如鱼得水 第1期

时间:2022-10-25 08:36:54

This idiom comes from History of the Three Kingdoms・Kingdom of Shu・Biography of Zhuge Liang. During the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was great disorder under heaven and a host of forces appeared one after another. Liu Bei went to Liu Biao for shelter in Jingzhou when he was defeated by Cao Cao. In order to achieve a great task in the future, he recruited all kinds of quilified persons. Through the famous man Sima Hui's recommendation, Liu with his two sworn brothers, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei went to Wolonggang in Longzhong to visit Zhuge Liang, inviting him to help them. But unfortunately, they couldn't meet Zhuge at the first and second visits. Not until the third time, in a heavy snowstorm weather, did they finally meet Zhuge at his home. After Liu Bei made clear their intention. It made Zhuge deeply moved for their three visits. Then they made a penetrating analysis and discussed the situation seriously. Afterwards, Zhuge put forward a suggestion that Liu should first capture Jingzhou and Yizhou, then unite Sun Quan of Dong Wu to resist Cao Cao, and he also foretold that there would be the triangular balance of the power of the three kingdoms, Wei, Shu, and Wu in the world. Then Liu Bei had the highest esteem for Zhuge's ideas and appointed him as thc chief military adviser.

Since Zhuge was not only in a high post but also trusted so much by Liu Bei, which aroused Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals dissatisfaction. Sometimes they also expressed their disagreements with Zhuge's military commands. They usually related their worries to Liu Bei, but Liu Bei, but Liu Bei paid no attention to them and said; "Having Kongming(another name of Zhuge Liang) to assist me, I feel just like a stranded fish which has been put back in the water. So I don't want to listen to anything more." From Liu Bei's metaphorical meaning, Zhuge Liang was the most important man to seize state power for him.

Now we use it to describe coming by somebody of one's taste or being in an environment appropriate to oneself.




上一篇:将爱放飞 第1期 下一篇:铜猪(下)