
时间:2022-10-07 06:15:17


[摘要] 目的 探讨αB-crystallin基因在喉癌组织中的表达及其与喉癌的关系。 方法 收集2008年3月~2014年10月南京医科大学第二附属医院及皖南医学院弋矶山医院手术切除的喉癌标本54例及13例癌旁正常黏膜标本,采用实时荧光定量PCR(Real-time PCR)检测8例喉癌组织及其癌旁正常组织中αB-crystallin基因的表达,免疫组化法检测54例癌组织及13例癌旁正常组织中αB-crystallin蛋白的表达,比较不同组织中αB-crystallin阳性表达率。 结果 喉癌组织中的αB-crystallin mRNA表达量及αB-crystallin蛋白阳性表达率均明显高于癌旁正常组织,差异均有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01);不同TMN分期及淋巴结转移情况的喉癌组织中αB-crystallin蛋白的阳性表达率比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),不同性别、年龄、肿瘤分型及分化程度的喉癌组织中αB-crystallin蛋白的阳性表达率比较差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。 结论 αB-crystallin基因的高表达与喉癌发生发展及转移有关,可能为喉癌患者的预后提供一个潜在的风险评估指标。

[关键词] αB-crystallin;实时荧光定量PCR;喉癌;免疫组化

[中图分类号] R739.63 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2016)10(a)-0009-04

Expression and significance of αB-crystallin in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma

XIONG Lin1 MAO Yuan2 MA Jun3 ZHANG Dawei4 ZHU Jin5 CHEN Renjie4

1.Department of Pathology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210029, China; 2.Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Jiangsu Provincial Official Hospital, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210024, China; 3.Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Yiji Shan Hospital of Wannan Medical College, Anhui Province, Wuhu 241001, China; 4.Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210029, China; 5.Military Medical Research Institute of Nanjing Military Region, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210002, China

[Abstract] Objective To examine the expression of αB-crystallin in human laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) and investigate the relationship between its expression and LSCC. Methods A total of 54 cases of LSCC and 13 cases of adjacent normal tissues were collected from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University and Yiji Shan Hospital of Wannan Medical College from March 2008 to October 2014. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (8 LSCC tissues, 8 adjacent normal tissues) and immunohistochemistry (54 LSCC tissues and 13 adjacent normal tissues) were performed to detected the expression of αB-crystallin gene and protein in LSCC. The positive expression rate of αB-crystallin in different tissues was compared. Results The positive expression rate of αB-crystallin mRNA and protein in LSCC were significantly higher than those in tumor-adjacent normal tissues, the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.01). the positive expression rate of αB-crystallin in LSCC with different pTNM stage and lymph node metastasis status had statistically significant difference (P < 0.05); while, there was no statistically significant difference in the positive expression rate of αB-crystallin in LSCC with different gender, age, tumor classification and differentiation (P > 0.05). Conclusion The data suggest that αB-crystallin expression is correlated with malignant phenotypes of LSCC and it may serve as a novel prognostic factor for LSCC.

2.2 αB-crystallin蛋白表达

αB-crystallin蛋白主要表达在细胞质中,染色呈弥漫性颗粒状。在鳞癌组织中癌巢的染色较强,部分见核染,在正常上皮组织中不表达或表达较弱(图2)。54例喉癌组织中有39例阳性,15例阴性。正常黏膜组织标本中11例呈阴性表达,2例阳性表达,两组比较差异有高度统计学意义(χ2 = 14.254,P < 0.01)。不同性别、年龄、肿瘤分型及分化程度的喉癌组织中αB-crystallin蛋白的阳性表达率比较差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05);不同TMN分期及淋巴结转移情况的喉癌组织中αB-crystallin蛋白的阳性表达率比较差异均有统计学意义(χ2 =6.591、10.634,均P < 0.05),Ⅲ~Ⅳ期、有淋巴结转移喉癌组织染色强度显著高于Ⅰ~Ⅱ期、无淋巴结转移者。

3 讨论


本研究发现,喉癌组织中的αB-crystallin mRNA表达水平明显高于癌旁正常组织,免疫组化结果也显示喉癌组织中αB-crystallin蛋白阳性表达率明显高于癌旁正常组织,差异均有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01),与αB-crystallin在其他肿瘤中的研究结果一致[7-10]。可能是由于αB-crystallin可以通过内在的线粒体途径和外在的凋亡受体阻断细胞凋亡的信号传递,抑制了细胞的凋亡,从而有促进肿瘤的形成[6]。本研究发现αB-crystallin Ⅲ~Ⅳ期喉癌组织的染色强度显著高于Ⅰ~Ⅱ期,可能机制为αB-crystallin的表达促进上皮细胞恶性转化,并使肿瘤细胞进一步恶性增殖,同时使肿瘤细胞易于迁移侵袭[6]。本研究中,有淋巴结转移的喉癌组织中αB-crystallin蛋白阳性表达率明显高于无淋巴结转移者,提示αB-crystallin也有促癌生长及肿瘤转移的特性,最近的文献也进一步支持了这种结论[6]。但是,也有研究显示,αB-crystallin在一些头颈部肿瘤中表达下降或缺失,如甲状腺癌、鼻咽癌[17-18],这些研究提示了αB-crystallin基因在某些肿瘤发病机制中可能发挥着肿瘤抑制的作用。Chin等[5]研究发现头颈癌肿瘤组织有αB-crystallin基因过表达现象,其过表达与预后呈明显负相关,且其中19例αB-crystallin过表达但无淋巴结转移的患者中有7例复发,提示αB-crystallin可能具有潜在的、较淋巴结转移更有意义的患者预后的评估指标。本研究病例数较少,期待在后续的研究中对αB-crystallin及喉癌预后作出更有意义的评估。



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(收稿日期:2016-06-30 本文编辑:任 念)

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