前the sun, the moon, the earth, the sky。


Many people think that 2012 is one of _____most successful films. (2010•浙江省衢州市)

A. a B. an

C. the D. 不填


(4) 定冠词与某些形容词连用时,使形容词名词化,表示某一类人。

例如: the rich富人;the old老人;the deaf聋人。

(5) the+姓的复数表示“某家人”或“某夫妇”。

例如: the Greens 格林一家/ 格林夫妇

We’d better get ready for the dinner now because_____Greens are coming to visit us tonight.(2010•江苏省镇江市)

A. a B. an

C. the D. /


(6) 用在方位词前。

例如: on the left在左边,in the middle of在中间。

It’s reported that a terrible rainstorm hit_____

south of our country.(2010江苏省宿迁市)

A. a B. the

C. / D. an


(7) 用在乐器名称前。

My sister can play_____violin very well. (2010•湖南长沙)

A. the B. a C. /

此题考查的是定冠词的用法,乐器前面要加the. 所以选择A.

(8) 用在表示海洋,河流,山脉,群岛及国家和党派等名词前。

例如:the Black Sea黑海,the Yangtzi River长江

(9) 用在某些固定词组中:all the same;all the time; at the same time; by the way; dotheshopping/ washing; in the morning/ afternoon/ evening; the day after tomorrow; in the sky(water, field, country)等。

3. 不用冠词的几种情况

(1)在专有名词前和不可数名词前。例如:China, Grade Two, Bill Smith, milk

(2)可数名词前已有作定语的物主代词(my,your,his,her等)、指示代词(this/these,that/those)、不定代词(some,any等)及所有格限制时。例如:my book(正);my the book(误)

(3)复数名词表示一类人或事物时。例如,They are teachers.他们是老师。Tigers like meat.老虎喜欢吃肉

(4) 在星期、月份、季节前不用冠词

It is Sunday (Monday, Tuesday, etc.). Today is Mid-Autumn Day.

(特例:如果月份,季节等被一个限定性定语修饰时,则要加定冠词:He joined the Army in the spring of 1982.他在1982年春季参军。)

(5)在学科名称,三餐饭和球类运动名称前。(但当三餐名词前有修饰词时,则要加适当的冠词)study physics;have breakfast,play football

―What would you like for_____breakfast,Mr.Green.

―Two pieces of bread and_____cup of tea,please.(2010•四川省自贡市)

A. a;the B. /;a C. /;the


(6) 在称呼语或表示头衔的名词前。例如:

Uncle Wang likes making things.

What colour are Mrs Green’s shoes?

7. 某些固定词组中不用冠词。

(1) 与by连用的交通工具名称前:by bus乘公共汽车;by car乘汽车;by bike骑/坐自行车;by train乘火车;by air/plane乘飞机;by sea/ship乘船,但take a bus,in a boat,on the bike前需用冠词

(2)名词词组:day and night日日夜夜;brother and sister兄弟姐妹;hour after hour时时刻刻;here and there到处

(3)介词词组:at home在家;in surprise惊奇地;at noon在中午;on foot步行;at night在晚上;on duty值日;at work在工作;on time准时;for example例如;in class在上课;on show展览;in bed在床上

(4) go短语:go home回家;go to bed上床睡觉;go to school去上学;go to work去上班;go shopping/swimming/boating/fishing去买东西/游泳/划船/钓鱼

8. 在有些词组中,有冠词和无冠词意思不同,请注意区别:用与不用冠词的差异

in the hospital 在医院里;in hospital(生病)住院

in front of在……(外部的)前面;in the front of在……(内部的)前面;at table进餐;at the table在桌子旁;on earth究竟;on the earth在地球上,在世上;go to school(church...)上学(做礼拜……);go to the school(church...)到学校(教堂……)去;two of us我们当中的两人;the two of us我们两人(共计两人);next year明年;the next year 第二年;a teacher and writer一位教师兼作家(一个人);a teacher and a writer一位教师和一位作家(两个人)


1. (2010•湖南省娄底市) ―Why do you like Mary?

―Because she is_____honest girl.

A. a B. an C. the

2. (2010•四川省内江市)Jenny is_____American.She works in_____company in China now.

A. an;a B. an;the C. a;an

3. (2010•山东省潍坊市)Avatar(阿凡达)is such_____wonderful science fiction movie that I want to see it_____second time.

