Happy Halloween!

时间:2022-10-08 03:40:42

每年的11月1日是西方传统的“鬼节”――万圣节(All Saints’ Day)。10月31日之夜叫做万圣节前夕(Halloween)。每当万圣节到来,孩子们都会迫不及待地穿上五颜六色的化妆服,戴上千奇百怪的面具,提着“杰克灯”走家串户,向大人们索要糖果。

Dress up化妆


Almost everyone likes to dress up for Halloween. Some people dress as witches(巫婆),or ghosts(鬼魂),but you can wear anything that looks scary. You don’t have to buy a costume. It’s more fun to make one. You can put a white sheet on your body, only two eyes are outside.为了欢度万圣节前夕,几乎每个人都喜欢精心打扮。有的人打扮成巫婆,有的人打扮成鬼魂,你只要穿看起来可怕的衣服就行了。没有必要去买服装,自己做一件会更有趣。你可以披一条白床单,只把两只眼睛露出来。

Jack O'Lantern杰克灯

You must have a Jack O'Lantern on Halloween. It is made of a pumpkin.You can take your pumpkin to the party and carve a scary face with your friends, and place a light inside it, then put the pumpkin outside or by the window to frighten the ghosts and witches.万圣节前夕你必须要有一盏“杰克灯”。它是由南瓜做成的。你可以把南瓜带到晚会上,和你的朋友们刻出可怕的脸来,并在里面放一盏灯,然后把它放在外面或窗户旁边去吓唬那些鬼魂和巫婆。

Trick or treat?不请吃就捣蛋

万圣节前夕,孩子们都要打扮成鬼精灵模样,提着南瓜灯挨家讨糖吃。当孩子们说出“Trick or treat?”时,如果邻居拿糖果等东西出来招待他们,他们就欣然离开;如果邻居不理他们,他们就会威胁邻居并做一些恶作剧。

“Trick or treat?” means “Give me a treat or I’ll play a trick on you”. It is one of the main traditional activities of Halloween in the West by children. On that day, kids wear all kinds of costumes, knock at the doors from house to house, and ask for candies with the question “Trick or treat?”.

Trick or treat?”的意思为“不请 吃就捣蛋”。这是西方国家在万圣节前夕由孩子们进行的一项重要的传统活动。那天,孩子们穿上奇装异服,挨家挨户地敲门,一边说“Trick or treat?”一边讨要糖果吃。

Bobbing for apples咬苹果

“Bobbing for apples”是万圣节前夕最受小孩欢迎的游戏之一。游戏时,小孩子去咬漂浮在装满水的盆里的苹果,谁先咬到谁就是优胜者,但是是有条件的哦!

A popular game on Halloweenis “Bobbing for apples”. You have to pick up apples from a bowl full of water, but you mustn’t use your hands. You can only use your teeth. 万圣节前夕的一个流行游戏是“咬苹果”。你必须从装满水的盆里把苹果咬起,但是不能用手,只能用牙齿。

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