
时间:2022-10-09 04:59:55


摘要: 颜色的象征意义在不同民族语言中往往有不同的特点,本文通过列举例句,重点阐述了白色、黑色、红色、绿色、蓝色、褐色、黄色和粉红色在中英文中的文化差异。

关键词: 颜色词 汉译 文化差异


显然,每一种颜色的英文单词都可以找到其相对应的汉语单词。但这并不等于两者具有相同的文化含义。以白色为例,在英国,白色往往表示“纯真”、“崇高”、“吉祥”、“幸福”之意。如:a white day意为“吉日”或“喜庆的日字”。而白色在中国,却没有那么“吉利”。如“一穷二白”、“白忙活了”、“往来无白丁”、“唱白脸”等。可见,同样的色彩在不同的文化背景下,被赋予了不同的涵义。我们不能简单地本着对汉语中颜色词的理解去跟英语里的颜色词对号入座。



1.She wants to marry a white man.

她想嫁给一个老实人。(white man:可靠的、实在的人)

2.When he planned to sell his house,his expensive furniture became white elephants.

他想要卖房子的时候,他的昂贵的家具成了累赘。(white elephant:负担,累赘之物。由于“white elephant”有上述的意思,因而出现了“a white elephant sale”即“白象义卖”。不过这种以慈善为目的的义卖,所卖的不是白象,而是有心人士所捐出的家里不再需要的物品。)

3.She is the white-headed boy of the new age.

她是新一代中的宠儿。(white-headed boy:宠儿)

4.The judge will treat us white.


5.The children have bled their parents white.


6.He wants to have a white-collar job and sit in an office all day.

他愿意做一份文职工作,整天坐在办公室里。(white-collar job:从事脑力劳动的工作)

7.LiuXiang is taken as the white hope of the Chinese track and field.

刘翔被认为是能给中国田径带来荣誉的人。(white hope:被寄予厚望的人)

8.Sometimes we have to tell white lies.

有时,我们被迫要讲些善意的谎言。(white lies:无恶意的谎言)

9.According to Zulu rules,a soldier who showed the white feather in battle would be punished to death.

根据祖鲁族的规定,临阵畏缩的士兵将被处死。(white feather:胆小,怯懦)


1.He will be sentenced by his black deed.

他会因为自己极其恶劣的行为而受到宣判。(black deed:极其恶劣的行为)

2.Don’t always give black words to the others.

不要总是对别人说不吉利的话。(black words:不吉利的话)

3.I want your assurance in black and white.

我要你作出书面保证。(black and white:白纸黑字)

4.He fell off the truck black and blue.

他从卡车上掉下来,遍体鳞伤。(black and blue:身上青一块紫一块的)

5.Please blacked out the words you don’t want.

请涂掉你不想要的词。(black out:抹去,出去,终止)

6.He got the black dog on his back from overwork.

他因为过度疲劳,而感到沮丧。(black dog:沮丧,意志消沉)

7.He was the black sheep.

他是一个害群之马。(black sheep:败家子,害群之马)

8.Last time I saw him,he gave me a black look.

上次我见到他,他对我怒目而视。(black look:怒目而视)


1.He waste his youth in a red light district.

他把自己的青春浪费在花街柳巷。(red light district:红灯区)

2.That was a red battle.


3.When he kept criticizing me,l really saw red.

当他不停地批评我的时候,我真的愤怒了。(see red:发怒)

4.He was treated to the red-carpet in the ceremony.


5.4 July was a red-letter day in the history of America.

七月四日是美国历史上值得纪念的日子。(red-letter day:大喜之日)

6.A thief was caught red-handed when stealling on bus.


7.My face was red when you say you love me for the first time.


8.There is too much red-tape in obtaining an identity card.


9.They had to sell the firm because they had operated it in the red for years.

由于几年来他们经营的这家公司一直亏损,他们不得不把它卖掉。(in the red:亏损)

10.Every time we get together,he wants to paint the town red.

每次聚会,他都要痛饮一番。(paint the town red:狂欢,胡闹)


1.He is still green to this job.


2.Do you really see any green in her eyes?


3.If you want to be a successful gardener,of course you’ve gotto have green fingers.

假如你想当个称职的园丁,那你就得有园艺技能。(green fingers:园艺能手)

4.She is a green hand in teaching English.

在英语教学中,他还是个生手。(green hand:生手,新手)

5.Mother gave us the green light to go to a camping trip last summer.

去年夏天妈妈准许我们去露营。(green light:许可)

6.He is a green-eyed monster.



1.He was punished because of his watching blue movies.

他因为看而受罚。(blue movie:)

2.Lots of people worry about the blue revolution.

很多人在担心“性解放”。(blue revolution:性解放)

3.Tess’father was very proud of his blue blood of D’Urbervilles.

苔丝的父亲因出身名门贵族德伯家而倍感骄傲。(blue blood:贵族血统)

4.She is looking extremely blue.

她看上去十分沮丧。(look blue:沮丧,忧郁)

5.It’s once in a blue moon that you get a chance like that.

你得到的是个千载难逢的机会。(once in a blue moon:千载难逢,难得一遇的)

6.True blue will never stain.

真金不怕火炼。(true blue:不会褪色的蓝,引申为真金)

7.She fell off the chair and was blue in the face.

她从椅子上摔下来,脸色发青。(be blue in the face:脸色发青,突然变色)

8.She always read like a blue streak.

她看书总是飞快的。(blue streak:一闪而过的东西,行动很快的人或物)

9.The news strikes everybody in the town,just like a bolt out of the blue.

这消息对村子里的每个人来说都如同是晴天霹雳。(out of the blue:突然地,出乎意料的)

10.The falling flowers always gives sister Lin the blues.



1.You look brown after summer vacation.


2.It is difficult to attract his attention,when he was in a brown study.

在他沉思默想的时候,你很难吸引他的注意力。(be in a brown study:沉思,空想)

3.In autumn,the leaves browned slowly.


4.Believe it or not,everyone of us are done brown.

信不信由你,我们都上当了。(do brown:使上当)

5.When she is on duty,she always does it up brown.

轮到她值班的时候,总是干得很出色。(do up brown:干得好,做事彻底。)

6.Aim at just one bird,don’t blaze into the brown.

瞄准一只打,不要射击鸟群。(blaze into the brown:射击一群鸟)


1.She is too yellow to stand up and fight for her own right.


2.He has a yellow streak in him.

他胆小。(yellow streak:胆小)

3.Anyone who is likely to turn yellow when the testing-time comes will be refused by our company.

任何面对考验可能畏缩不前的人都将被我公司拒之门外。(turn yellow:害怕,畏惧)

4.No one wants to make friends with Joy for he is a yellow dog.

没有人愿意跟乔伊做朋友,因为他是个卑鄙小人。(yellow dog:小人,卑鄙的人)


1.His wife is a pink-collar worker in the company.


2.You look pink today.


3.To me,she is the pink of perfection.

对我而言,她就是个十全十美的人。(pink of perfection:完美)

4.I will never forget the pink of politeness of him when we first meet in the railway station.


5.She is dressing up for a pink tea.






[3]Judy Pearsall,The New Oxford Dictionary of English,上海外语教育出版社,2001年.

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