Globalisation and Its Influence in China

时间:2022-09-05 09:55:03

【摘要】As globalisation goes on, the world is becoming more and more united. In China, the government has joined different organisations, economic or politic, and allies itself with neighbours around the border of China.

【关键词】globalisation tradition new development

With the development of society, more and more scholars pay attention to the word ‘globalisation’. Some see the concept of globalisation as ‘a process that people in many parts of the world are concerned about because it appears to justify the spread of Western culture and capitalism’ (Guinness, 2003, P. 3). Actually, globalisation is the immediate consequence of the spread of European culture across the whole world via colonization, migration and cultural replication, which inevitably affects China.

As we all know, the ties that bind the world together are trade, investment and migration. Through the movement of global goods, money and people, the interconnectedness of nations is increased and the countries become closer to each other. And economic globalisation is usually considered as the foundation of the whole process. As Karl Marx argued, ‘the bourgeoisie spread its tentacles around the world because of the need of a constantly expanding market for its products’, in which process the bourgeoisie is ‘recreating economic globalisation and playing an important role’. And first the influence in China is on the field of economy. On the basis of the affect of economic globalisation, Chinese politics and culture are also changed more or less.

Before the reformation in early 1980s, Chinese economic mode is planned economy. At that time, economic growth was slow and people’s life was hard. In fact, republic government was unable to make economies grow efficiently and unable to ensure a certain future for its populations. Both the government and citizens tried to find a new way to improve people’s life and develop economy of the whole country. Then, the western capitalist world-economy paid more attention to the market and got ahead undoubtedly which spread quickly around the world and drive the process of economic globalisation. Soon Chinese government realised western market-economy mode was more rational and decided to change old mode. After that, economy of China developed at world-shaking speed. In recent 20 years, Chinese people’s life has changed a lot. Instead of being provided everything by the government, they can buy anything by themselves now. And China has joined the WTO and played an important role in the world.

With the development of economy, the politics and culture of China are also changed a little. As Malcolm Waters said, “The state’s effectivity will recede from being the predominant form of political organisation to being a dominant form and from there to being one of a number of players jockeying for position in political arrangements. States will become more numerous, focusing on natural ethnicities, and therefore more globalised but less powerful.” (Waters, 2001, P. 158)

Before 1990s, Chinese government stood on the side of the Soviet Union. With the development of globalisation, although the government still insists on the mode of socialism but they began to reform Chinese economy mode and sought for a new way to be more independent and national. Now China has become a completely independent and freedom country, developed equal co-operation with more different nations, and adjust its policies to the environment of globalisation. New phenomenon also appears at the aspect of Chinese culture. News, ideas and fashions spread rapidly through all kinds of ways. For example, most of Chinese people didn’t know what the Nike is 20 years ago, but now seldom most of them don’t know this brand. They dress in western fashion styles but keep black hair; they talk about Hollywood movies but love Chinese tradition. Most of Chinese won’t give up the traditional culture but they will adopt new ideas to keep pace with the development of modern world.

As globalisation goes on, the world is becoming more and more united. In China, the government has joined different organisations, economic or politic, and allies itself with neighbours around the border of China. At the same time, some problems appear, not only in China, but also in other countries. The gap between rich and poor is widening larger and larger; decision-making power is being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands; the erosion and loss of local culture is expanding larger than before; regional tensions keep on increasing. With the development of globalisation, these problems will become more and more severe, and need the whole world to try their best to solve them. But,we shouldn’t forget that globalisation also involves opportunities for development of economy and expansions of human rights.


[1]Guinness, Paul, Globalisation, Hodder & Stoughton, 2003

[2]Waters, Malcolm, Globalisation, Routeledge, 2001

上一篇:浅析高职教育的发展趋势与政策展望 下一篇:有色行业重金属废水处理应用研究