
时间:2022-10-29 06:13:36


[摘要]目的:为下颌骨截骨术提供解剖学基础,建立简单可行的二维坐标系,使得行下颌骨截骨美容术耳后入路时能够有效地保护周围毗邻结构,提高手术准确度。方法:取新鲜成人女尸方形脸头部标本5个以及新鲜成人方形脸整尸标本1具,在两侧的颈外静脉插管加压灌注蓝色乳胶;另外取常规固定头部标本28侧,将两侧有关血管用丝线结扎,灌注蓝色广告画颜料,保证血管壁呈蓝色且清晰。取一张厚度为0.5mm的透明塑料膜,用圆规在塑料薄膜上建立直角坐标系,其最小刻度为0.2cm,将带有刻度的软塑料薄膜铺于标本的面侧区,坐标原点正对下颌角后下方的最凸点,y轴垂直于该连线(颧弓向外的最凸点与眼裂外侧点之间线段的延长线)。用油画笔将面神经的下颌缘支、颈支、下颌后静脉(取前缘)比较完整的描点到薄膜上。最后将薄膜平铺于玻璃上,测量得出坐标参数指标。结果:1.在面的左侧:①面神经下颌缘支、颈支、下颌后静脉三者上方的根部靠近并集中于该处,该点坐标(x,y)的坐标值为(11.4±4.2mm,24.6±5.2mm);②定义面神经下颌缘支与下颌支后缘交界处为A点,该点的坐标值为:(6.0±3.1mm,20.4±4.3);定义下颌缘支在下颌角前方与下颌骨下缘最靠近处为B点,则其坐标值为(38.2±5.3mm,-2.8±4.6mm);经下颌角最后下方最凸点(定义为O点),做垂直于AB的直线,该直线与面神经颈支的交点为C点,该点的坐标值为:(6.8±4.1mm,-8.5±5.3mm)。2.在面的右侧:①面神经下颌缘支、颈支、下颌后静脉三者的根部靠近并集中于该处,该点坐标(x,y)的坐标值为(-14.8±5.4mm ,22.4±6.2mm);②定义面神经下颌缘支与下颌支后缘交界处为A'点,该点的坐标值为:(-6.0±4.5mm ,18.8±5.7mm);定义下颌缘支在下颌角前方与下颌骨下缘最靠近处为B'点,则其坐标值为(38.4±4.2 mm ,-3.0±5.2mm);经下颌角最后下方最凸点(定义为O'点),做垂直于AB'的直线,该直线与面神经颈支的交点为C点,该点的坐标值为:(-6.4±4.6mm,-12.4±4.1mm)。结论:临床医生行下颌骨截骨美容术耳后入路时,可以考虑尽量在ABC 和ABC'相对安全的三角形区域内进行操作。



Anatomical investigation and localization of the approach from post aurem about mandible osteotomy cosmesis

AN Gao,HONG Li,PENG Tian-hong,FAN Song-qing

(Department of Anatomy,Nanhua University,Hengyang 421001,Hunan,China)

Abstract:ObjectiveTo provide the anatomical basis for the mandible osteotomy, establish a simple and feasible 2D coordinate system.Itcan contribute to the furtherance of protecting effectually the adjoin constitution, and raise the accuracy rating of the operation, when the clinician make the mandible osteotomy cosmesis.MethodsIn 10 side freshFemale head specimen and 1 fresh whole body,we perfuse the ambilateral external jugular vein;In 28 side routine retained head specimen, we deligation the ambilateral relevant blood vessel, and perfuse external jugular vein with the blue advertisement advertisement and made the vessel wall drum dyeing, and the vessel wall look ampros.On a page of ransparent plastic film whose thickness is 0.5mm, we construct a rectangular coordinate system with compasses needle .The scale division value of the rectangular coordinate system is 0.2cm.Then,we spread the soft graduated plastic film on the face lateral area,determin the zero ofthe rectangular coordinate system on the plastic film exactly lie on the most prominent dot of angle of mandible and Y axle is perpendicular to the line that is between the most prominent dot on outside-posterior direction on zygomatic arch andthe lateral dot of rima oculi.We trace these dot of the marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve,the cervical branch of facial nerve, retromandibular vein, to the plastic film with oil paintbrush.In fine, we spread the plastic film on glass, measurethese plot and get the indicatrix value.ResultsOn left hand side, ①the root of the ramus marginalis mandibulae nervi facialis, cervical branch of facial nerve and retromandibular vein , is near to one another and to centralize at the position, whose coordinate value is (11.4±4.2mm,24.6±5.2mm).②We definie that the juncture of the ramus marginalis mandibulae nervi facialis andthe ramus of mandible is A, the coordinate value of A dot is(6.0±3.1mm,20.4±4.3mm); We definie that the nearest position the ramus marginalis mandibulae nervi facialis near to the inferior border of mandible is B, the coordinate value of B dot is (38.2±5.3mm ,-2.8±4.6mm).Then, we through the most prominent dot of angle of mandible (O dot) draw a line that the line is perpendicular to AB line segment.we find the point of intersection of the line and AB line segment, definie the point of intersection is C, the coordinate value of C dot is (6.8±4.1mm ,-8.5±5.3mm).On right hand side, ①the root of the ramus marginalis mandibulae nervi facialis, cervical branch of facial nerve and retromandibular vein , is near to one another and to centralize at the position, whose coordinate value is (-14.8±5.4mm ,22.4±6.2mm).②We definie that the juncture of the ramus marginalis mandibulae nervi facialis andthe ramus of mandible is A', the coordinate value of A' dot is (-6.0±4.5 mm ,18.8±5.7 mm).We definie that the nearest position the ramus marginalis mandibulae nervi facialis near to the inferior border of mandible is B', the coordinate value of B dot is (38.4±4.2 mm ,-3.0±5.2mm).Then, we through the most prominent dot of angle of mandible (O'dot) draw a line that the line is perpendicular to A'B' line segment.we find the point of intersection of the line and AB line segment, definie the point of intersection is C', the coordinate value of C'dot is (-6.4±4.6mm ,-12.4±4.1mm).ConclusionWhen the clinician make the mandible osteotomy cosmesis through the approach from post aurem,may consider the relative safe ABC and A'B'C'district.

