
时间:2022-10-25 08:04:13


自1953年葡萄酒大师MW(Master of Wine)资格认证考试开设以来,截止到去年,全球共有279人获得该称号。这些获得大师认证的279人有英国人,有美国人,有澳大利亚人,但直到2008年,才出现了第一位亚洲人。








It is hard to define what it is exactly. It is not a thing, nor an emotion. But the rich and famous, the royals and the privileged all want a piece of it – it is the taste bud of a master of wine.

MW (Master of Wine) accreditation was established in 1953. Since then 279 have been awarded the title as of end of 2011. There had been Brits, Americans, Australians but not a single Asian until 2008.

Jeannie Cho Lee is the first Asian MW. She now lives in Hong Kong and just had a book-signing event (Asian Plate) in Beijing. U-Jet met her and heard her rosy life of wine.

Since the School Days

Lee became fascinated with wine in her year as an exchange student at Oxford University. She had had some wine before but never such an extraordinary Bordeaux as at the banquet in England when she was 19. She could never forget it and was even more impressed with different wines to go with different food. Magical combination highlighted the unique personality of every wine. She realized for the first time how magical and deep wine could be.

In her school days, she often saved for quite a while just to have a good meal. Wine is an integral part of nice meals to Europeans. “When you have nice food, you see wine,” said she. She started her education of wine as a “freshman”. She read extensively and tried different wines, figuring out where the nice taste came from and how one wine was different from another. Lee told us that for those truly extraordinary wine, it was always the one and only, incomparable to anything else. Wine tasting is about exploring the unique character of each wine and the stories behind. “Where is the origin, who are the growers, what is the weather like, etc, etc,” said she.

Unlucky First Time

Lee paid her dues tasting and writing about wine and became deeply immersed, until it seemed a natural step to get a MW certificate. For a Harvard graduate, exams shouldn’t be that hard, but it was her taking-it-easy mindset that led to her failure for the first time. She had another go in 2008, more determined and better prepared.

Lee still reminisced her MW exams, which lasted four days, and skewed towards theory, and a candidate’s knowledge of wine and the industry, apart from wine tasting. Each morning, a candidate tasted as many as 12 unnamed wines. In the afternoon, one had to describe in a paper where each wine is produced, in what year, its sugar content, the wine-making process, and bottling details. The exams cover geography, science and chemistry, perhaps the reason why very few people eventually pass.

Work Life Balance

Lee is now a consultant for the Singapore Airline and Macau Galaxy Resort, as well as a special contributor to various wine media outlets.

Lee said that work is relaxed and enjoyable, because she does what she is passionate about. She recommends wine to clients and tells them what will be the results of particular wine-food combination. Lee is overjoyed with their reaction.

She is a mother of four and the biggest challenge is work life balance. She flies around the world and she finds it best to go on holiday with kids to strike work-life balance, that’s why she doesn’t work for at least two months every year.


搭配粤菜的海鲜菜式,德国葡萄酒中干型的雷司令,或来自Pfalz或Silvaner产区的Pinot Blanc或Pinot Gris是几个不错的选择。因为这些酒酸度和坚实的特点会为餐点加入清新的体验,也比甜腻的葡萄酒更经得起强烈、刺鼻、甚至发酵的味道。而对于味道强烈的菜式,如以豆豉调味的菜肴,中等酒体的德国干红则能与之搭配。




Medium-dry Riesling from Germany, Pinot Blanc from Pfalz or Silvaner are good for Cantonese sea food. The acidity and solidity add freshness to meals; and they resist strong, pungent and even fermented taste better than sweet varieties. Medium-body German dry plays magic with tempeh-dressed food.

Lee has her share of resistance. When clients rejected her recommendation, she accepted it graciously.

Lee visits various parts of Asia to analyze local markets. She sees great progress in Chinese wine regions. The wines are clearer and highlight the characters of grapes. She particularly likes wine from Ningxia, and wine made with Xinjian and Gansu grapes, which incorporate the characteristics of local grapes in them.

“Chinese wine is closer to European variety, due to continental geography and weather conditions. Wine carries the character of local soil, especially those from Hebei and Shandong. But there are shortcomings, mostly with growing. Yield factor is important for good wine, over growing is never good,” said Lee. She thinks that farmers have the misconception that high production equals high profits, and this leads to unsatisfactory grape quality. In Europe, growers are wine makers themselves, keenly aware of how to grow best grapes.

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