
时间:2022-10-04 03:39:01


[摘要] 在当今经济全球化信息化的时代,我国要建立完善的社会主义市场经济体制,必须学习借鉴先进国家的经济理论,在翻译域外经济学理论时要做到“信、达、雅”,准确地表达出作者的原意。萨缪尔森《经济学》出版以来的多种不同版本是伴随着美国和世界经济发展而变化的,从它的演变中能够看到美国及世界经济学的变迁,翻译工作也应该反映这种新的变化,以适应我国经济学教学和经济工作者的需要。

[关键词] 经济学 翻译 准确性


最近,笔者阅读由McGraw-Hill Companies出版的英文第17版《经济学》时,参考萧琛主译该书第17版中译本,发现中译本有多处不妥切之处,归纳起来有四种情况:译文不准确、误译、多译和漏译。为了行文的方便,文中以“17(英)”代表英文第17版,“16(英)” 代表英文第16版(机械工业出版社影印,1998年7月第1版),“17(中)”代表萧琛主译英文第17版的中文版(人民邮电出版社,2004年1月第1版 )。所谓“不准确” 是指17(英)和16(英)大意相同,而第17(英)有的词汇已经作了修改,17(中)却未反映出来。“错误” 是指17(英)较16(英)有较大的变化,可是17(中)未做相应的修正。“多译”是指16(英)中有的句子,17(英)中已经删除,但在17(中)依然存在的句子。“漏译”是指17(中)漏掉了17(英)的句子。另外,文中出现“左”、“右”代表每一页的左半部分和右半部分。



1.17(英)第414页,左第2段第3行:“The communist leaders of the former SovietUnion proclaimed that they would overtake the West economically. History proved that to be a hollow promise, …”

16 (英) 第371页,右最后一段第3行:“The communist leaders of the former Soviet Union proclaimed that they would soon overtake the West economically.History proved that to be a hollow macroeconomic promise , …”

17(中)第331页,倒数第1段译文是:“前苏联的共产党领导人曾夸口不久后将在经济上超过西方,历史证明这只是一句空洞的宏观经济的口号。”显然,17(英)已经去掉“soon”和“macroeconomic”两个单词,而在17(中)没有修改过来,把16 (英)的译文照搬过来了。

2.17(英)第414页,左第3段:“This chapter will serve as an introduction to macroeconomics. It presents the major concepts and shows how they apply to key historical and policy questions of recent years .”

16(英)第372页,右第3段:“This chapter will serve as an introduction to macroeconomics. It presents the major concepts and theories and shows how they apply to many of the key historical and policy questions of recent years .”


17(英)已经删除“and theories”和“many of the”,而17(中)仍然保留着“理论要点”和“许多”的字样。显然,译者最起码是没有认真看原文,就把16(英)的译文照搬过来。作者对16(英)的修改是结合美国经济和世界经济的发展,理论和实践紧密结合的,他们对某些词汇的取舍,不是随意的,而是有用意的。

3.17(英)第415页,左倒数第1段第1句:“…and macroeconomists often differ on the proper approach to take when confronted with high inflation, rising unemployment, or slow growth.”

16(英)则是:“…and macroeconomists differ greatly on …when confronted with high inflation, rising unemployment, or stagnant growth.”

17(中)译文却是:“面对高通货膨胀率、高失业率和经济停滞,宏观经济学家的主张非常地不统一。”“often differ on”与“differ greatly on”虽然只是一字之差(前者是经常地不统一,后者则是非常地不统一),可是它们的意思有很大的不同。再有“slow growth.”与“stagnant growth.”,前者是“经济增长缓慢”,后者则是“经济停滞”,二者的含义是有区别的。

4.17(英)第416页,右第2段第1句中“Real GDP”译成“实际GDP的各种变动”。寻找原因发现16(英)原文则是“Movements in real GDP…”,也就是说,17(中)的译文对应的还是16(英)。

5.17(英)第423页,图20-5文字说明“international trade”,应该是“国际贸易”,而在17(中)译文却为“外贸”,这显然是16(英):“foreign trade”的译文。

6.17(英)第426页,左图20-7文字解释“military spending”确切的译文是“军事开支”在17(中)译文为“国防开支”,这又是16(英)中“defense spending”的译文。



1.17(英)第 413页, 第4段原文是:“The development of macroeconomics has been one of the major breakthroughs of twentieth-century economics,…At the same time, economists have endeavored to understand the mechanics of long-term economic growth.…or take measures to deal with imbalances that arise in foreign trade or international finance .”

16(英)第372页,左第2段是:“One of the major breakthroughs of twentieth-century economics has been the development of macroeconomics.…In the last 30 years,economics have devoted their attention to undersdanding the mechanics of long-term growth.…or curb large foreign trade surpluses or deficits.”