A. a,a B. a,the

C. /,the D. /,a

4. (2010•江苏省南京市)There is_____local shop for people to buy daily things in the small village.

A. a B. an

C. the D. 不填

5. (2010•新疆省阜康市)We often take part in after class activities(活动),I like to play__________

basketball, but my brother likes to play_____guitar.

A. a;the B. the;the

C. 不填,不填 D. 不填,the

6. (2010•江苏省无锡市)If you go by train,you can have quite_____comfortable joueney,but make sure you take_____fast one.

A. a;a B. the;a

C. the;the D. 不填;a

7. (2010•江苏省扬州市)―Look !What’s that moving high up in_____sky?

―It must be_____plane.

A. a;the B. the;/

C. the;a D. /;a

8. (2010•吉林省通化市)―How was_____

dinner at Mike’s house?

―It was great.Mike’s mum is_____wonderful cook.

A. a,the B. the,a

C. the,the D. a,an

9. (2010•四川省成都市)―What shall we have for supper?

―I bought_____big fish at_____only market near my office.

A. a;a B. a;the C. the;不填

10. (2010•河南省)―Shall we pay_____ visit to Expo 2010,Shanghai?

―No,I’d rather stay at home and play_____


A. a;the B. the;a

C. 不填,the D. a,不填

11. (2010•福建省晋江市) There are sixty minutes in_____hour.

A. a B. an C. the

12. (2010•山东省聊城市)―Lingling,Do you know_____woman in white?

―Yes. She is_____nurse in Liaocheng People’s Hospital.

A. a;a B. the;the

C. a;the D. the;a

13. (2010•广西省梧州市)―What do you want to be when you grow up?

―_____actor like Jet Li.

A. An B. A

C. The D. /

14. (2010•山东省莱芜市)―Bob, you look so happy today!

―Well,I got_____A on my English test.

A. the B. a

C. an D. /

15. (2010•山东省菏泽市)―May I have a look at_____book tonight?

―Of course, you can. I have_____old one at home.

A. the;a B. a;the

C. the;an D. the; the

16. (2010•贵州省铜仁市)―Have you found

__________address that you wanted?


A. a B. an.

C. the D. 不填

17. (2010•湖北省黄石市) I found_____dead dog in the river yesterday. But at first I thought it was my pet.

A. a B. an

C. the D. one

18. (2010•黑龙江省鸡西市)If you work hard, you’ll get_____“A” in the exam.

A. a B. an C. the

19. (2010•广西省定西市) They often take_____

walk after dinner.

A. a B. /

C. the D. an

20. (2010•广西南宁)Lily’s mother is__________

teacher in a school.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

21. (2010•天津市)_____Browns were having dinner when the telephone rang.

A. A B. An C. The D. /

22. (2010•山东省泰安市)―What’s__________

most useful invention in the 20th century?

―_____computer,I think.

A. the,A B. a,A

C. the,The D. /,The

23. (2010•辽宁省沈阳市)Jenny goes to school on foot. It takes her about half_____hour to get there.

A. an B. a C. the D. 不填

24. (2010•江苏省连云港市)My best friend Neil is_____honest boy. You can believe him.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

25. (2010•湖北省咸宁市) ―How about_____

talent show?

―I should say it was_____great success.

A. / ; the B. a;the

C. the;a D. the;/

26. (2010•湖北省宜昌市)―Where may you advise me to start my business?

―In my opinion,Yichang is_____one of

best places for you.

A. the,the B. /,the

C. the, / D. /, /

27. (2010•四川省眉山市)―Lily is coming by_____

_____plane tomorrow.

―Let’s go to_____airport to meet her.

A. a; a B. /;a

C. the; the D. /; the

28. (2010•山东省滨州市)―You’ve dropped

_____“s” in the word “necessary”.

―Oh,_____letter “s” is doubled.

A. a;a B. a; the

C. an; the D. the; the

29. (2010•江苏省苏州市)We can have_____ bluer sky if we createless polluted world.

A. a;a B. a;the

C. the;a D. the;the


A. a B. an

C. the D. /


1.B2.A3.A4.A5.D6.A7.C8.B9.B10.D11.B12.D13.A14.C15.C16.C 17.A18.B19.A20.A21.C22.C23.A24.B25.C26.B27.D28.C29.B30.B

上一篇:填词开头难,潜心寻捷径 下一篇:妙笔生花观察为先字字珠玑锤炼是功