Key words: the mandible osteotomy; coordinate system localization; marginal mandibular branch; retromandibular vein; the approach from post aurem









1.1 标本:常规固定防腐的女尸方形脸头部标本28侧,新鲜成人女尸方形脸头部标本10侧,新鲜成人方形脸整尸标本1具(2侧)。

1.2 主要试剂:常规静脉灌注用品:10%甲醛、氨水、95%酒精、盐酸、乳胶、蓝色广告颜料、红汞(汞溴红溶液)。

1.3 常用器械:游标卡尺、0.5mm的透明塑料薄膜、坐标纸、油画笔、圆规、各种型号烧杯、量杯、20ml、50ml注射器,各种口径玻璃插管、橡胶管、纱布、丝线、玻璃棒。








总的来讲,不管是采取何种手术方式,均有其优缺点,归纳起来,现行的手术方式仍然存在一些问题:①牙关紧闭: 在行咬肌部分切除时,它是较严重的问题,有时持续时间很长;有学者认为术中应仔细止血,术后在面部两侧设置冰袋,避免嚼口香糖、吃坚韧或粘稠的食物,避免张口过大或打哈欠,如果发生牙关紧闭,交替热敷和冷敷,适度张口运动将有助于解决问题;②血肿:损伤下颌后静脉的分支,组织血液局部回流不畅;③感染:多为口内入路,口腔污染;④不对称畸形:除手术前认真分析病情,合理设计截骨线和截骨量以外,主要还是术中的仔细操作和对比观察;明显不对称要再次手术矫正;⑤颈部皮肤下垂:损伤面神经颈支;⑥口角歪斜:损伤面神经下颌缘支;面神经下颌缘支意外切断造成的口角歪斜恢复困难,术后3个月无恢复迹象则要作手术探查;⑦第二下颌角:手术中没有控制好截骨量,多由于截骨线与下颌骨体部角度过大引起;第二下颌角畸形明显者需要再次手术矫正;⑧其他:术中出现下颌骨骨折,术中损伤腮腺导管或腮腺体,引起唾液漏等。

现在临床行下颌骨截骨美容术,口内入路、口外入路、口内外联合入路这三种方法基本呈平行发展趋势,并没有哪一种入路的方法占据绝对的优势,临床医生主要根据本医院的具体医疗配备条件,以及综合考虑求美者主观接受程度采取相应的手术方案,我们之所以选择耳后入路为突破口,是因为耳后入路存在很多优点,比如:①切口位于外耳后,术后 隐蔽;②切口不穿通口腔,完全为无菌手术;②可半盲视下完成;④不需特殊器械;⑤如患者下面部皮肤松弛可同期行除皱术。但其缺点也很明显,不熟悉局部解剖易损伤面神经下颌缘、颈支。我们这里提到的入路问题,并不是简单的入路切口问题,而是经过切口后,向组织深层推进中,如何避免损伤下颌角周围重要结构的问题。如果能够把下颌角周围的面神经下颌缘、颈支、下颌后静脉这些重要结构做出准确的定位,则可以为临床行下颌骨截骨美容术,特别是耳后入路术式的进一步推广提供方便。





在面的右侧:①面神经下颌缘支、颈支、下颌后静脉三者的根部靠近并集中于该处,此处为危险点,命名为右(危险点),该点坐标(x,y)的坐标值为(-14.8±5.4mm ,22.4±6.2mm),同样考虑三者的均数值,则以该点为圆心,半径为0.5cm的圆形区域我们命名为危险区,称右(危险区)。临床医生应尽可能的避开从此区域入路进入深层。②定义面神经下颌缘支与下颌支后缘交界处为A点,该点的坐标值为:(-6.0±4.5mm ,18.8±5.7mm);定义下颌缘支在下颌角前方与下颌骨下缘最靠近处为B点,则其坐标值为(38.4±4.2 mm,-3.0±5.2mm);经下颌角最后下方凸点O点,做垂直于AB的直线,该直线与面神经颈支的交点为C点,该点的坐标值为:(-6.4±4.6mm,-12.4±4.1mm);我们把该三角形ABC区域定义为相对右侧的安全区域,临床医生可以考虑经右侧此区域入路。


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