
时间:2022-10-15 02:52:51



It was like one of those magical blind-date scenes out of a Hollywood rom-com1), without the “rom.” I met Brian, a New York screenwriter, a few years ago through work, which led to dinner with our wives and friend chemistry that was instant and obvious.

We liked the same songs off Bob Dylan2)’s Blonde on Blonde, the same lines from Chinatown3). By the time the green curry shrimp had arrived, we were finishing each other’s sentences. Our wives were forced to cut in: “Hey, guys, want to come up for air4)?”

As Brian and his wife wandered off toward the No. 2 train afterward, it crossed my mind that he was the kind of guy who might have ended up a groomsman at my wedding if we had met in college.

That was four years ago. We’ve seen each other four times since. We are “friends,” but not quite friends. We keep trying to get over the hump5), but life gets in the way.

Our story is not unusual. In your 30s and 40s, plenty of new people enter your life, through work or Facebook. But actual close friends—the kind you make in college, the kind you call in a crisis—those are in shorter supply.

As people approach midlife, the days of youthful exploration, when life felt like one big blind date, are fading. Schedules compress, priorities change and people often become pickier in what they want in their friends.

No matter how many friends you make, a sense of fatalism can creep in: the period for making B.F.F.6)’s, the way you did in your teens or early 20s, is pretty much over. It’s time to resign yourself to7) situational friends: K.O.F.’s (kind of friends)—for now.

In studies of peer groups, Laura L. Carstensen, a psychology professor who is the director of the Stanford Center on Longevity in California, observed that people tended to interact with fewer people as they moved toward midlife, but that they grew closer to the friends they already had.

Basically, she suggests, this is because people have an internal alarm clock that goes off at big life events, like turning 30. It reminds them that time horizons are shrinking, so it is a point to pull back on exploration and concentrate on the here and now. “You tend to focus on what is most emotionally important to you,” she said, “so you’re not interested in going to that cocktail party. You’re interested in spending time with your family.”

As external conditions change, it becomes tougher to meet the three conditions that sociologists since the 1950s have considered crucial to making close friends: proximity; repeated, unplanned interactions; and a setting that encourages people to let their guard down and confide in each other. This is why so many people meet their lifelong friends in college.

In the professional world, “proximity” is hard to maintain, as work colleagues are reassigned or move on to new jobs.

The workplace can crackle8) with competition, so people learn to hide vulnerabilities and quirks9) from colleagues. Work friendships often take on a transactional feel; it is difficult to say where networking ends and real friendship begins.

Differences in professional status and income also complicate matters. “It really does get weird when your friends are making tons more than you, or tons less,” said Adriane Duckworth, a former marketing executive now working as an artist in Hamilton, Ontario. She recently welcomed a promising new couple into her circle of friends, but they quickly turned people off10) with their obsession with money.

External factors are not the only hurdle. After 30, people often experience internal shifts in how they approach friendship. Self-discovery gives way to self-knowledge, so you become pickier about whom you surround yourself with, said Marla Paul, the author of the 2004 book The Friendship Crisis: Finding, Making, and Keeping Friends When You’re Not a Kid Anymore. “The bar is higher than when we were younger and were willing to meet almost anyone for a margarita,” she said.

Manipulators, drama queens11), egomaniacs12): a lot of them just no longer make the cut13).

Thayer Prime, a 32-year-old strategy consultant who lives in London, has even developed a playful 100-point scale (100 being “best friend forever”). In her mind, she starts to dock14) new friend candidates as they begin to display annoying or disloyal behavior. Nine times out of 10, she said, her new friends end up from 30 to 60, or little more than an acquaintance.

“You meet someone really nice, but if they don’t return a call, drop to 90. If they don’t return two calls, that’s an immediate 50,” she said. “If they’re late to something in the first month, that’s another 10 off.”

Having been hardened by experience, many people develop a more fatalistic view of friendship.

“When you’re younger, you define what it really means to be friends in a more serious way,” said my screenwriter friend, Brian.

“My ideas of friendship were built by The Godfather15) and Diner16),” he said. “Your friends were your brothers, and anything but total loyalty at all costs meant excommunication17). As you get older, that model becomes unrealistic.”

Some, like Ms. Degliantoni, the fund-raising executive, simply downsize their expectations. “I take an extremely efficient approach and seek out like-minded folks to fill very specific needs,” she said of her current strategy. “I have a cocktail friend and a book friend and a parenting friend and several basketball friends and a neighbor friend and a workout friend.”

“It’s much easier filling in those gaps in my life,” she added, “than doing an exhaustive approach for a new friend.”

Or, they hit rock bottom and turn back the clock to their breathlessly social 20s.

After a move to New York in his 30s, Dave Cervini, a radio station executive, was so lonely that he would walk his cat in Central Park, hoping to stoke conversations. Finding only curious stares, he decided to start the New York Social Network, an activities group for people to find friends by hanging out at Yankees games or wine-tasting mixers. The company now counts 2,000 members, most in their 30s. He considers 200 of them close friends.

“It takes courage for people to take the first step,” he said. “Hopefully, I make it easier, having been there myself.”

In that spirit, I recently called Brian. We joked about our inability to find time to hang out, and made a dinner date at the next available opening.

It is three months from now.




























1. rom-com:浪漫喜剧电影(romantic comedy)

2. Bob Dylan:鲍勃·迪伦(1941~),被认为是20世纪美国最重要、最有影响力的民谣、摇滚歌手,并被视为是20世纪60年代美国民权运动的代言人。

3. Chinatown:指1974年的美国电影《唐人街》,曾获得第47届奥斯卡最佳原著剧本奖。

4. come up for air:暂停一会,休息片刻

5. over the hump:渡过最困难(或最危险)的阶段

6. B.F.F.:终生挚友(Best Friend Forever)

7. resign oneself to:听任,顺从

8. crackle [?kr?k(?)l] vi. 充满

9. quirk [kw??(r)k] n. 怪癖,古怪的性格

10. turn off:(使)失去兴趣;(使)厌烦

11. drama queen:喜欢小题大做的人

12. egomaniac [?i?ɡ???me?ni?k] n. 极端自我主义者

13. make the cut:过关,晋级

14. dock [d?k] vt. 扣(分)

15. The Godfather:电影《教父》,是1972年制作的一部讲述黑帮故事的电影,曾获得奥斯卡奖、金球奖等多项大奖。

16. Diner:电影《餐馆》,1982年在美国上映。

17. excommunication

[?eksk??mju?n??ke??(?)n] n. 逐出群体

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