
时间:2022-09-18 09:12:28


摘 要:国家863计划在“十一五”期间,为落实《国家中长期科技发展规划》,启动了 “汽车开发先进技术” 重点项目,对我

>> 经济型轿车营销格局 经济型轿车营销混战 经济型轿车售后服务问题及研究策略 河北省科技型企业自主创新问题分析 经济型轿车"热"的冷思考 中国最受青睐的经济型轿车 聚焦经济型轿车 雅绅特独树一帜 中国十大经济型轿车 中国轿车产业自主创新的市场环境与政策因素分析 8万元经济型轿车能圆家庭轿车梦吗? 科技自主创新,如何落地开花? 财政支持科技自主创新研究 科技投入点燃自主创新之火 自主创新 科技转化结硕果 科技型中小企业自主创新组织方式研究 构建科技自主创新体系 保持资源型城市可持续发展 西安科技型企业自主创新战略研究 浅谈鄂州市科技型中小企业自主创新环境 科技型中小企业自主创新与融资支持探讨 科技型企业自主创新能力的内部影响因素研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

Xinhua News Agency. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology:Auto industry has become pillar industry of national economy[EB/OL].(2011-09-03)[2013-1-8]http:///jrzg/2011-09/03/content_1939735.htm. (in Chinese)


Li Qingwen. Self innovation is the only way to realize the dream of being the leading country in auto industry[J]. Auto Life. 2012(6):10-12. (in Chinese)

甄文媛.建设汽车强国关键在“自主”―― 访中国工程院院士郭孔辉[J].汽车纵横,2012(5):32-33.

Zhen Wenyuan. The key of building a leading country in auto industry is to be independent―An interview with Guo Konghui,the academician of China Engineering Academy[J]. Auto Review,2012(5):32-33.(in Chinese)


Dong Yang. Opportunities and threats that China's auto industry encountered in 2011[J]. China Motor,2011(3):52-57. (in Chinese)


Huang Qunhui. The status quo and developing strategy of China's industry[J]. China Industrial Economics, 2012(3):5-16. (in Chinese)


Wu Songquan. Challenges of building a leading country in auto industry[J]. Automobile and Parts Technology,2012(3):5-16. (in Chinese)


Wei Jiaoshan,Li Qingwen. Inspect China's way to become a leading role in world auto industry from the angle of Germany's auto industry strategy[J]. Auto Industry Research,2011(10):16-20. (in Chinese)

韩镭.中国汽车安全技术的现状与发展[J].汽车与配件, 2011(10):16-17.

Han Lei. The status quo and developing trend of China's auto safety technology[J]. Automobile and Parts Technology,2011(10):16-17. (in Chinese)

刘庭志,陈吉清.汽车行人保护开发与研究进展[J].汽车实用技术, 2012(1):17-21.

Liu Tingzhi,Chen Jiqing. Development and research progress on vehicle pedestrians protection[J]. Automobile Technology,2012(1):17-21. (in Chinese)

上一篇:正确选用汽车工况油耗(排放)试验中的道路阻力 下一篇:柴油轿车燃用F-T柴油混合燃料时的模态排放特性