理清句子结构 识别似是而非

时间:2022-10-15 07:34:23

理清句子结构 识别似是而非

中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2017)01-084-01


1. The company and the effect ___ brought about did great good to our business in western countries.

A. what B. which C. that D. it

2. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ___ the next year.

A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out

3. ____ different life today is ____ what it was 30 years ago!

A. How; from B. What a; from C. What; from D. How; with

第一}受思维定势影响而会错选B。但只要我们仔细地分析句子结构以及正确理解整个句意,则可看出此题应选D。因为the company和the effect并不是并列作先行词,只有the effect是先行词,所以应选it来替代前面的the company在定语从句中作主语,省略了引导定语从句的关系代词that/ which。本句的意思是:公司以及公司所造成的影响对于我们在西方国家的生意具有很大的好处。


第三题会认为what修饰a different life而错选B。事实上,通过分析我们会判断出此句感叹的是句子的表语different而不是a different life, 因此次感叹句应用how来引导。其句子主语是life today。本句的意思是:今天的生活与三十年前相比是多么的不同啊!



1. Mr. Li made up his mind to devote all he could ____ his oral English before going abroad.

A. improve B. to improve C. improving D. to improving

2. Everything he ____ away from him before he returned to hid hometown.

A. took B. had been taken C. had had been taken D. had taken

3. I’m busy now. I’m sorry I can’t help ____ the flowers.

A. watering B. watered C. waters C. to water

4. The more he thought about it, the more questions he thought of ____.

A. to be asked B. being asked C. asking D. to ask

5. ---- I don’t like him, ____?

---- No, I don’t at all.

A. do you B. do I C. didn’t you D. don’t you

6. The girl ____ forward to buying a new diamond ring.

A. referred to look B. refers to looking C. refers to looking D. referring to looking

7. ____ different good manners may be in different places, the principle of good manners is always the same everywhere.

A. Although B. However C. Even if D. No matter

8. ---- What are you making a long neck?

---- I’m looking forward ____ what is going on over there.

A. see B. to see C. to seeing D. seeing

9. You can never imagine what great difficulty I have ____ your house.

A. found B. finding C. to find D. for finding

10. Who would you rather ____ an article for the wall-newspaper?

A. have write B. have to write C. write D. have written

11. The wonderful time they have been looking forward to ____ arrived.

A. had B. has C. have D. having

12. Has the boy who was made use of ____ realized his mistake?

A. stealing B. stolen C. to steal D. for stealing

13. We must stop pollution _____ longer.

A. living B. from living C. to live D. live


1. D 此题考查句型devote … to… (to为介词),all作devote的宾语,all后又有定语从句he could。整个句子补全应为:Mr.Li made up his mind to devote all he could devote to improving his oral English before going abroad.故正确答案位D。

2. C 如若理不清句子结构,很容易错选B。这里he had是定语从句,省略了关系代词that。

3. D 句意为“对不起我不能帮忙浇花”,因此,help后应跟不定式做其宾语。

4. D to ask作the more questions的定语。此句改为陈述语序则为:he thought of more questions to ask。

5. A根据下文的回答No, I don’t at all则可发现前一句并不是反意疑问句而是在询问对方的看法,所以应选答案A,它是Do you like him?的省略形式。全句的意思是:我不喜欢她,你呢?

6. C referred to在句中作后置定语,修饰the girl。

7. A however修饰different并引导让步状语从句。Good manners是从句的主语。

8. B 此句中的look forward to并不是表示“期待,盼望”而是“向前看”,因此应选动词不定式表示目的。

9. B have difficulty (in) doing sth. 省略了in。

10. A 本题考查have sb. co sth.,本句改槌率鼍湮you would rather have whom write report instead of you.

11. B they have been looking forward to是定语从句,省略了关系代词that, that作介词to的宾语。

12. C 如果把此句改为主动语态则为:sb. make use of the boy to steal,to steal在句中作目的状语。

13. C to live longer在句中作目的状语。

上一篇:高中政治教学改革的问题与策略 下一篇:幼儿园混龄活动促进幼儿社会性发展