
时间:2022-09-24 01:16:29

ewgrange is undoubtedly the best known megalithic monument in Ireland. Along with several other ancient monuments, it stands on a low ridge over-looking the Boyne Valley, a place famed in myth and legend. Newgrange is a chambered cairn, a 90 m diameter heap of stone and turf with a ring of 97 kerbstones around the base. The mound is roughly heart shaped and probably was originally built in the form of a truncated cone. The remains of a great circle of standing stones surround the mound. Four smaller satellite mounds, two to the east and two to the west, flank Newgrange and it can be seen from the hill of Tara, where over one-hundred Irish kings were inaugurated in prehistoric times.

According to the most reliable carbon dating, Newgrange was constructed in 3200 B.C., making it older than the pyramids of Giza. The origins of Newgrange are lost in Ireland's misty prehistory; although it almost certainly served a religious or political function. It is an important place in Irish mythology, and is mentioned many times in various texts. The Tuatha D?Danann, who were a mythological superhuman race, were said to have erected Newgrange as a burial place for their chief, Dagda M, and his three sons. CuChulain, Ireland's most famous mythical hero was said to have been conceived there. His mother, Dechtine, slept at Newgrange one night and his father, Lugh of the Long Arm visited her in a dream. Lugh, it is told, is buried inside it. In another famous Irish myth, the couple Aonghus and Caer fled their enemies by transforming into swans and spent the rest of their lives in Newgrange. Interestingly, Newgrange is a wintering ground for the Whooper Swan which migrates from Iceland every October and returns in March.

The site was re-discovered in 1699 when the local landlord, Charles Campbell set his workers removing stones from a convenient mound on his land. They soon had uncovered the entrance stone, and for the first time in over a thousand years people again entered the chamber of Newgrange.

The best known feature of Newgrange today is its orientation to the winter solstice sunrise. The entrance faces south-east and as the sun rises over a period of 22 days around December 21st, its rays enter the specially contrived roof-box structure over the door and penetrate 20 meters into the mound to illuminate the chamber for 17 minutes, allowing those inside to inspect the carvings on the interior walls. The Newgrange roof-box is a sophisticated structure which took a great deal of planning and engineering. Since the passage slopes gently up hill, the floor of the chamber is at the same level as the roof box. For years people have had to book a place to enter the chamber and witness the winter solstice sunbeam - the list is full for the next 12 years, so the chances of getting in are slim. At times, the planet Venus, during its eight-year cycle, is also visible inside the central chamber as is the moon during a 19-year cycle.

Newgrange has some of the finest megalithic art in Europe. The lintel of the roof-box is engraved with a series of eight lozenges which may reflect the division of the year into eight parts. The passage and chamber stones are also richly engraved with spiral, lozenge and zigzag motifs. The signature of the Newgrange builders is the famous triple spiral which appears on the entrance stone and in the end recess of the chamber. It is not known with any certainty how the larger stones which form the kerb and passage and chamber of Newgrange were brought to the site. As many of the 550 stones were found to be weathered, it is believed they were not quarried, so there would have been a huge logistical task in finding suitable boulders and transporting them uphill to the site, suggesting a highly organised community was behind its construction.

The corbelled roof of the chamber is one of the finest of its kind in Europe, and when Newgrange was excavated it was found to be standing intact without any repair work exactly as it had been when first built. The passage and chambers were constructed without the use of mortar and a drainage system was devised to keep the interior dry. Many experts point out that the interior layout of the structure resembles the female productive organs and this seems to be corroborated by the ancient Irish name for Newgrange, Bru na Boinne. The word "Bru" is sometimes translated as "mansion" but it could also mean "womb".

Throughout the ages this eminent masterpiece has always held a special place in the hearts of Irish people. It is the embodiment of a golden age and a lost Ireland, a magical, mythical place which existed when the world of man was young and when small but intelligent communities reached out towards the vault of the sky in order to bring heaven to earth and establish a connection with the Cosmos.






