
时间:2022-10-22 01:21:31


Teddy Bears: The Heart of a Century

The Name of the Bear

Today in the West, people can hardly imagine a world without that eager listener, confidant[知己], and loyal friend, the teddy bear. But the teddy bear has not always been with us. In fact, the teddy bear did not make its entrance until 1902.

In 1901, Theodore Roosevelt (nicknamed “Teddy ) became President of the United States. In November 1902, he embarked on a four-day hunting in Mississippi, during which he refused to shoot a bear that had been cornered for him. The incident prompted[促使] a cartoon drawn by Clifford Berryman.

The cartoon appeared in The Washington Post. It caused an immediate sensation[轰动] and was reprinted widely. Following that cartoon, Morris Michtom, a Russian immigrant, displayed a plush[长毛绒] bear, made by his wife Rose and labeled “Teddy’t Bear,in his New York store. Instead of looking fierce[凶猛的] and standing on all four paws[爪] like previous toy bears, the Michtomsbear looked sweet, innocent, and upright[正直的], like the bear in Berryman’t cartoon. Perhaps that’t why “Teddy’t Bearmade a hit with the buying public. In fact, the demand was so strong that the Michtoms, with the help of a wholesale firm[批发店] called Butler Brothers, founded the first teddy bear manufacturer in the United States, the Ideal Novelty and Toy Company.

Meanwhile in Germany, Richard Steiff was working for his aunt, Margarete Steiff, in her stuffed[填充] toy business. Richard, a former art student, often visited the Stuttgart Zoo to sketch[速写] animals, particularly the bear cubs[崽]. In 1902, the Steiff firm made a toy bear based on Richard’t designs. Though both the Michtoms and Steiff were working on bears at the same time, the Michtomsbear resembled the wide-eyed cub in the Berryman cartoon, while the Steiff bear, with its humped[驼背] back and long snout[口鼻部], looked more like a real bear cub.

By 1906, the teddy bear craze was in full swing in the United States. Ladies carried their teddies everywhere, and children had their pictures taken with their teddy bears. Roosevelt even used a bear as a mascot[吉祥物] in his re-election bid[努力]. In that year, the US toy-trade catalogue first referred to “Teddy’t Bears.This name was soon abbreviated[简化] to “Teddy Bear.Thus began the legend of the all-time, best-loved bears.

Two Wars, Two Worlds

With the exception of the four years when WWI raged in Europe, the next 25 years were kind to the teddy bear. Mass production had not yet taken over the teddy bear world, and people still preferred to buy high quality, hand-finished teddy bears. Ideal and Steuff were no longer the only two companies in the industry. Competitors sprung up in England, France, and other parts of the world.

The bears themselves changed, too. Boot-button eyes were replaced by glass, and excelsior[细刨花] stuffing was replaced by a softer alternative, kapok[木棉]. Musical bears and mechanical[机械的] bears were very popular, and they were produced worldwide. But the outbreak of WWII stopped the fun. Instead of making teddy bears, the world’t workers and factories were needed for the war effort. Some companies closed and never reopened.

While traditional teddy bear companies had always prided themselves on quality hand-finishing and had always used natural fibers to make their bears, all that changed after WWII. Fueled by a desire for washable toys, synthetic[合成的] fibers were all the rage[成为时尚] in the post-War years. Buyers liked the idea of washable toys, so bears were made from nylon[尼龙] or acrylic[丙烯酸的] plush, and had plastic eyes and foam rubber stuffing.

Maybe traditional teddy bear companies could adapt to this change in materials, but they were not prepared to compete against the flood of much cheaper, mass-produced teddy bears coming from eastern Asia. Even the old, well-established companies were hurt by the onslaught[冲击] of inexpensive teddy bears from the Far East.

The Teddy Bear’t Comeback

Strangely enough, the comeback of the teddy after years of mass-production was triggered[触发], not by a bear maker, but by an actor. On television, British actor Peter Bull openly expressed his love for teddy bears and his belief in the teddy bear’t importance in the emotional life of adults. In 1969, he wrote a book about his lifelong affection for teddy bears, Bear with Me, later called The Teddy Bear Book. His book struck an emotional chord[和音] in thousands who also believed in the importance of teddy bears. Without intending to, Bull created an ideal climate for the teddy bear’t resurgence[复苏]. The teddy bear began to regain its popularity, not so much as a children’t toy, but as a collectible[收集品] for adults.

In 1974, Beverly Port, an American dollmaker, dared to take a teddy bear she made to a doll show. The next year, she presented a slide show[放映幻灯片] she had created about teddy bears. That show quickly became a sensation. Other people, first in the United States and then all over world, caught Port’t affection for the teddy bear. They, too, began applying their talents to designing and making teddy bears. One by one, hand by hand, teddy bear artistry was born with Port, who coined the term “teddy bear artist,often cited as the mother of teddy bear artistry[艺术工作]. Thousands of teddy bears artists, often working from their homes all over the world, create soft sculpture[雕塑] teddy bear art for eager collectors. Today, teddy bear books, magzines, museums and fairs spread all over the world.

This increased appreciation for the teddy bear as ancollectible has also increased the value of antique[古董] teddy bears, the hand-finished, high-quality teddy bears manufactured in the first decades of the 20th century. Since the 1970s and 1980s, these old, manufactured teddy bears have begun showing up in antique doll and toy auctions[拍卖], winning higher and higher bids.

Unlike the majority of toys and dolls the novelties that come and go along with the latest children’t crazes teddy bears seem to be with people permanently[永存地].

But what is the reason for their triumphant[成功的] survival? According to an arctophile注, “the mystique[奥秘] lies in the faces of the bears themselves.It is true; every teddy bear is, indeed, unique. Look at the bearsfaces; enjoy their faces. The enchantment[魅力] and the mystique will last forever!


















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