Chinese Foreign Language Bureau and Tsinghua University Will Conduct Further Coo

时间:2022-02-03 01:20:06

The China Foreign Bureau signed a contract with Tsinghua University, which is on "the cooperation of external communication strategy’’, and they set up a joint" research center about Epstein external communication’’.

Zhou Mingwei, the chief of China Foreign Bureau pointed out that the world today was in a period of big change and adjustment. The role and function of culture exchange and communication were more outstanding for the competition of comprehensive national strength, so it was more urgent to enhance China’s international communication ability and cultural soft power. The majority of peopel working in the area of external exchange workers would face the challenge for a long time. The challenge was how to show the rapid development and multivariate of China to the world. Meanwhile, they moulded and spreaded Chinese real image. He figured out that there are research teams of Chinese high standards and academic resources available in Tsinghua University and advantages of the international public opinion and dissemination practices research in Foreign Language Bureau. This powerful strategic cooperation is effectively integrate resources of two sides to and give full play to their respective advantages. It is also a useful attempt between external dissemination of practical work in college teaching and research institutions in close cooperation. He hoped that both sides treated this partnership as an opportunity. So solve significant practical problems as the main purpose, they will do research on the strategic, fundamental problems when they face international spread system and building cultural soft power. They will work together to build think-tank with national professional talents, by using their best resources and great achievements. And they will strive to make new contributions to the scientific development of China's foreign broadcasting industry.

In accordance with the strategic cooperation framework agreement, the two sides will employ each other's researchers as the specially invited researchers. They will cooperate in research of external dissemination and subjects, and publishing monographs and textbooks, for external communication holding academic seminar and co-editing "external communication" magazine that may be the core journal for Chinese news dissemination. In addition, the two sides will jointly establish "Epstein External Communication Research Fund, which will be used to subsidize and reward young scholars and students with masters degree and Ph.d. from Tsinghua University, for their research on external communication.

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