
时间:2022-10-16 11:03:42


I woke up to take the SAT at 5:30. Yes, 5:30 a.m.. I wasn’t bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, I wasn’t awake at all, but I gathered enough strength to slip on my UGG boots, throw my hair in a messy bun, and put on a sweatshirt.2 It was 15 minutes before I had to leave to get to the test center when something terrible happened. I couldn’t find my student ID. But I just took the ACT3 two weekends ago and it is always in my wallet, I thought. Nothing. Zip. Nowhere to be found. My mind raced through everything I did in the past two weeks... rehearsal for theatre—no ID needed then. Yearbook class? No way. What about homecoming... homecoming! That was it. I needed my student ID to gain entrance into the homecoming dance! I ran into my room, ran to my dresser, and picked up my black satin clutch that I brought to the dance, there it was.

I overestimated the time needed to get to the test taking center so I arrived a half hour early. I had never been to the high school I was taking this SAT at so I really had no idea where I was going. I followed flocks of fellow SATers “Hopkins, ... Room 52,” I read. I have no idea where room 52 is, so I went up to an administrator and asked, “Can you please help me find room 52”? “Right over there,”the nice lady pointed... across the hall.

为了参加SAT,我5:30就起床了。是的,清晨 5:30。我无精打采,根本就没有睡醒,不过我还是攒足了力气踩上我的UGG靴子,把头发随便往头上一盘,披上了件针织衫。还有15分钟就必须出发去考场了,这时发生了一件糟糕的事情。我找不到我的学生证了。可是两个星期前我刚参加过ACT考试啊,学生证一直就在我的钱包里,我心想。没有。拉上拉链。哪儿都找不到。我的大脑里快速闪过过去的两周里我做过的所有事情……戏剧彩排——当时不需要学生证啊。年刊课呢?不可能。是不是校友返校节……校友返校节!对了。我需要学生证进入校友返校节舞会!我跑进我的房间,冲向梳妆台,拿起我带到舞会上的那个黑色绸子手包,学生证就在那里。


I stood there outside of the room with the other students, waiting for the supervisor to open the doors. Then I saw a boy who was wearing a shirt, a smooth tie, nice khaki pants, and a shiny pair of brown loafers. I looked down at my UGG boots and sweatshirt... Um, maybe I should’ve dressed nicer. Was this guy going to score a 2400 on his SAT because he dressed the part? I looked around at the other students—they were all dressed like me. While I give that boy props for being professional, I don’t think dressing so nicely would have been the best option for me. I concentrate far better when I’m comfortable, but I suppose that is just personal preference. Suddenly, to my relief, the supervisor came and opened the classroom doors.

When we were finally inside room 52, I realized how freezing it was. The heater hadn’t been on and the seats were as cold as ice. Alright then. The supervisor then started to walk around, checking everyone’s calculator to make sure they were“approved devices”.

At around 8:25, the test started. I was pacing my way through irritating word problems, tedious grammar sections, and reading and comprehension sections. The supervisor kept walking around the room picking up each student’s extra pencils and “graciously” sharpening them for us. Really? REALLY?

I turned the page when instructed to, praying it wasn’t another math section—and it wasn’t. It was a reading section—great! I started reading the excerpt given and was shocked to discover that it wasn’t a boring piece about astrology4 or biological science. Rather, it was an excerpt from a romantic novel. I became a little carried away5 with reading it and at times I wanted to say “Awww!” aloud. My heart was totally swooning6 and I think I was smiling. Hopefully I got the questions from that section right because I actually had fun answering them. Who knew the SAT could actually bring joy?

After section 10, the test was over. It was about 1 p.m. when I got out of room 52. I walked outside of the building and sat on a bench near the front of the school, waiting for my mom to pick me up.







1. SAT: Scholastic Assessment Test,学术能力评估考试,SAT是美国的学术能力评估测试,由美国大学委员会(College Board)主办,SAT成绩是世界各国高中生申请美国名校学习及奖学金的重要参考。

2. bright-eyed and bushy-tailed: 精神饱满的,神采奕奕的;UGG : 雪地靴品牌名。

3. ACT: American College Testing, 美国大学入学考试。

4. astrology: 星象,占星术。

5.carry away: 吸引住。

6. swoon: 狂喜,昏厥,着迷。

上一篇:填字游戏:挑战无处不在 下一篇:美国名校常春藤