
时间:2022-10-25 10:03:08


摘 要: 针对火电厂一次风机运行工况复杂和多状态变量强耦合特性而难以构建设备精确模型的问题,将智能数据挖掘方法应用于风机设备故障预警和诊断中。通过对风机典型运行特性进行分析,提出一种基于最小二乘支持向量机(LS?SVM)的一次风机振动状态估计和故障预警方法。结合山西河曲发电厂1号机组的1#一次风机历史运行数据,应用Matlab对提出的方法进行验证和分析。研究结果表明,该预测方法有较高的估计精度,能够及时辨别一次风机在运行中的振动异常,适用于火电厂辅机设备的故障诊断,具有一定的工程应用价值。

关键词: 一次风机; 在线监测; 最小二乘支持向量机(LS?SVM); 故障预警

中图分类号: TN911?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2017)07?0120?04

LS?SVM based online monitoring and fault warning method

for primary air fan vibration


(Department of Equipment Management, Jiajie Gas Thermoelectricity Branch Company, Jinneng Electricity Group Co., Ltd., Taiyuan 030032, China)

Abstract: Since it is difficult to construct the accurate equipment model due to the complex operation condition of the heat?engine plant′s primary air fan and the strong coupling property of its multi?state variable, the intelligent data mining method is applied to the warning and diagnosis of the air fan equipment. The typical operation characteristic of the air fan is analyzed to propose the primary air fan vibration state estimation and fault warning method based on least?square support vector machine (LS?SVM). In combination with the historical operation data of the first unit′s 1# primary air fan in Shanxi Hequ Power Plant, the Matlab is used to verify and analyze the method. The study results indicate that the method has high estimation accuracy, can timely identify the abnormal vibration of the operating primary air fan, is suitable for the fault diagnosis of the heat?engine plant′s auxiliary equipment, and has a certain engineering application value.

Keywords: primary air fan; online monitoring; least?square support vector machine; fault warning

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