Education System Construction of Vocational College Students under the Scientifi

时间:2022-10-25 06:05:45

Abstract. To improve the quality of the transition from the scale of the development of higher vocational education should serve the objective of economic and social development needs of the service, to achieve a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, we must thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development, to firmly establish the concept of human text to achieve. This requires vocational colleges to establish the correct guiding ideology, accurate positioning personnel training objectives, correctly handle the relationship between reform and stability, quality and size between the two, so that innovation and development of higher vocational education, to achieve a historic breakthrough. In this paper, an accurate grasp connotation of scientific concept of development were established from combining production, curriculum development, teaching staff, internal control and management systems of education, mental health education in five areas, and it discussed in detail about the construction of the student's education system in vocational colleges.

Keywords: Scientific Concept of Development; Universities College; Education System; People-Oriented

1. Introduction

According to the new era of higher vocational education in the face of changes in the economic way of development and national development strategies requires "high skilled personnel" requirements, it must be comprehensively improve the quality of personnel training. Vocational colleges belonging to develop skills applied talents of specialized base, the current development of higher vocational education must seek a breakthrough. Over the years, the CPC Central Committee and State Council attached great importance to the development of education in China, and the scientific concept of development into vocational education among. August 29, 2006, Comrade Hu Jintao made it clear in the 34th Politburo collective study session, to "adhere to the scientific development concept to guide the overall development of education in China", "China's educational undertakings to promote comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development "; CPC Central Committee and the State Council held in July 2010 since the reform and opening up the Fourth National Education Conference, promulgated the" National long-term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020) "plan for the next 10 years of education strategic goal of scientific development, the establishment of a people-centered strategic themes full implementation of quality education, and it proposed "priority development, educating people, innovation, promote fair and improving quality" approach. Vocational education as an important part of higher education, adhere to the scientific concept of development, training services in the socio-economic skills of first line of high-quality talent is the basis for building a moderately prosperous society.

2. Clear the connotation of establish the scientific concept of development in Vocational Education

Development concept is about the overall view of the nature of development, meaning, purpose and requirements of the fundamental point of view, the essence of the scientific concept of development is people-oriented, theme development, approaches, methods and means comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable. Education is to cultivate people's work, will be people-oriented as a scientific concept of development the basic content of the given educational unprecedented opportunities, this long is because our country on education to develop the whole moral level of our citizens, employability, cultural quality and life ability to obtain a comprehensive upgrade, this is not just a fundamental way to promote the whole society sustained, coordinated and healthy development, also belong to the fundamental purpose of the development of society. Specifically, the scientific concept of development of education is reflected in the following three aspects:

First, adhere to the people-oriented. Due to the current societies, people-oriented main content gradually transformed into an objective demand for people to accept and learn high with the quality of many types of education in view of this, the current core of science education development concept has become of the people-oriented persistence, and scientific important objective is the development concept for the overall development of students mentioned effective role in promoting.

The second is to achieve sustainable, coordinated and comprehensive development. Accordance with the relevant requirements of the scientific development concept, which must make a variety of levels and types of education must maintain a proper speed, size and structure according to the current needs and social development and progress of economic development, which is on the development of continuity and persistence educational process to make effective guarantee.

Third, it is the harmonization of education and overall development of human, social and economic. Accordance with the relevant requirements of the scientific development concept of education, the development of education must be closely comprehensive human development and social progress, must not be placed on the outside of the scope of social development, education services should be done all the time in the economic development and social progress.

In essence, the higher education belong to the sustainable development of the information society and knowledge among the main driving force and an extremely critical factor now is the continued growth of higher education to play its role. Especially among higher education is an important part of higher vocational education, which must be effective combination of its own characteristics, and strictly abide by the basic laws of highly educated, healthy and sustainable development into the way up. The height of vocational education in the country showed a continuing large current development trend, and now half of the entire higher education is higher vocational education. But the reality is that our view of higher vocational education abroad appear relatively late start, has an extremely weak basis in the fast pace of development, the emergence of lower quality on the show, relatively low employment rate in training of personnel, the quality varies greatly, and many other issues have a direct impact on the healthy development of this highly vocational education. The current important issues facing the development of higher vocational education with the scientific development concept is to play a leading role in the healthy and sustainable development of higher vocational education.

3. The higher vocational education system under the scientific concept of development

According to the scientific development concept to guide the connotation of higher vocational education, due to the people-centered scientific concept of development is the core in the current development of higher vocational education in this country it is too high for your personalized social community and the people of the whole process to achieve positive adaptation. Today, the ongoing implementation of the reform of higher vocational education and this is the objective in order to effectively meet the needs of individual development and social development, in order to be able to cultivate a positive for the community to have some considerable number of practical high-level technical personnel. To be specific, the scientific concept of development under the current build sights higher vocational education system should be selected as a breakthrough in the following aspects:

