Countermeasures of Application of University Resources to Assist Impoverished St

时间:2022-04-09 06:42:31

Abstract. “Economically impoverished students” belong to a special group in universities. Due to poor family conditions and high university tuition and the cost of living, access to a legitimate job is the learning goal of impoverished students. Under this background, this thesis first of all gives an introduction to the necessity of assisting impoverished students’ employment, followed by an analysis of a few critical factors affecting impoverished students’ employment. Finally, it proposes the countermeasures to apply university resources to assist impoverished students’ employment, so as to be helpful and enlightening to follow-up studies.

Key words: university resources; assist; impoverished students; employment; countermeasures


“Hard employment” is not only a social and livelihood phenomenon, but also the manifestation of lagging higher education system, which influences the normal employment of university students as a result of various restrictions. “Economically impoverished students” are the special group in universities. Due to poor family conditions and high university tuition and the cost of living, access to a legitimate job is the learning goal of impoverished students. This thesis makes an analysis of the way to utilize existing university resources to help impoverished students to improve employment capability, get rid of the poor society as soon as possible and realize the individual career value to participate in higher education.

Necessity of Assisting Impoverished Students’ Employment

The phenomenon of “impoverished students” fundamentally reflects the shortcomings of China's economic undertakings. Serious polarization lead to differences in economic income levels of the population, and differences between rich families and poor families grow significant. Based on the outlook of scientific development, universities should not only provide students with a good learning environment, but also assist impoverished students in their everyday life, to help them get rid of poverty as soon as possible. Starting from the ultimate goal of university education, appropriate measures should be taken to assist impoverished students to be successfully employed, which is also the necessary indicator of contemporary education.

1. Need of social development. “Impoverished students” is the concept or noun proposed targeted at students from impoverished families in higher vocational colleges. They have already spent much money on university tuition, bringing enormous pressure to family economy. It is the critical measure to solve livelihood issues as well as the necessary condition for social development to assist impoverished students to get rid of the current hard employment. At present, the social economy is in a stage of rapid development, and university students are an important component of the market labor. Scientific planning and allocation of social labor is necessary, and only the appropriate personnel in the right positions could promote the sustainable development of social economy and other undertakings.

2. Need of educational development. The cause of education is decision making in the era for the country to cultivate professional talents, and it could provide enterprises with more human resources by depending on the reform of higher education system. Impoverished students, as members of university student groups, should enjoy equal treatment of employment and deserves national school supporting employment preference policy. It is the fundamental purpose of the High Vocational School to promote university students’ employment, and it is also the objective condition to promote the development of education by giving impoverished students support policies, as demonstrated in Fig 1. That universities help university students’ employment, for example, could inspire their gratitude to the society, so as to better involve in professional knowledge learning and research.

Several Key Factors Affecting Impoverished

Students’ Employment

It could be from the overall situation of university students’ employment in recent years, hard university graduate employment has already become the present social condition which is hard to get rid of, and the positions provided in the market are far below the number of job seekers. Meanwhile, every year, a majority of previous graduates accumulate to a new graduation season, which greatly increases the employment difficulty of university graduates. Students from impoverished families are “unprivileged group” in the employment group. Through the phenomenon of hard university students’ employment, we could explore several key factors influencing impoverished students’ employment, as demonstrated in Fig 2.

1. Weak employment confidence. impoverished students tend to be “discriminated” by their classmates during their study in universities, which gives a heavy blow to the psychology of impoverished students, and further influences their confidence in the future employment. From a thorough analysis, it could be seen that the impoverished students have lost the confidence to compete with classmates from rich families due to their poor family economic condition. In an interview, for example, impoverished students feel unable to express their employment willingness and advantages because of fear, and they lose confidence when they compete with other students for the same position.

2. Low level of knowledge. Professional knowledge level is an important factor to determine whether university students could be employed. Both the impoverished students and non-impoverished students have their employment closely related to their individual professional level of knowledge. Family economic condition restrains the way of impoverished students’ study to a certain degree, which has adverse effect on the professional level cultivation. Distance education and independent learning, for example, are a new way for the promotion of universities, which is a great help to consolidate their expertise capacity. Impoverished students, however, restrained by family conditions, are unable to enjoy the convenient internet education, and thus have a lower knowledge level compared with other students.

