What I Have Gained From the Movie The Miracle Worker

时间:2022-10-15 03:14:40

Helen Keller is known as American blind and deafwriter, educator, philanthropist and social worker,who also masters five foreign languages and is famous for her indomitable willpower. That was what I have known all about her from the textbooks. While after seeing the movie The Miracle Worker, I have a better understanding about her suffering and struggle in childhood. During watching this film, I cannot stop myself from crying because I’m totally moved by what Helen’s teacher Annie Sullivan has tolerated and devoted to in order to disinter Helen’s soul, as well as Helen’s mother’s consistent love. Although the movie is a black--white version, as far as I’m concerned, it’s a classical work that teaches me a lot about parents’ love, teacher’s love and self-love. So following is the post-view that I want to share with you from those three aspects.

Part1: Parents’ Love

In the first place, it is Helen’s mother’s insistent love that Helen is able to have an opportunity to create a miracle in her later life. Helen’s mother spares no efforts to try to find a way to make Helen have a chance to see the beautiful world and hear nice sounds. She always forgives what Helen does unconsciously and shows an enormous sympathy on Helen. She always protests against anyone who looks down upon Helen. She is totally opposed to getting Helen into an asylum which she thinks is an unbearable place. One day, Helen made a big mistake and her mother asked forgiveness from her father. But her father shouted angrily at her mother “Katie, how many times can you break your heart?” “Any number of times, as long as there’s the least chance for her to see or hear.” replied her mother. From her parents’ quarrel, it’s obvious that Helen’s mother never gives her up though she is terribly handicapped. If only Helen’s mother were cruel or afraid of trouble, she would have abandoned Helen when Helen was just a baby.

In the second place, over-love will spoil a child. Helen’s parents---they love her so much, and even forgive all of her intemperate behaviors. What’s more, they even try to prevent Annie from cultivating Helen just because they think Annie is too strict and Helen is just a kid. They think Helen has already been too miserable to be strict with her. Because of their fondness, Helen become unbridled and capricious at first. So what I want to say is that parents should pay attention to the methods of educating children. After all, parents are the first teachers of their children, so what parents do will have a great impact on children.

Part2: Teacher’s Love

First of all, Annie Sullivan is a patient teacher who is full of love in her deep heart. It’s Annie’s true love that wakes Helen up. When Annie just came to teach Helen, Helen didn’t obey her and always played tricks on her so that they didn’t get along with each other well. But Annie never loses heart and believes she can finally save the poor girl. Annie asks herself “Can nothing be done to disinter this human soul?” But no one gives her answers except her miserable experiences. Her past sufferings tells her “The whole neighborhood would rush to save this woman if she were buried alive by the caving in of a pit and labor with zeal until she were dug out. Now, if there were one who had as much patience as zeal, he might awaken her…might awaken her to a consciousness of her immortal nature. The chance is small indeed but with a smaller chance they would have dug desperately for her in the pit. ” Annie is a so excellent teacher that disinters Helen’s soul. At the end of the movie, Helen puts a key into Annie’s hand to express her gratitude. I fact, Annie is the key to Helen’s success.

In the next point, Annie’s teaching method is outstanding. She let Helen learn words in the real life by touching, and that is what we limit in our present education system. Annie’s teaching methods give us an approach to teach. We really need a new attempt to our teaching and learning---learn knowledge not only from textbooks but also true life.

Last but not least, Annie communicates with Helen soul to soul. Annie opens a door for Helen’s inner world. As for Helen, her blindness and deafness hinders her from understanding the beauty of the world. She is tired of everything around her except her toys. I think Helen, at that time, maybe has some mental barriers. However, sometimes we couldn’t comprehend her loneliness. So as a coming teacher in the near future, when we teach our students, please take care of our students’ inner world. It’s necessary for a teacher to communicate with their students once for a while and pay close attention to students’ behaviors.

In a word, we should spare no effort to search for an effective way to be a good teacher. If possible, we can try to combine children with parents to cultivate students like Helen---after hardship, become radiant!

Part3: Self-love

Although God is so unfair that he gives Helen Keller no rights to hear or see in her whole life. Helen Keller struggles to gain an extraordinary success in the end. From her experience, I learn the following theories:

To start with, each person was born to win. Each human being is born as something new, something that never existed before. Each is born with the capacity to win at life. Each person has a unique way of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking. Each has his or her own unique potentials---capabilities and limitations. Each can be a significant, thinking, aware, and creative being---a productive person, a winner. We should learn to make full use ourselves.

In my second view, we should learn to practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient. If we want light, we must conquer darkness. Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. “There are only two creatures,” says a proverb, “who can surmount the pyramids — the eagle and the snail.”

Last but not least, we should learn to look on the cheerful side. Life is very much like a mirror: if you smile upon it, it smiles back upon you; but if you frown and look doubtful on it, you will get a similar look in return. Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner, but of all that come in contact with it. “Who shuts love out , in turn shall be shut out from love.”

All in all, The Miracle Worker is a meaningful , educational film. Owing to it, some education theories of how to teach children are breaking into my mind. Parents’ love, teacher’s love and self-love are three necessary aspects that a child need.

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