On the Advantages, Disadvantages and Development Countermeasures of Using Multim

时间:2022-10-05 01:05:35

Abstract. Combined with the author’s teaching practice on Fruit Trees Professional courses for many years, analyzed the teaching situation of multimedia, surd of the advantages of multimedia teaching, but also pointed out some disadvantages in the teaching, and provided the countermeasures aimed at the teaching development of using multimedia teaching in Fruit Trees Professional Courses situation.

Key words: Multimedia Teaching; Advantages; Disadvantages; Development Countermeasures; Fruit Trees Professional

1 Introduction

Multimedia technology refers to the use of computer text, graphics, images, sound, animation, video and other information processing, and logic and human-computer interaction technology. Multimedia teaching refers to teachers in specific teaching and learning activities using multimedia technology to the processing of text, voice, image, animation, abstract rigid concepts, formulas, theorems, vivid images, text and information on teaching. The image of the video and other forms showed out of teaching methods. With the continuous improvement of the conditions of higher education, colleges and universities on the teaching methods to actively introduce the multimedia teaching, multimedia teaching has become a teaching atmosphere, combined with his years of teaching practice as a teacher for the Fruit Trees Specialized courses for Fruit Trees Specialized theory class multimedia teaching to analyze the situation and personal view.

2 The strengths of multimedia teaching in courses of Fruit Trees Specialized

2.1 Multimedia technology create an interactive communication environment in the teaching process

Fruit Trees Specialized professional courses are taught a variety of fruit trees of the shape and habits, cultivation and management of knowledge, this knowledge is boring and combine pictures, video, audio for multimedia instruction can vividly demonstrated to the students in the classroom, enhance and students ability to interact, and visually illustrate a problem, can make the classroom a lively atmosphere, enhanced the enthusiasm of the students lectures. For example, in the lectures of the morphological characteristics of plums, can take advantage of the multimedia settings plums of different photos, photos can freely zoom in and out, not only allow students to form see plums different organs, but also to understand the plums whole plant morphology; Taught fruit tree pruning, combined with animation settings, drop-down a branches, set the branches to bend down, cutting back a branches, set up the branches from the tree. Such a realistic image of the visual display of process of pruning, and the other with the sound, do the sound and map and give such a boring theoretical content visualization, to improve students' cognitive conditions, to stimulate student interest in learning.

2.2 Multimedia technology help teachers better control of the teaching activities

Multimedia teaching has changed the traditional teaching and “a mouth, a book, a pen, a board” monotonous mode, increases classroom capacity, accelerates the rhythm of teaching, improves the efficiency of teaching, so that teachers can better control the teaching and learning activities. Poor grasp of the teaching activities of the traditional teaching mode, the first teaching time, only 90 minutes of a lesson, the teacher writing on the blackboard, have students take notes, sometimes have to draw, have an explanation, has student sleet thinking, discussion and question time, the experience is not particularly rich in teachers, most often a last class phenomenon. Multimedia teaching better control of time, lesson planning, design how long the video, there are a few the PPT, each PPT about how long the teaching process, only this time grasped the rhythm, it will not to appear last class or class phenomenon in advance; Another control in the teaching content, also can omit the writing on the blackboard, drawing in the process of multi-media teaching, teachers' classroom capacity can increase, increased capacity in the basic knowledge of the provisions of the outline of the lesson content based on the supplementary, teachers can be combined with the time set, time for another student take notes can be longer or shorter, the main contents of records take notes better, the end of the course can copy of the class teaching courseware to students, There is no record full of students in the review process, coupled with the completion, so that whole class teaching content easy to control, not affected by time.

