Protect the earth作文250字

时间:2022-04-19 03:55:22

Protect the earth作文250字

  Our earth has been polluted by a lot, we have to protect our earth. It is our duty to protect the earth. We should start small.

  First, we should use less plastic bags, and use their handmade bag to go to the supermarket shopping, do low carbon life. Second, we should be less by car, by bus or bike. The bus while it is pollution, but if each of us take a bus, pollution will be less than a car. Third, it should be a variety of trees, a variety of tree can alleviate global warming, and help us get more fresh air, there are many benefits of planting trees.

  We should do to protect the earth from around things, in this way, our earth will become better, so in order to your children's children's children, protect the earth!

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