The Analysis of the Offensive and Defensive Transition in the Modern Basketball

时间:2022-10-14 07:23:56

(School of Physical Education, Yulin Normal University, Yulin, Guangxi 537000)

Abstract: With the rapid developing of the modern basketball movement in the world field, the basketball match is heading to the direction of the high speed, high-resistance, high score and balance offensive and defensive. The offensive and defensive transform into the important link of the modern basketball offensive strategy and the defensive strategy that interlock with each other. It is the quick attack and battle attacks, defensive quick attack and battle field attacks between which a kind of strategy organization form. In the process of the basketball game, it displays certain regularity and takes the link effect.

Key words: Modern basketball, transition, analysis

Transition means that in the basketball game, the transition of the gain and lose by the both parties who in order to fight for the ball-handing. The offensive and defensive transition is not only acting as the linking up transition and defensive two of the links, but also the forerunner of the individual attacking movement. It takes the link effect of guiding the whole team’s strategy programming enforcement of the key link. As to offensive and defensive transition, people gradually transform from the natural transition of attacking and defensive alternation ascend to kind of special offensive and defensive organization form and afresh its understanding. Therefore, the offensive and defensive transition is a problem that is worth further discussion.

1 The Basic Connotation of the Modern Basketball Offensive and Defensive Transition

According to the antagonism of the basketball, people divided the basketball strategy equally into defensive strategy and offensive strategy. In 20th century, people pay much attention on the research of the modern basketball defensive and offensive transition problem and its real connotation.

1.1 The basic content of the modern basketball offensive and defensive transition

The modern basketball offensive and defensive transition content is mainly displays in the below following aspects:

(1) The offensive and defensive transition of the hitting the point and the penalty kick and scoring.;

(2) The offensive and defensive transition that after the turnover of give-and-go or the successful scramble for the basketball;

(3) The offensive and defensive transition that after scrambling the defensive rebound;

(4) The offensive and defensive transition that after occur the foul and loose the ball right;

The above four aspects of the key point mainly displays in: firstly, the speed. The speed is the key point of the defensive and offensive transition. Secondly, it is the collectivity. The collectivity of the defensive and offensive transition is the foundation of the defensive and offensive transition successful or not. Thirdly, it is the reasonable usage of the technology and strategy. Fourthly, it is the maneuverability. In the moment of the offensive and defensive transition, the basketball players make use of various kind of offensive and defensive transition technology, which display the flexibility, coordination, adaptability and maneuverability. Fifth, it is the rhythm stability.

1.2 The basic type of the modern basketball offensive and defensive transition

According to the embodying of the strategy in the modern basketball, the offensive and defensive transition can mainly summarize as the below aspects:

Defensive transforms to offensive

(1) The initiative transforms to defense: It mainly points to that the transformation when the offensive party occupies the advantage condition. Forexample, the making the basket at which moment, the basketball players have high emotion and confidence because of the successful scoring, which can quickly deploy the basketball player’s defensive positivity, and immediately developing the aggression defensive.

(2) The passive transforms to defense: it mainly points to that when the offensive party is on the passive conditions, for example missing the basket, and the rebound was gained by the opposite party, or when jumping shot, the basket was gained by the opposite party of which the transformation of defensive.

(3) The missing transforms to defense: It mainly points to that the offensive party give- and-go, the turnover of dribble and be scrambled by the opposite party which directly transformed to the defensive of striking back.

The Defensive transforms to offensive

(1) The initiative transforms to offense: It mainly points that the defensive party is on the advantage condition of the offensive transformation, for example, when in the process of the defensive, the scrambling, hitting and interception of the offensive basketball players’ ball in the hand, or after scrambling the backcourt rebound, and gaining the jumping ball.

(2) Passive transforms to the defense: under the normal condition, due to the turnover ball and out-of bounds, go against the rulers, the offensive foul or the making the basket and other nature produced a kind of offensive and defensive transition form.

2 The Basic Features of the Offensive and Defensive Transition in Modern Basketball

2.1 The dialectical of the offensive and defensive transition in modern basketball

In the basketball game, it is full of philosophy principles, the strategy formation and development is establish in the foundation of the dialectical materialism of the philosophy theory. Whether it is offensive or defensive, the quick or slow, all are in a state of dynamic balance, which are unity of opposites. The law of the unity of opposites is the basic feature of the basketball game in the contradiction development.

Offensive and defensive exist at the same time, they can mutual transforms and mutual rely on. The basketball game is conducting in the mutual transition between offensive and defensive. The offensive party actively coordinates with the mature technology and strategy so as to reach the best offensive effect. And the defensive party is the effective offensive with overall defusing the offensive party. Therefore, in the offensive there is defensive, in the defensive there is offensive. And the offensive and defensive transition is the bridge of the link of the offensive and defensive. In the modern basketball game, if a team wants to gain better performance, what it shall do is to prepare well for the combining of offensive and defensive, the balance of offensive and defensive. In the training process, it shall not only emphasize on the offensive but also shall emphasize on the defensive as well as the offensive and defensive transition. Only by this way, can the offensive and defensive of the pair of contradiction better be used.