17(中)第331页,第4段译文是:“20世纪经济学的一项主要突破是宏观经济学的发展。……在过去的30年中,经济学家又致力于讨论长期增长机制问题。……控制对外贸易或国际金融领域中过多的盈余或赤字。”很明显,17(英)“At the same time,”应该是“与此同时” 而译文是:“在过去的30年中”。最后一句话的译文应该是“采取一些措施来处理在外贸和国际金融领域中的不平衡。”这些句子显然是16(英)的译文。

2.17(英)第421页,左倒数第1段:“The exact nature of monetary policy is one of the most important areas of macroeconomics.A policy of “tight money” in the United States raised interest rates , slowed economic growth, and raised unemployment in the period 1979~1982.”

16(英)第379页,右第2段却是:“The exact nature of monetary policy―the way in which the central bank controls the money supply and the relationships among money,output, and inflation―is one of the most fascinating, important, and controversial areas of macroeconomics.A policy of tight money in the United States―lowering the rate of growth of the money supply―raised interest rates, slowed economic growth, and raised unemployment in the period 1979~1982.”

17(中)第337页,右第3段译文是:“货币政策的性质(中央银行控制货币供应,以及货币、产出和通货膨胀三者之间联系的方式)是宏观经济学中最吸引人、最重要、也最富争议的领域之一。1979年~1982年美国紧缩的货币政策(降低货币供给的增长率)使得利率上升,经济增长速度放慢,失业增加。”这一段的错误更明显了,17(英)中去掉了“the way in which the central bank controls the money supply and the relationships among money,output, and inflation”、“fascinating”和“and controversial”可是17(中)译文中仍然出现“(中央银行控制货币供应,以及货币、产出和通货膨胀三者之间联系的方式)”、“最吸引人”和“也最富争议”这样的译文。“tight money”在17(英)已经加上双引号了,而16(英)没有,在17(中)也没有体现出来。

类似的错误还有:17(英)第418页,左第2段第2句是“What exactly do economists look at when they talk about ‘the overall price level?’” 17(中)译文为:“为了理解这个目标,我们需要一些关于衡量总体价格变动趋势的背景知识。”这个译文与原文相差甚远,译文应该是“当经济学家讨论总体价格水平时,他们用什么做判断标准呢?”

17(英)第426页,左第2段倒数第6行:“…the economy grew very rapidly…”译文是“经济都在大大高于其潜在产出能力的水平上运行。”显然,译文是文不对题的,应该是“经济快速地增长”。

17(英)第427页,右倒数第2段倒数第6行:“…with the introduction of the indoor toilet, …”译成了“ 托马斯・库帕发明了室内卫生间之后,……”而正确的译文应该是“……随着室内卫生间的采用……”


1.17(英)第414页,右倒数最后一段:“What are the sources of price inflation ,and how can it be kept under control? A market economy uses prices as a yardstick to measure economic values and conduct business. ”

16(英)第373页,左第3段:“What are the sources of price inflation ,and how can it be kept under control? Economists have learned that high rates of price inflation have a corrosive effect on market ecomomies. A market economy uses prices as a yardstick to measure economic values and as a way to conduct business. ”


2.17(英)第415页,左倒数第2段第2句为:“Increasing the rate of growth of output over the long run may require greater investment in education and capital, but higher investment requires lower current consumption of items like food, clothing,and recreation. Additionally, policymakers are sometimes forced to rein in the economy through macroeconomic policies when it grows too fast, or when unemployment falls too low, in order to prevent rising inflation.”

16(英)第373页,右倒数第3段第2句:“Increasing the rate of growth of output over the long run may require greater investment in knowledge and capital; to increase investment requires lower current consumption of items like food,clothing, and recreation.

Of all the macroeconomic dilemmas, the most agonizing is the tradeoff between unemployment and inflation.High unemployment and high inflation produce economic distress and political unrest.But when output rises too rapidly and unemployment falls,the situation tends to drive up prices and wages. Policymakers are forced to rein in the economy through macroeconomic policies when it grows too fast, or when unemployment falls too low, in order to prevent rising inflation.”





17(英)第421页,右第1段第2句:“One problem that has produced many innovative ideas is controlling inflation.”未翻译。

在当今经济全球化信息化的时代,我国要建立完善的社会主义市场经济体制,学习借鉴先进国家的经济理论是很必要的,翻译域外经济学理论自然是势所必然。在翻译工作中要全部做到“信、达、雅” 实属难事,但至少应该准确地表达出作者的原意。《经济学》出版以来的多种不同版本是伴随着美国和世界经济发展而变化的,从它的演变中能够看到美国及世界经济学的变迁,翻译工作应该反映这种新的变化,这是翻译者义不容辞的责任。

上一篇:试论我国信用卡信贷消费市场的完善 下一篇:商业广告中英语修辞的使用特点与赏析