feel like用法小结

时间:2022-10-08 03:06:59

feel like用法小结

Sometimes the drunken person may feel like floating on the surface of the water or feel like he is falling from a bridge. Sometimes he doesn’t feel like himself, his body feels hot and his legs feel like cotton wool. He may feel too tired to move, and often feels like drinking more...

从上面一段对醉酒感觉的描述中我们可以看出feel like的用法很灵活,意思也很丰富。下面来看看feel like的常见意义和用法。

一、 feel like的常见意义

1. 表示“想要干……”

例如:They could comfort you when you felt like giving up. 当你感到想要放弃时,他们能安慰你。

She got wet through and felt like bursting into tears. 她浑身湿透,几乎要哭出来了。

2. 表示“有……的感觉”

例如:The doctor asked her how long she had felt like that. 医生问她有那种感觉多长时间了?

He felt like a celestial being alone in a drunken stupor. 他一个人在醉乡里飘飘欲仙。

3. 表示“想吃或喝……”

例如:—Could we have lunch?我们吃饭好吗?

—I just feel like some tea. 我只想喝点茶。

4. 表示“给人的感觉(像)是……”

例如:The first time I saw you, it felt like coming home. 当我第一次看见你,我感觉像回到了家。

The stone floor felt like ice to her bare feet. 她光着脚感到石地板冰凉刺骨。

5. 表示“摸起来像……”

例如:What’s this in my pocket?It feels like a nut. 什么东西在我口袋里?摸上去像是个坚果。

The cloth feels like nylon. 这布料摸起来像尼龙。

6. 表示“感觉像(是)……”

例如:He felt so young, so vigorous, so like new grass. 他觉得这么年轻,这么精力充沛,他的感觉就像是新生的野草。

Having had a short rest, he felt like a new man. 稍事休息以后,他觉得整个人都精神了。

二、 feel like常见用法搭配

feel like是“动词+介词”结构,介词like后面的宾语往往由名词、动词?ing形式、代词甚至从句担任。

1. feel like接名词作宾语

例如:London Olympic opening ceremony felt more like a party than a performance. 伦敦奥运会开幕式感觉更像一场聚会而不是一场表演。

He shouldn’t feel like a failure if an athlete didn’t get the gold medal. 一名运动员不要因为没有获得金牌而感到是个失败者。

Every road felt like a shortcut. 每一条道路都像是一条捷径。

They felt like old friends at their first meeting and talked all night. 他们两个一见如故,彻夜长谈。

2. feel like接动词?ing作宾语

例如:Because I wanted to give you a shoulder when you felt like crying. 因为我想在你想哭的时候给你一个肩膀。

The weather was so good yesterday that I felt like singing top of my lungs. 昨天的天气太好了,所以我想放声歌唱。

3. feel like接代词作宾语

例如:It is easy to do something when you feel like it. It’s when you don’t feel like it and you force yourself to do it anyway that you move your life and career onto the fast track. 做自己喜欢做的事情是一件非常简单的事情,关键是当你不喜欢做某些事情的时候,你还能够驱使自己去做,这种自律能使你跨入事业与生活的快车道。

另,feel like+反身代词,意为“感到舒适;感觉身体好”,like可省略。

例如:Although Li Na didn’t feel (like) herself after the match, she gave a TV interview. 尽管赛后李娜感觉不舒服,她依然接受了电视采访。

He felt (like) himself after doing exercise. 锻炼之后他感觉很舒服。

4. feel like接句子作宾语,这时的like=as if/though

例如:I felt like/as if my best friend had just been taken away from me. 我感觉仿佛有人将我最好的朋友抢走了。

He was so lonely. He felt like/as if he was all alone in the world!他感到非常孤独,好像世界上只剩下他自己一样。

After I came back, I felt like/as if I had taken a step towards becoming an adult. 我回来后,就感觉自己向成年人踏出了一步。

But when Jeremy Lin came into the NBA, he felt like/as if he was challenging everyone he went up against. 但是当林书豪来到NBA赛场时,他觉得自己想要挑战他所碰到的每一个人。



1. Linda doesn’t feel like abroad. Her parents are old.

A. study B. studying

C. studied D. to study

2. —How shall we spend the weekend?

—If you a day trip to the coast,the pleasant seaside town of Brighton is only 20 miles away.

—That’s wonderful!Let’s go there.

A. will like taking

B. will like to take

C. feel like taking

D. feel like to take

3. What does it really feel like a broomstick(扫帚)?

A. to ride B. riding

C. to riding D. ride

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