2.2 The coordination of the offensive and defensive transition

The resistance of the basketball game is a complicated resistance combined with many kinds of factors mutual integrity, which requires the high degree of whole team in the offensive and defensive transition. It has the feature of the unity of the height and speed. The body and technology shall combine well with each other. The special talent and overall aspects shall be taken care of , so as the coordination of the intelligent and body strength. If in the court, the basketball players can not coordinate with each other in the reflection consciousness, then there may occur some problem in the cooperation of the offensive and defensive. Then it may loose the advantage strategy opportunity of offensive and defensive. In this way, it may affect the full exert of the whole team’s strategy level, even worse influence unite of the team which will directly lead to the failure of the game.

2,3 the mutability of the offensive and defensive transition

The speed of the offensive and defensive transition is quick more than you can think. To grasp the opportunity of transformation is to grasp the strategy opportunity of the defensive and offensive. Otherwise, it may delay the good chance of offensive and defensive. In the exterior form of the offensive and defensive transition, the offensive and defensive is on a condition of constantly changing; in the interior connection, all the technology, strategy possess the duality of defensive and offensive. In the defensive there is offensive, in the offensive there is defensive, defensive and offensive combine with each other and mutual permeate with each other which display in the interlock of offensive and defensive and the constantly changing.

2.4 The technique of the offensive and defensive transition

As to the both parties of the modern basketball game, and in the whole resistance of the offensive and defensive e, the opportunity is equal. However, in the actual enforcement of the strategy of the offensive and defensive, the both parties are trying hard to create conditions and strategy opportunity so as to fight for the initiative in controlling the ball right. It can gradually destroy the psychology defense line of the opposite party, and transforms the advantage into the successful condition and reduce the opposite party’s offensive rates so as to improve its own successful rate in offensive. It demands that in the process of the offensive and defensive transition, it shall possess higher degree of the strategy and technique.

2.5 The tenacity of the offensive and defensive transition

With the development of the modern basketball game, the resistance of the defensive and offensive is rather drastic, the rapid and frequent trend of the offensive and defensive transition put forward a higher requirement for the basketball players’ body quality and psychology quality whose increased pressure. It is required that the basketball players shall possess full body energy and stable psychology quality which is the basic guarantee in the basketball game. As we can see, in many famous basketball league, most of the basketball players are full of energy, and all of them appear strong and health which just shows that the basketball players shall possess well body energy and stable psychology quality.

3 Some Problems that shall be Paid Attention to in the Offensive and Defensive Transition Training

The purpose of the offensive and defensive transition training is to settle the problems that may occur in the process of the basketball game that the basketball players may commit.It shall improve the basketball players ‘offensive and defensive transition consciousness and application ability of technology strategy. It shall try to grasp the instant offensive and defensive transition opportunity and advantage, and acquire the biggest offensive and defensive rate in the basketball game.

3.1 Attaching importance to the cultivation of the offensive and defensive transition consciousness

The consciousness is the forerunner of the behavior, therefore, in the daily training, it shall not only attach importance to the cultivation of the theory consciousness but also cultivate from the details of the offensive and defensive transition. For example, in the turnover (missing) transforms to defense, all of the team members don’t complain and don’t give up, but on the contrary, go ahead immediately.

The cultivation of the offensive and defensive transition consciousness, in addition to in accordance with the cultivation of the basketball consciousness methods, the coach shall be good at guiding and applying the relative basketball technology. And the basketball players shall listen to the guiding of the coach and do in accordance with the requirement of the coach so as to win back a better situation.

3.2 Enhance the training of the psychology quality

The psychology training is the important link of the basketball game training. When the big score is falling behind, the basketball players usually display the unsatisfying to the judgers’ judgment and complain about the basketball player partners’ turnover, even worse is to give up the basketball game from the inner heart. In addition, in the playing court, the basketball players shall mutual respect and mutual support. This is also the basic requirement. The psychology training is mainly point at that the down to the ground of the direction of the goal and the elimination outside the court and the respect to the inner court judger’s judgment as well as the psychology changes in the playing with the wind or playing against the wind. Also, the coach plays a very important role in the training and basketball game.

3.3 Attach importance to the discipline of the resistance way

Resistance is the core part of the basketball game. And whether you dare to resist or not is the premise of the basketball game, which is just the problem we need to settle first in the actual training process. The resistance way is not only mean that the thought level of the basketball players and the spirit appearance of the basketball players, but also include the necessary psychology conditions, the body conditions, the technology traits and the strategy playing method and other comprehensive factors, namely in the whole process of the training practice, it shall implement the cultivation and training of the resistance way. What’s more, it shall make up a set of countermeasures and index of the inspection evaluation.

3.4 Attach importance to the resistance ability

In the actual training process, it shall insist on starting from the principle of actual combating, and grasp the important link of the basketball player training in the resistance ability. In accordance with the basketball players’ body conditions, and cultivate the resistance technology, and form the technology specialty. It shall actually cultivate the initiative of the basketball players in grasping the time and space in the resistance process and make full use of the technology and strategy ability exactly. At the same time, it requires that in the resistance training process, and the cultivation of the resistance way, it can actually improve the resistance ability and competition level of the basketball players in the actual combat.

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