3. Narrow information channel. At present, the society has already entered an information age, and virtual information world with the internet as the center has really come. University students could search recruitment information related to their major through network resources, so as to actively participate in enterprise recruitment and interview. University students, for example, through nap-top and PC network query, could master the latest corporate recruitment information in time to seize the opportunity to participate in job fairs and other activities. On the contrary, impoverished students have insufficient learning hardware facilities and are unable to gain employment information from the internet, which influences their smooth employment.

4. Little social practice. Practice is an effective way to check university students’ expertise ability, and the arrangement of university students to participate in various practice and activities could guide them to properly handle various problems with the knowledge they have acquired. It is also the commonly used standard for the enterprise to assess university student talents. China's higher education has been subject to the constraints of the traditional concept, and has not given enough attention to university students’ practice and teaching activities, which reduces students’ opportunity to participate in social practice. Impoverished students are confined by their learning condition, and more practice is applied to classroom learning and work-study program, which influences their opportunity to involve in social practice. Moreover, the insufficient practice also influences their employment.

Countermeasures of Application of University Resources to Assist Impoverished Students’ Employment

Universities are not only a modern education personnel training base, but also a region where the various information resources concentrate, and it greatly helps to solve impoverished students’ employment with a good utilization of these resources. Universities, for example, have advanced teaching facilities and teaching resources and provide a sufficient condition for professional course education; universities have an education team composed of professional teachers in universities, making it convenient for university students to learn all kinds of professional knowledge and for guiding them to develop good professionalism. All of them are the abundant resources that universities cover. From the perspective of individual development of impoverished students, universities need to help impoverished students in higher vocational schools to improve their employment ability to enable them to realize individual career value in the social employment.

1. Ideological guidance. Poor university students should establish lofty ideals, establish the ideology that the national interests and the interests of the people are above all else, closely combine individual needs and the needs of society, consciously obey the needs of the community, and go to make contributions in places where they are most needed. Ideologically, advanced guidance should be given to impoverished students, and information employment guidance center should be actively established, as demonstrated in Fig 3. Meanwhile, students should be guided to learn how to correctly look at the mainstream of society and the dark side, have an overall awareness and understanding of employment policy and employment situation, clearly position themselves and actively participate in social competition, so as to realize the true value of life.

2. Ability cultivation. Give full play to the role of the student organizations at all levels, actively organize skill competition and contest to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of university students, especially poor university students to participate in activities. Their organizational capacity, communication ability and practical operating ability could be cultivated in their activities. After ability cultivation for a period of time, impoverished students have not only changed their employment mentality in the past, but also greatly improved their own ability. Promote the establishment of their self-confidence, enhance their sense of accomplishment, train them into university students who have an overall development in physical, moral and intelligence development and strong practical operation ability, so as to improve their competitiveness and promote their employment.

3. School-enterprise cooperation. Actively invite employment units to come to universities to increase campus recruitment quality and quantity, provide a higher and better employment platform for impoverished students, increase employment opportunities, as demonstrated in Fig 4. Mobilize various campus forces to get involved in the employment work, focus on support to help impoverished students' employment. Universities can make full use of their advantages in resources and provide poor graduates with employment consulting for free. Give students opportunities of civil service examination guidance and online remote interview, reduce employment cost of impoverished students, and increase the efficiency of job selection.

4. Psychological counseling. Establish a sound and comprehensive research on the psychological problems and feedback system to enhance contemporary impoverished university students' employment psychological research. Through behavioral observation, personal interviews and questionnaires, timely understand and master the performance and causes of psychological distress, and draw up corresponding counseling plans for different types of psychological problems. The campus survey shows that, 71.4% of students lose confidence in the employment competition due to psychological factors, thereby affecting the future personal planning and development of impoverished students. This requires high focus on employment guidance of impoverished students, to make them maintain a good mental state and actively participate in the market employment competition.


To sum up, impoverished students are a special group on the university campus, who are often subject to various psychological blows due to personal family conditions, which affect impoverished students’ study and employment development. Universities should adhere to people-oriented principle, focus on optimization of professional education reform of impoverished students, and provide impoverished students with favorable employment assistance, so as to enable them to be successfully employed and change the current poor life as soon as possible with the professional knowledge they have acquired.


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