Famous English Publisher Will Publish English Version of Chinese Contemporary Li

时间:2022-04-05 05:12:28

Famous English Publisher Will Publish English Version of Chinese Contemporary Literature Masterpieces

On December 31st, world famous English publisher Harper Collins Publishing Group signed a cooperative agreement with Chinese People's Literature Publishing House and planned to select excellent works from literary works of Chinese contemporary writers and translate them into English and push them to the overseas market.

The cooperation preliminarily plans to publish 5 classics of Chinese contemporary literature in English-speaking countries. They'll be mainly selected from the works that reflect the life of Chinese common people. American universities which have the advantage on Chinese literature will be in charge of the translation. The vice president of People's Literature Publishing House Pan Kaixiong indicated that currently the selection of 5 works is still ongoing, and 50 works will be published in the next five years or longer.

Pan Kaixiong said, in the past, the cooperations between People's Literature Publishing House and foreign publishers were limited to the simple copyright trade, but the signing of these two agreements will introduce a series of trades and will surpass the way of cooperation in the past.

The director of the General Administration of Press and Publications (GAPP) Liu Binjie indicated that compared with the former policy which focused on introducing overseas cultural products, the emphasis of the current policy for culture industry of the Chinese government begins to shift to the "copyright trade". He said, this time, the cooperation between Harper Collins Group and People's Literature Publishing House runs in the way of signing an agreement; this has opened up a new model for Chinese publishing industry to go overseas and will help Chinese publishing enterprises to draw support from international great publishing groups and promote the overseas influence power of Chinese cultural publications.

Harper Collins Publishing Group with its headquarter in New York, America, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of News Corporation. Publishing groups under it are distributed all over the world. Its famous publications include The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Lord of the Rings, etc.

In another development, Mottoes on Chinese Traditional Virtues which was published in 2003 and currently has a circulation of 6.7 million will be published in America. On 31st, Chinese People's Education Press signed an agreement with American The McGraw-Hill Companies and exported its copyright of published Mottoes on Chinese Traditional Virtues.

上一篇:市场经济中法治政府的定位 下一篇:“冰河时代”的特效