3 The problems of multimedia teaching in courses of Fruit Trees Specialized

3.1 The application of the concept has not changed, ignoring the professional theoretical basis for learning

The advantages of multimedia teaching require teachers to use correctly, but in the specific practice of teachers of Fruit Trees Specialized and found that the application of the concept of individual teachers, multimedia teaching has not changed. Multimedia teaching, use of multimedia technology assisted teaching, it combines advanced teaching philosophy, strange abstract of the contents of a specific image, easy-to-a form acceptable to present to the students and guide students to independent learning, discovery, explore problems, thus establishing the dominant position of the students in the teaching process. However, many teachers still think that the student's task is limited to receiving teachers to impart knowledge content. Limited to the impact of this concept, the application of multimedia technology is still essentially based on teacher-centered teaching model, but is a modern electric pumping to replace traditional irrigation multimedia technology, and thus failed to really play a role. In addition, multimedia technology to overcome the content of teaching is not enough not enough and intuitive image of the traditional drawbacks, and provides a new way to solve learning problems and confusion for learners. However, individual teachers, as long as the use of multimedia technology can be a natural teaching optimization, saving time and efficient, this neglect of the professional learning of the basic theory, leading to a structural lack of basic theoretical knowledge of multimedia teaching, teaching content unskilled, leaving computer screen at a loss, can not ease the control of classroom content, affecting the quality of the multimedia teaching.

3.2 Lower level of courseware and less than classroom design capacity

Fruit trees mostly from the professional teacher graduates of agricultural colleges and universities, professional knowledge, but lack the knowledge and skills of related disciplines courseware production, especially in middle-aged teachers do not possess basic courseware production capacity. And even individual teachers for multimedia technology feel the fears that lead to mistakes in handling unskilled in the teaching process, affecting the progress of teaching, in particular, and worry about failure interrupted the teaching phenomenon, leading to the entire class nervously. Individual teachers learned the initial multimedia technology after training, but are limited to the use of common office software such as Office, WPS, etc. to assist the office, not according to the needs of the disciplines, the use of Authorware, PowerPoint, Founder Author Tool and other educational software the preparation of the corresponding courseware. There are a small number of teachers able to produce courseware, but in fact only a replica of the textbook text, which is equivalent to the electronic version of textbooks, not only produced a rough, poor level, but the form of a single, can not effectively improve the quality of teaching. And many teachers due to lack of classroom design theory and technology literacy, feel perplexed do not know through what channels, With which methods to solve problems and difficulties encountered; Some teachers are not confident, feel powerless in the elements of strategy, technology and methods integrated into the instructional design program; Or hard to make the teaching of design put into classroom practice, often unconsciously partially or completely abandon the established design, one thinks, to improvise their own emotional experience of teaching, which is lack of design capabilities led to self-confidence to lack of performance.

3.3 Over-reliance on multimedia, technology abuse serious

Multimedia technology, with its sound, video, text, images, etc. rolled into one advantage, with unprecedented expressiveness, can be simulated by a strong sense of reality; can lead to students’ positive emotional changes and interest in learning. The other hand, the multimedia courseware carry too much media, but also make students feel dazzled, overwhelmed easily lead students to receive and deal with disorders of the symbol information capacity, adversely affect the development of students’ creative thinking. Some teachers over-reliance on the advantages of multimedia teaching, pinned hope to optimize the teaching in multimedia technology in the classroom as much as possible the use of multimedia, can not wait the whole book is made into the courseware. In particular, the teaching activities of the quality classes, demonstration classes does not seem to use multimedia technology can not be regarded as a good lesson. This resulted in the abuse of technology; In fact, if the student has been a long audio-visual bombing, can easily lead to mental and physical exhaustion, but to reach the desired teaching.

4 The development countermeasures of multimedia teaching of Fruit Trees Specialized course

4.1 Change the traditional concepts, adjusting roles

By multimedia technology training, change perceptions and attitudes of teachers teaching, teachers from the cultural knowledge to the students' knowledge system builders. The application of multimedia technology, not only to update the concept of education, but also makes the teachers' job functions and status of a shift. Teachers are required to use this as an opportunity to build a new teaching model, academic knowledge to be effectively integrated into the multimedia technology, and improve the quality of teaching to help students construct their own knowledge system, stimulate their curiosity and enthusiasm, so as to actively play the multimedia teaching role. For majority teachers of Fruit Trees Professional, because of the trickle-down effect of multimedia technology, scientific and technological content of the teaching work to deliver improvements,daily work, preparing lessons, lessons, correcting homework and other repetitive work will no longer seem simple and boring, help teachers to get rid of the traditional image of the long-standing “Teaching Worker”, re-correct positioning of their own role. Teachers should do to promote students’ self-construction of meaning mentor, provide appropriate guidance to help students overcome psychological dependence, and help students to create the optimal conditions of the teaching situation, student, and independent study course developers.

