天南海北 第4期

时间:2022-09-09 09:12:59

The statue of liberty

The Statue of Liberty(自由女神铜像)was built to celebrate the birth of the United States of America and to commemorate the friendship between the Republic(指美国)and the republic of France.

It stands on Bedloe’s Island (Now Renamed Liberty Island) at the mouth of New York Harbour(港),in accordance with(按照)the wishes of the sculptor(雕塑家)Frederic Bartholdi.

The plan for the monument(纪念像)originated(首创)in France. The cost of the statue was met by the France people, while the money for the 300-foot pedestal(基座)was raised in the United States.

Although the monument was not unveiled(揭幕)until 1886, the idea was conceived(表达)at the end of the 18th century when France and the United States were the only big democratic(民主的)republic in existence(现存的).

How did rde sea get its name?

The Red Sea got its name because its surface sometimes has a reddish tinge(色彩). This colour comes from a free-ffloating type of alga(海藻),or water plant, called Trichodesmium erythraeum. The algae are normally blue-fgreen in colour but have an additonal red pigment(色素)that sometimes becomes dominant(主要的)and dyes(染)the sea red.

This sea is a narrow strip of water about 1200 miles long. It varies(变化)in width from about 250 miles in the south to 130 miles in the north where it divides into two parts, the Gulf of Suez(苏伊士湾)and the Gulf of Aqaba(亚喀巴湾). Extending south-feast from Suez to the Gulf of Aden(亚丁), the Red Sea separates Saudi Arabia and the Yemen from Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚).

How do countries get their names?

Countries do not all have universally accepted names. Holland is officially The Netherlands. Finland is called Suomi by its own people. The names of countries often spring from the discoverer and sometimes from a native tribe(宗族)or even a conquering(控制的)people . America is named after(以……命名)Amerigo Vespucci(意大利航海家,1502年发现美洲新大陆),the explorer(探险者),France after the Frankish(法兰克人)invaders(入侵者),and England after the Angles.

The Greeks and Romans called England“Albion”― which is probably derived(来源于) from albus meaning white and is a reference(涉及,关联)to her white cliffs(悬崖)― the first things the Romans would have seen on their arrival. Spain in Spanish is Espana and in Latin, Hispania. An amusing story of the origin of Quebec in Canada is that it was so called because the French sailors who first saw the rocky promontory(海角) cried:“Quel bec!”or “What a beak?”

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