First, it is the effective combination of both production and learning which is a higher vocational education the only way. Generally speaking, the higher vocational education in the development of personnel training objectives must be prominent industry with professional features directly on frontline services, primary production, management posts directly to do, and this can be a particular industry or a particular area building directly facing the economy, in order to actively adapt to the current needs of our country for the development of local economy, resulting in higher vocational education training of personnel not only has the necessary professional knowledge of basic theory, making better vocational skills training, coordination and development of professional competence of students the overall quality of practical work in many technical problem solving process capable of using modern high-tech, but also be able to have a certain level of scientific and technological achievements transformation skills and practical talents to capacity. The whole process of higher vocational education must be an effective combination of production and learning, to get higher vocational education radiate vitality, it must move towards the first line of production, so that it can adapt to the development of science and technology, the lack of higher vocational education funding this a problem for effective supplement. Strengthen cooperation in joint educational schools and businesses, and actively explore the characteristics of an effective combination of industry development path. In the whole process of training personnel to let companies involved, appropriate personnel training programs for the development of enterprises to actively learn to formulate, also hired corporate personnel practices as a student mentor, teacher and student training in enterprises. This approach not only allows schools to train professional personnel and business counterparts, but also can be an effective use of corporate resources, allowing companies to achieve win-win situation with the school. It should also be carried out on Vocational Education Group components, take the group sponsoring the road. Vocational colleges must conduct joint scientific research institutes, universities, vocational schools of similar companies, in order to achieve the characteristics of the industry to have a vocational group formed after the realization of the joint, so it can be done complementary advantages achieved with shared resources, making the school has been to maximize the effectiveness of the school.

Second course construction is part of the fundamental reform of the current way of higher vocational education. Due to the current vocational education training personnel in the fundamental way to achieve the objective is to build the course, which is part of the development of the whole society to value, quality, ability, a certain degree of knowledge together with the stage of the integrated carrier. In the current curriculum of higher vocational education must be the goal of core competencies, knowledge-based and professional quality-oriented culture fully embodies the characteristics of the line. And in the process also should have a diverse curriculum model, the maximum will affect discipline in the teaching and curriculum-based system construction process, part of the design of the course topics selected main occupation is to develop students ability; And in this a process, but also on the characteristics of vocational education should fully reflect the effective combination of theory and implementation, effective use of active students have learned the theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems and ways of thinking ability. From the content point of view, we must inspire the students awareness of innovation; the students’ hands-on experience, new technology and products play a beneficial role in tracking.

Third, it is the teachers of higher vocational colleges, which are the basic guarantee of higher vocational education reform. An extremely important part of the construction of the current higher education is on the teaching staff. The current vocational colleges in the entire building process among faculty, one must effectively enhance the level of understanding of higher vocational education teachers, curriculum design and teaching methods of control methods, there is a discipline-based vocational education to a certain extent, in order to do enhance the teaching level; On the other hand, to be related to the professional field of teaching practical skills and theoretical level of teachers engaged in effective upgrade. Specifically, the approach taken is to allow teachers to lead students to go deep into the production of the first line of them, making the practical ability of teachers to effectively improve the effective integration of research, learning and production, research strengths and take advantage of new products and business joint development of new technologies, but also the approach taken by the enterprise which is engaged in the production of the first line has sufficient experience in engineering and technical personnel to enrich vocational education when teachers among.

Fourth, it needs the establishment of internal control and management system of education, which was incorporated into the education system among students. Because whether in business or in the community among them, to make full use of and optimize the allocation of resources to this goal, through the establishment of internal control systems are often able to play a particularly important role. The university belongs to a part of the whole society which, which can be absorbed by the experience of other related industries to come in order to achieve the status of school management reform by strengthening internal control and management. The author in the study of this subject which, by establishing appropriate vocational college based education under the leadership of the team in which vocational college, and held regular meetings related to education for students of management case study, and based on the analysis out problems develop appropriate specific measures. Based vocational colleges under the new students, new situations and new circumstances, to implement educational management is based on the whole, so as to be incorporated into the students' education and teaching them, no matter what work is to develop the student's educational management should effect full consideration.

Fifth, it needs the mental health education as a useful complement to vocational education, which actively guides students to grow up healthy. Generally speaking, on the one hand to do is to be done on Vocational College Students Mental Health Work effectively improve the system, through the establishment of early warning systems for Mental Health vocational colleges, so do relatively well on vocational Construction of psychological crisis intervention model college institutions. And after entering freshmen to vocational college, which is an essential part of good psychological screening and mental health education, and science with standardized psychological tests done to establish individual psychological profile of vocational students, and thus make the implementation of tracking counseling to targeted and purposeful, resulting in the formulation of mental health education programs which must face students to do psychological counseling and mental health education initiatives to develop. On the other hand must be done on a wide range of mental health education activities carried out. Vocational College Students to be done on the effective prevention of mental illness, which is mainly implemented to guide, inspire and educate, to determine the important content of quality education for students is to comprehensively promote the mental health and mental health will be integrated into the overall teaching plan them. With programs and various forms of psychological prevention training opened, so that the students can do the psychological ability to adapt effectively enhanced.

4. Conclusion

All in all, the current thoroughly implementation of the scientific concept of development must seize this favorable opportunity to have a profound understanding of the scientific development concept connotation, from the five areas of combining production, course construction, teaching staff, internal control and management system.


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