4.2 Strengthen teacher training, to improve information literacy

The multimedia teacher technology training is not to let each teacher computer skills as much as possible, but to help and encourage teachers to improve the application of multimedia technology for teaching ability as soon as possible. First, universities should have a planned way to carry out standardized and user-friendly multimedia technical skills training, to mobilize the enthusiasm of the majority of teachers, enabling them to quickly grasp the functions and theories of modern multimedia technology, and can be used to guide teaching practice. Second, universities should be organized to carry out a variety of applications of multimedia technology teaching contest, to master the skills of multimedia teaching-oriented, improving teachers’ control multimedia devices and applications of multimedia technology in teaching ability. In addition, with the in-depth development of multimedia technology, in order to adapt to the needs of the educational reform, to improve the teachers’ information literacy has become an important prerequisite of multimedia teaching quality. Information literacy as a high-level cognitive skills, with critical thinking, problem-solving skills, have become teachers adapt to the situation, to carry out their own learning, to promote their own sound and development must have the basic capabilities. In teaching practice, teachers have the amount of disciplinary expertise and information literacy level, the decision to the effective use of multimedia resources to improve the efficiency of teaching, whether the times involved in the development and utilization of curriculum resources, whether stimulate, arouse the students’ creative thinking and active learning initiative.

4.3 Optimization of instructional design, well-prepared courseware

The instructional design is the key to multimedia teaching. Instructional design should follow the principle of "Complementary" to be closely linked to curriculum, from the reality, and reasonable allocation of time, to play multimedia technology advantage, but also pay attention to play the leading role of teachers. The idea of instructional design, structural features are suitable for students age characteristics, in line with students’ cognitive law; Design content structure and form of expression to be consistent with the teaching principles and the teaching methods used; the contents of the design must be in line with modern teaching theory. At the same time, to consider the close cooperation between the multimedia technology and traditional teaching methods, multi-media teaching and traditional teaching should co-ordinate planning, reasonable arrangement, each other, strive to get the best teaching results. The preparation of multimedia courseware should be the central idea of the syllabus, textbook as the main theoretical sources, with multimedia visual image, strong performance advantage, the focus of the course content and difficulty of implementation breakthrough of aesthetic crack traditional teaching common problems under normal circumstances, courseware production of teaching resources are often fragmented, teachers need to design of rational combination of text, images, audio and video and other multimedia resources, making it a complete system of classroom teaching. In the preparation of the courseware, we must master the basic theory of the courseware prepared, familiar with the preparation methods and processes. Courseware interface should be novel to attract students’ attention should focus on teaching objectives, content focus, breaking difficulty and eliminate doubt. Full use of the large amount of outstanding courseware resources in Internet, its essence as I used, coupled with the usual attention to the accumulation of higher and higher, should enable the production of courseware quality, teaching effectiveness will be getting better and better.

5 Conclusion

In summary, with the condition improvement of teaching in universities, multimedia teaching has become a necessary means to carry out the new curriculum. Fruit Trees Specialized courses of instruction and multimedia technology combining undoubtedly not only reduce the burden on teachers, provide teachers with a broader space to optimize the teaching, but also easy for students to create a lively learning environment. But not exaggerated the role of multimedia teaching in Fruit Trees Specialized courses teaching, teachers should be the need to continue to practice and exploration, in the continuous development of science and technology, and strive to use this technology to continuously improve the quality of their teaching.


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