Student Aggression In Middle School :

时间:2022-09-14 03:59:34

(Minnan Normal University,Fujian,Zhangzhou,363000)

Abstract:Resent years,the crime rate of adolecents has raised year by year,so does the student aggression in middle school which is widespread happened in classroom,inside and outside the campus.To intervention the student aggression in middle school is becoming a responsibility of school management and teaching which must not be neglected and delayed.The causes of aggressive behavior include society,schools,families as well as physiology and mentality. The intervetion and management should commence from schools ,teachers,families and society that the intervention of student aggression in middle school is not only about student,but the whole surroundings,we need to jointly creates and safewards a good environment for student to learn and grow.

Keywords:Student Aggression In Middle School;Causes;Intervention &Management


1.Definition:Aggression & Student Aggression In Middle School

Aggression is overt,often harmful,social interaction with the intention of inflicting damage or other unpleasantness upon another individual, physically or mentally.The definition of aggression is based on four levels:Firstly,the intention and consequence of the behavior,if it is to hurt others intentionally is the premise of demarcating aggression.Secondly,if the intention is being put into effect.Thirdly,if the behavior is point to the individual life and may cause harm to it.Lastly,if the object that is being attacked has the motivation to avoid harm on the condition of being in the know. Research have shown that violence and intentive aggression zooming in pubertas and arrive the maximum at about thirteen to fifteen years old which will then gradually decline while the crime rate of adolescents is increased with ages.Thus,it can be seen that aggression is the earlier performance of crime which can make adolescents more antisocial and then may progress to cime.It is a danger zone for middle school students that we should attach importance to,and use a combination of means to intervene and manage.The student aggression in middle school is not an individual case but a universal issue that happens inside and ouside the campus frequently.


Aggression is divided to hostile aggression and instrumenal aggression by intention and purpose,the former is aims at inflicting damage to others,and the latter is aims at attaining objects.Another standard of classification is by property and ways that if it is violate social norm and criterion,which is divided to antisocial aggression,prosocial aggressive behavior and approved aggression.The student aggression in middle school has its characteristics that is distinguished from other collectivity and individuality aggression,thus,this text we’d like to classify it by objective and situation:

(1)Classify by Objective

It can be divided into two kinds of aggression:Aggressing people or entities.Aggressing people include crimes like murder,rape,rob,violence,and the milder aggression like bullying,deviant and other improper behavior.Behavior of aggressing entities is school vandalism that students aggress entities out of revenge,plunder,greed,fun and spite.The loss of school vandalism is reported to be raised recent years,the stolen of school belongings,defacement of articles,arson and so on. Today,the question concentrates on the milder aggression,China has lower crime rate of adolescents because of our regime that arson and gun killing rarely happened,but murder,rape happen occasionally and rob,violence are of frequent occurence.The mild aggression are filled in the campus,and it may turn to weapons from words and fist.

(2)Classify by Situation

By the standard of situation we can classify the student aggression in middle school to three aspects, aggression in class,aggression in school and aggression outside school.The aggression in classroom mainly point to the aggression in class that the aggressor behave aggressively to other students and teacher with the purpose of disrupt the classroom teaching. Most of teachers has encountered with these circumstances like throw things to others,practical joke,interrupt others rudely or insult others which may seems slightly but really harm to the class,above all,these kind of behavior is out of intentional and aggressive purpose that we should pay more attention to the intervention and education that the improper ways may aggravate the student’s aggressive and antisocial attention.The aggression in campus mainly focus on gangs in school that usually include bulling,rob,violence. The gangs problem of China is rarely few years ago,but it seems increased recent years which means the gangs problem is enter and enlarged in campus that is in need of containing and intervention.The aggression outside the campus is antisocial violent crimes and social gangs which is serious and generally break the laws.

The Cause of Student Aggression In Middle School

Aggression and antisocial behavior in adolescents are complex,heterogeneous conditions with multiple diverse psychosocial and neurobiological etiologies and consequences extending across the individual,family,school and community environment.This essay will analyse from four aspects to discuss about the causes of student aggression in middle school:


From the perspective of sociology,the causes of aggression include ethnic and cultural, economic,the degree of education,media and consensus.Ethnic and cultural is the angle of social environment influence the aggessive behavior of students in middle school.The spirit and culture of China is peace,friendship,virtue and morality which is benefit to restrain the attention of aggression.Researches shows that socioeconomic status is an influence factor of aggressive behavior that the lower status tend to be more aggressive.

Media and consensus plays an important role in the social cultural transmission,it is an important influence factor of student value and behavior.Adolescents are awash in violent images from television,magazines,movies,music and the Internet.Constant exposure to media violence may engender desensitization and a numbing of emotional response to real violence.Being submerged in a sea of media violent may contribute to a feeling that all peopole are more violent than thay actually are and that the world is a very theatening place,Also,violent media glamorize conflict resolution strategies emphasizing aggression.The modern society is complicated that apply every kinds of atmosphere for building charactors,and at the same time,more lure spring up that is negative to mental immature adolescents.


