Unit 6 At the snack bar教学设计

时间:2022-09-15 03:04:18

Unit 6 At the snack bar教学设计


译林版四年级上册Unit 6 At the snack bar (Story time)








2.能听懂、会说、会读,会说日常用语What would you like I’d like… What about you Anything else





Step 1:Warming up


T: Hello, boys and girls. I’m your new teacher today, you can call me “Miss Chen”. Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, Miss Chen.师生用学过的句型自由交谈。

2. Enjoy a song 《I’m hungry》

T:boys and girls , What food or drinkscan you hear in the song

S: hanmburger, sandwich , juice and milk.生回答。

T:What other food or drinks can you name

(设计意图:通过《I’m hungry》首歌曲,既能调动学生的学习热情又引出跟本课相关的食物类单词:hamburger,sandwich,juice andmilk。随后进行一个头脑风暴What other food can you name 让学生说出更多的食物类单词,让学生复习以前所学习的食物,同时还能激发学生说出新单词,为下一步单词学习奠定基础。)

Step 2: Presentation and practice

1. learn the new words

Let’s learn more food and drinks.出示新单词,采用多种形式朗读。

讲解cup 和glass的区别。学习书上的新单词。

2. Fun time


3. Play a game: Magic box

魔法盒将会变出一些食物,如果这是你想要的 食物,就站起来一起大声喊出: I’d like…


T:Oh,I’m hungry .I want to eat these food.Where can we eat these food We can eat them at the snack bar.

Today we’ll learn Unit 6 At the snack bar揭题

When we at the snack bar,the waitress will say: What would you like 你想要什么?师释义并板书。

4. Work in pairs

T: Now,we have some food and drinks here, talk about them in pairs.

A: What would you like?

B: I’d like …

教师通过图片说I’m hungry,where can we buy them 从而揭示课题Unit 6 At the snack bar又渗透点餐句型,让学生先接触这些日常用语。接着让学生看着课件上呈现的句型进行小组练习。

Step 3: Story time

T: Our friends are at the snack bar. 我们的朋友在小吃店。Who are they?

Let’s watch and answer!

S: Helen, Mike and their father.教师出示文中情景图片让学生来回答问题。

1. Watch and tick.(观看动画填表格)

T: Look, there are many food and drinks here. They are…

What would they like?Let’s watch and tick.


2.Read and underline.

快速阅读故事,划出点餐时使用的问句。 What would you like?What about you?Anything else?学习新句型。

3. Listen and imitate.听录音跟读课文,注意语音语调。

(设计意图:进入故事学习的时候,首先让学生看动画并回答问题Who is at the snack bar 并渗透waitress。接着通过watch and tick 这个任务整体感知他们想要什么食物;接着让学生通过表格内容复述文中人物各自想要的食物和饮料,使他们能够清晰地了解本节课的主要内容。然后又通过创编rhyme让学生巩固本课的重点句型:Anything else?和 What would you like? I’d like...

4.Read and act.学生分角色表演课文。

5. Try to fill.根据课文内容填空。

Step 4: Show time


(设计意图:通过创设go to the snack bar 的情景,让学生4人小组编对话,一人扮演服务员,其他三人扮演顾客,让学生体验在snack Bar点餐的氛围。)


1. Copy the new words correctly.

2. Read after the tape 3 times

3.Talk about the food you like


上一篇:国务院创新机制促投资PE/VC又现“疯魔”? 下一篇:协同与创新:高校辅导员团队建设探析