Export more premium Chinese elements to the West

时间:2022-09-04 03:18:47

The publications for export exhibited by Anhui Jinglun Culture Media Group fully show that the company has taken a substantial step towards the foreign publishing market.

Exploit foreign market with digital and educational publications

At the book fair last year, Jinglun’s digital publications featuring software surprised the visitors and, to some extent, helped visitors have a deeper understanding on digital publishing. This year, Jinglun participated in the book fair with more mature digital publications including those for export which attracted the eyes of visitors at their debut. Jinglun, through the book fair, expressed its new development strategy on publication export.

Mr. Li Chaodong, President of Jinglun, said that the company planned to set foot in publication export many years ago. It has taken 3 years to run the project after a preparation of 7 years. As for entering the foreign market, the company has developed a “three-step” strategy: step one, exporting educational publications aiming at the children of the Asian in North America; step two, exporting educational publications aiming at westerners learning Chinese and publications targeting minority consumers; and step three, taking part in international copyright trade, providing diversified value-added publishing services.

Jinglun has advantages in educational publishing, but it’s not the only reason for Jinglun’s exploring foreign market with educational publications. Jinglun developed such a strategy based on the state’s supporting policies and the situation of digital publishing abroad.

In less than one week after participating in last year’s book fair, Li Chaodong went to America for a market investigation with Jinglun’s digital publications. During his trip, he found that, first, thanks to intellectual property protection in America, sound market mechanism and consumption habits for digital products have formed, and mobile-terminal-based educational software products could be sold independently, which are quite different from the domestic situation; and second, for software products developed not based on teaching materials, their internal logic and knowledge hierarchies are the same worldwide. Based on the above, Jinglun planned to develop products aiming at domestic and foreign markets simultaneously and to take North America as the first foreign market. Through investigation, the company found that the combination of paper and digital products could not only improve the study efficiency of students, but also realize the mutual support of the two types of products in sales. Therefore, Jinglun decided to export paper books first.

In June last year, the Rules for the Implementation of “Supporting Private Capital in Engaging in Publishing” were issued by the former General Administration of Press and Publication. Seizing the opportunity for private publishers to enter the foreign market, Jinglun acted immediately. It set an office in Vancouver, Canada to carry out cooperation with local issuers and educational organizations. Later, products targeting local market were developed and gained the export right from the state. In mid-May this year, Li Chaodong and his team carried out market promotion in Canada.

Win market with high market positioning and minority publishing

With a high market positioning, Jinglun started lower. Having a larger industrial scale and a considerable operating pattern in publication and copyright export though, Jinglun, as an enterprise, still decided to start lower. It knows clear that to go abroad, it needs to explore an approach for product R&D and marketing, find out a right way to link domestic market with the foreign market, and build a model integrating traditional and digital publishing. The sustainable development of an enterprise entering the international market depends on gaining profit by itself instead of state fund and subsidy.

At present, the company has invested a lot in product export. Except the lower domestic printing and binding cost, the costs on R&D, sales, organizational construction and labor were all paid in line with foreign standards.

Now, products of Jinglun are on standby for going abroad. The samples exhibited this time are products to be exported. The first batch of over 30,000 books worth about 1 million dollars will be sold in Canada in July this year. So far, Jinglun has gained some orders from abroad which guaranteed its sales. Even though, considering that many enterprises’ failure in sharing foreign market is the result of defective market operation, the company will strengthen market operation to make sure its long-term development. Like developing its domestic market, Jinglun will thoroughly study foreign market, build rational market pattern and business model and carry out differentiation competition.

While introducing Jinglun’s operating strategy, Li Chaodong mentioned minority publishing aiming at the foreign market. According to him, westerners’ demand for publications relating to language learning, cultural exchange, business activities etc. is not as what we imagined at home; therefore, it’s necessary to subdivide the market and develop products meeting westerners’ thoughts, religions, cultures and habits. Minority publishing means promoting the market of public readings in the way of minority publishing. During the process, the key is changing the way of thinking.

Undoubtedly, digital publishing planning will be a characteristic of Jinglun’s publication export. By taking advantage of its advanced digital publishing planning, Jinglun will better solve learning difficulties as well as accumulate experience in its way towards entering the foreign market. At present, it’s hard to say which kind, paper publications or digital publications, will become the major publications of Jinglun. Maybe, the former will evolve into the “Directions” of the later. To accurately seize the future trend, Jinglun has cooperated with Boston University and Cambridge University in relative research, especially in manning and organizational construction.

More Chinese publishing enterprises will emerge in the international market

Seizing the opportunity of China’s “cultural going abroad” strategy, Jinglun will keep building bridgeheads and profiting channels in cultural export, make bigger achievements in copyright trade and walk forward steadily to realize bigger goals, which are also the expectations of the General Administration of Press and Publication for Jinglun.

At present, Jinglun has set about planning copyright trade, which is at present a vision of it in the coming years. By means of product export and setting agencies in North America, Jinglun will gradually enter the main western markets, exporting more premium Chinese elements to the west according to its demand. At present, product import is not a problem in domestic market. The key is how to select good minority readings from a larger scope to meet individual demand and how to build a larger platform for cultural exchange and integration.

Li Chaodong said that copyright trade, as a long-term work, is the focus of Jinglun and also an important symbol of Chinese publishing going abroad. Therefore, Jinglun will put upon full stretch to carry out the business. Under the good situation, Jinglun will shoulder the responsibility given by the history, acting actively to push forward China’s cultural export. Or, it will fail the great time. Li Chaodong said his dream is that, years later, Jinglun can hold a position in publication export, and on the international stage of publishing, there would be more Chinese enterprises.

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