有承材支撑的厅顶在欧洲同类建筑中属于上乘之作,当新庄园被发掘出来后,发现它完好无损,没有经过任何修缮,与它最初建成时是一模一样。而走廊和内厅没有用到灰泥就建成了,而且设计了一种排水系统来使内部保持干燥。许多专家指出,这一建筑的内部布局与女性的生殖器官是相象的,而这似乎从新庄园的古爱尔兰语名称“Bru na Boinne”中得到了印证。“Bru”这个词有时被译为“宅邸”,但它也可以做“子宫”的意思讲。


ewgrange is undoubtedly the best known megalithic monument in Ireland. Along with several other ancient monuments, it stands on a low ridge over-looking the Boyne Valley, a place famed in myth and legend. Newgrange is a chambered cairn, a 90 m diameter heap of stone and turf with a ring of 97 kerbstones around the base. The mound is roughly heart shaped and probably was originally built in the form of a truncated cone. The remains of a great circle of standing stones surround the mound. Four smaller satellite mounds, two to the east and two to the west, flank Newgrange and it can be seen from the hill of Tara, where over one-hundred Irish kings were inaugurated in prehistoric times.

According to the most reliable carbon dating, Newgrange was constructed in 3200 B.C., making it older than the pyramids of Giza. The origins of Newgrange are lost in Ireland's misty prehistory; although it almost certainly served a religious or political function. It is an important place in Irish mythology, and is mentioned many times in various texts. The Tuatha D?Danann, who were a mythological superhuman race, were said to have erected Newgrange as a burial place for their chief, Dagda M, and his three sons. CuChulain, Ireland's most megalithic /,meG9`liFik/ adj.巨石造成的;使用巨石的

ridge /ri_/ n.山脊;背脊

chamber /`tHeimb9/ vt.使备有房间

diameter /dai`2mit9/ n.直径

kerbstone /`k8bst9un/ n.(= kerb)镶边石

truncated /`tr7Mkeitid/ adj.切去顶端的

inaugurate /i`n5Gjureit/vt.举行就职典礼

carbon dating 碳测时法;碳定年

pyramid /`pir9mid/ n.金字塔

misty /`misti/ adj.朦胧不清的;模糊的

superhuman /,s(p9`h(m9n/ adj.超人的;属于神仙的

conceive /k9n`s1v/ v.怀孕

winter /`wint9/ vi.过冬

Whooper Swan 大天鹅

migrate /mai`Greit/ vi.(鸟类的)迁徙

orientation /,4(:)rien`teiH9n/ n.方向;定位

winter solstice /`wint9 `s4lstis/ 冬至

contrive /k9n`traiv/ v.设计;发明

penetrate /`penitreit/ v.穿透

carving /`k3viM/ n.雕刻品;雕刻

sunbeam /`s7nb1m/ n.阳光光束;日光

Venus /`v1n9s/ n.金星

lintel /`lintl/ n.过梁

lozenge /`l4zin_/ n.菱形

spiral /`spai9r9l/ n.螺旋

zigzag /`ziGz2G/ n.锯齿形;Z字形

motif /m9u`t1f/ n.图形;主题

triple /`tripl/ adj.由三部分合成的

recess /ri`ses/ n.壁凹

weather /`weN9/vt.使受风吹雨打;使风化

quarry /`kw4ri/ vt.采(石);挖掘

logistical /l9u`_istik9l/ adj.后勤的

corbelled /`k5b9ld/ adj.以承材支撑的

excavate /`eksk9veit/ v.挖掘

intact /in`t2kt/ adj.完整无缺的

mortar /`m5t9/ n.灰泥

drainage /`dreini_/ n.排水;排水装置

corroborate /k9`r4b9reit/ vt.确证

womb /w6m/ n.子宫

embodiment /im`b4dim9nt/n.体现;化身

vault /v5lt/ n.拱顶

Cosmos /`k4zm4s/ n.宇宙

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