
时间:2022-10-28 09:00:48


当被问到最大的个人挑战时,导演安德鲁・亚当森(《史莱克》《史莱克2》的导演)说道:“对于我来说,我现在正在制作的电影是关于一本童年时期对我影响很大的书,它又是一部人们满怀期待的电影,因为很多人孩提时就已经很喜欢它。对于我来说,我要制作一部 重现我童年记忆的电影,而不仅仅是再现小说本身。这就是说我要实现每个人的记忆,而这就是挑战所在―使它真实。你阅读小说,它是20世纪40年代的儿童书籍,我想让现在的孩子也感受到小说的真实。”





The Chronicles of Narnia:

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy leave London for the house of an 1)eccentric professor during the German 2)air raids of World War II. They find life in the house very dull, until Lucy discovers a 3)wardrobe that leads to a magical world called Narnia. In the world of Narnia, animals can talk and all are ruled over by the wise and 4)benevolent lion Aslan. The others don’t believe her at first, but soon all of them go through the wardrobe and discover the situation is not very good in Narnia ?the evil White 5)Witch Jadis has 6)cursed the once-charming and peaceful land with 7)eternal winter. Finally, the four children learn that they are the key to breaking the Witch’s eternal winter. With the 8)guidance of Aslan, the children fight the White Witch in order to free Narnia from her icy 9)spell forever.

When asked about the biggest personal challenge, director Andrew Adamson (the director of Shrek and Shrek 2) said: “For me, the film I am working on at the moment is a book that was very important to me as a child and it’s another movie that comes with a lot of expectations, because it’s a book that a lot of people enjoyed as children. To me it’s about making a movie which 10)lives up to my memory of the book rather than specifically the book itself. And it needs to live up to everyone else’s memories and that is what my challenge is ?to make it real. You read it and it’s a 1940s children’s book. I want it to feel real for today’s children”

Link: About the Book The 11)Chronicles of Narnia

The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of seven fantasy novels for children written by Irish writer C. S. Lewis. The books have 12)Christian themes and describe the 13)adventures of a group of children who visit a magical land called Narnia. Narnia is the Latin name of an Italian town now named Narni, 14)located very close to Rome. It has been said that Lewis named Narnia for this town, which he had 15)come across in an 16)atlas as a child.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was the first published and the most popular book of the series. It has been 17)adapted for both stage and screen. The Chronicles of Narnia borrow from Greek and Roman 18)mythology, and traditional English and Irish fairy tales.

Author J.K. Rowling has stated her 19)appreciation for and 20)inspiration from the Narnia books. 21)Elements of the fantasy world that Lewis created can be found in Rowling’s world of Harry Potter, especially 22)in terms of the magical creatures.

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