The family environment is the most important cause of the aggresive behavior.Over the past 50 years research in behavioral science has documented qualities of parenting and parent-child interactions that contribute to risk for continued aggression and antisocial behaviors in offspring.When a parent set a limit or ask the child to do something and the child resists or is oppositional and defiant,as the parent persist the child escalates eventually causingthe parent to back down.The child then learns that escalating behavior allows them to escape averive requests or demands.The other patterns include harsh and inconsistent parental discipline practices and failure to monitor and supervise children after school.


According to a study of campus damage factors showed that the main factor is the severe punishment.For example, the abuse of penalty control methods,the lack of clear and standardized campus classroom rules, the lack of consistent and strong administrative support and the ignorance of the individuality of students.Moreover, the school is too big, not humane, lack of participate space and teachers’ prejudice and unrespect to students. The students who has bad relationship with teachers are more aggressive.Research shows that low aggressive factors usually include the informal interaction between teachers,students and school,low dropout rate and students’ highly recognized on school.Lower damage behavior factors including the implementation of strict rules and fair, students attach importance to teachers' comments, teachers' non hostile or authority attitude to students' behavior.

5.Other Factors

Aggressive behavior from the view of biological , there are genetic, brain function, and other factors, such as neurological disorders,and there is a certain phenomenon of family violence that are in line with the characteristics of multi gene inheritance. The research shows that the balance between the left and right hemispheres is related to the aggression behavior. Schizophrenia, personality disorders and other mental disorders and brain trauma patients more prone to aggressive behavior than the general population. From the view of psychology include age, gender, personality, intelligence and other factors.The high self-esteem individuals tend to be more superior than people with low self-esteem, and more sensitive to criticism, the threat of this superiority once occur, in order to maintain their own self-esteem that they may tend to some extreme behavior such as drugs, alcohol abuse and othes. The inducement of middle school students' aggressive behavior include the low self-esteem, scores,frustration, crowding, truancy, outside invaders, gang effect etc. Adolescence is an important stage of life, individuals in all aspects of physical, cognitive and social roles are facing the development task of childhood to adulthood, physical is becoming more and more mature, but the thought is still filled with sidedness and superficiality, the contradiction between the mature and immature liable to produce psychological problems. Together with the narrow knowledge, unrich social experience,lack of the foreseeability of the consequences of their own behavior, it is easier for young adults to put the frustration and conflict into behavior.

Intervention and Management


In the issue of students aggression in middle school,the school's role can be analyzed from two aspects, one is the school is an important position for aggressive behavior, as the school campus gang will practice inside the campus. Another point is that school is the only place own the all influence power for adolescents behavior, so that control and intervention of aggressive behavior can not be ignored.The school should pay attention to the problem and establish a systematic management scheme.Here are some measures to help reduce aggressive behavior: firstlly, school can work on building a good campus culture and open resources to promote communication.Secondly,school could establish a standardized punishment system, attacks on the reasonable classificate the aggressive behaviors, and all members of the school include teachers, students, administrators and parents are strictly abide by the rules.Thirdly,school could set up special courses and psychological counseling courses to help students develop self, autonomy, conflict resolution and personal management ability.


School education could only influence little by little,teachers play an important role in reducing the aggressive behavior, teachers should first pay attention to the attitude about this question, the beliefs of teacher really affect the students' behavior and reaction.Second is to make good use of decision-making skills and reasonable incentive measures to deal with emergencies. teaching should have clear objectives and standards of teaching, interactive teaching is conducive to reduced aggression.


Overwhelming evidence indicates that many teenagers involved in serious attacks in their own family or community has had a turbulent experience, antisocial teenagers is come from the improper education, the lack of active care from parents and inadequate supervision. The intervention of the students who has the tendency of aggression need the participate of school, teachers, parents and social.Establish the cooperation system of schools and parents to share information and communicate is an important method to intervent the aggression that the collaboration between school and parents really matters. School can set up courses for parents such as communicate training in that communication is usually the source of generation gap between students and their parents.And at the same time, we should pay attention to individuality of students' family factors and the environment.


Although the importance of safe neighborhoods,antipoverty efforts and educational access in the prevention of students aggression in middle school cannot be under stressed,the roles of violent media need emphasis.Effectively interventing in the epidemic of youth antisocial behavior and aggression will require public health strategies coordinating evaluation and interventions across multiple educational,mental health,community,public policy,public safety and juvenile justice institutions.


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[5]David R.Shaffer.Developmental Psychology:Childhood and Adolescence.2004.

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